Actions Suivre Pour Russir En Acn

Mme si vous avez beaucoup de copains, rien ne garantit que tous se joindront votre rseau. La publicit sur Internet fait partie des astuces essentielles dans le but de russir dans l'activit ACN. Ce qui importe le plus, c'est que vous voulez faire tout pour dcouvrir les enjeux des entreprises.

Vous pourriez obtenir des informations, des sports, et aussi l'tat du climat avec quelques clics sur votre tlphone. Au cours des dernires annes, ACN a connu une croissance atteignant un bnfice de 10 millions de dollars annuellement. Vous ne devez pas vous repentir pour parler d'autres personnes, en particulier des personnes arbitraires puisqu'elles seront certainement vos clients potentiels. Il n'y a pas d'autre moyen pour ACN d'tre une arnaque car elle offre des services et des produits de qualit suprieure offerts un prix comptitif. S'ils trouvent les dtails bnfiques pour eux, les perspectives donneront commodment leurs informations de contact.

Juste Comment ACN Fait Des Affaires?

En plus des services de tlcommunication, il fournit galement une connexion Internet, la scurit et la scurit la maison, la tlvision par satellite et bien plus encore. Eh bien, ce n'est pas ACN lui-mme, mais la socit de publicit multiniveaux dans son ensemble. ACN est la vision de quatre experts expriments du marketing net, Robert Stevanovski, Greg Provenzano, ainsi que les frres jumeaux Tony et Mike Cupisz. Il existe de nombreuses socits de publicit et de marketing multi-niveaux, mais ACN est diffrente du reste puisqu'il fournit des revenus rcurrents ses reprsentants. Si vous vous inscrivez l'entreprise, vous allez certainement appartenir la ligne descendante et vous aurez galement votre service personnel en ligne.

Dans une organisation de marketing multi-niveaux comme ACN, le recrutement de personnes pour rejoindre votre rseau peut tre vraiment difficile. Il utilise des technologies modernes de pointe pour vous assurer que vous, votre maison et votre entreprise sont aussi scurises que sres. Quand il a commenc en 1993, il tait tout simplement un peu ferme pourtant, depuis de nombreuses annes, il s'est rapidement transform en quelque chose de plus grand. Essayez certaines capacits de marketing sur Internet pour que vous puissiez avoir des individus alatoires pour rejoindre votre quipe malgr leur ge, leur race et leur degr d'ducation et d'apprentissage.

Si vous vous inscrivez l'entreprise, vous allez certainement appartenir la ligne descendante et vous aurez galement votre service personnel en ligne. Cette organisation est trs utile la fois pour les propritaires d'entreprise ou les entrepreneurs indpendants (IBO) et aussi pour finir les utilisateurs. Vous les attirez pour frquenter les services et les produits d'ACN.

Publicit Et Marketing ACN Utilisant La Puissance De L'internet

Il a t cr en 1993 et, au fil des annes, l'entreprise est devenue quelque chose de plus grand et de meilleur. Gardez votre attention sur le plus grand nombre, tellement comme tous les autres, vous devez ACN Avis commencer par le dbut.Il offre une opportunit d'entreprise domicile pour tout le monde. ACN fournit un bon produit et est galement associ un bon ensemble de rglement. Si vous dsirez avoir un site reprsentatif, vous devrez certainement payer 30 $ par mois.

Acn A Direct Offering Telecom Company

En plus de cela, il existe des facettes immatrielles que vous devriez crer avec le temps, comme avoir le bon tat d'esprit, l'attitude favorable et la capacit de se dbarrasser des difficults. Vous pouvez envoyer vos prospects un message dcrivant les produits ainsi que les services d'ACN. Il utilise des technologies modernes de pointe pour vous assurer que vous, votre maison et votre entreprise sont aussi scurises que sres.

Pour progresser selon le degr suivant, vous devez accder au moins 2 personnes sous vous et avoir cot au moins sept produits. ACN a ses propres services de marque tels que la mthode de la voix sur le net. Il existe de nombreux produits de base modernes bass sur la famille fournis par ACN tels que l'internet, la tlvision, la scurit et la scurit, les forfaits mobiles et tlphoniques, l'nergie lectrique ainsi que les avantages. Si vous vous joignez ACN en tant que spcialiste des ventes, vous obtenez toujours certains des avantages qu'un formateur de groupe possde, mais il existe quelques limites. Vous ne pouvez pas simplement construire un groupe avec votre famille et galement des amis proches en tant que participant.

ACN A Rip-Off Ou Un Certain Type D'un Astrisque?

ACN veille ce que son produit ou ses services soient crs pour prserver l'amlioration technologique actuelle. Il existe diffrentes manires de gnrer de l'argent dans l'activit ACN. En 2011, l'entreprise a commenc fournir des solutions d'assistance technique informatique. La publicit et le marketing d'attraction avec ACN ncessitent une prparation approfondie et une recherche approfondie. Vous devez savoir comment utiliser le pouvoir du Web pour accder autant d'individus que possible, et pas simplement des individus de vos amis et de votre famille.

Vous commercialisez le produit ou les services d'ACN et vous obtenez en mme temps des personnes qui peuvent finir par tre des distributeurs ACN. Avec l'effort et la persvrance, vous pourrez profiter de la circulation continue des gains si vous tes simplement dans votre maison. Maintenir la procdure simple et simple - Une publicit plusieurs niveaux comme ACN a des quipes. C'est une chance lgitime d'organisation domicile pour tous.

De toute vidence, vos premiers consommateurs seront vos amis proches et aussi ceux qui sont aims. Les maisons modernes ncessitent un tlphone portable, un tlphone portable, une tlvision, une protection, une puissance, ainsi que quelque chose qui pourrait tre utilis pour des fonctions professionnelles telles qu'un tlphone professionnel, donc beaucoup plus. ACN ne mettra pas son nom sur la ligne s'il croit que ACN fait une organisation trompeuse. tant une entreprise prospre, il comprend que vous pourriez gnrer un revenu important dans le service ACN.

Exactement Comment Faire De L'argent En ACN?

Vous ne pourrez pas commercialiser travers le monde. Vous n'avez plus grer la circulation ou un officier impoli. De plus, vous ne pouvez obtenir que des consommateurs sur place. Vous pouvez gnrer un nombre incalculable de revenus rsiduels via ACN.De plus, vous ne pouvez obtenir que des clients dans votre rgion. En outre, ACN s'est associe quelques-unes des meilleures entreprises de l'industrie des tlcommunications. En vrit, tous les revenus ne dpassent pas le sommet.

Juste Combien Vous Pouvez Faire Dans La Socit Acn?

ACN est l'un des noms extrmement rputs dans le service de marketing multiniveau. La clientle potentielle des services et produits ACN est tout le monde. Il vous permet de fonctionner et de faire directement dans le confort de votre rsidence personnelle.

Il y aura certainement un tarif rgulier mensuel, annuel, ainsi que des frais d'inscription. Actuellement, ACN opre dans 25 pays sur 4 continents diffrents. ACN appartient aux organisations de vente directe dans le nord des tats-Unis et en Europe. En ce qui concerne la commercialisation des services et des produits, vous ne devez pas vous inquiter parce qu'il y a une formation et des sminaires. En 1999, il a tendu ses procdures dans diverses autres composantes du monde, telles que l'Europe et aussi dans le Pacifique en 2004 ainsi qu'en Asie en 2011. March palatable ACN fait partie des plus grands vendeurs directs du monde et d'une entreprise de premier plan en ce qui concerne le fournisseur de services de tlcommunications.

Enseigner Aux Autres Les Meilleures Faons D'mettre Le Systme Diverses Autres Personnes

La technologie moderne de la nouvelle gnration de ACN tlphone vido de gnration d'entreprise comprendra certainement un clip vido en streaming HD. Il y a beaucoup de gens dans le quartier ACN qui sont prts vous aider prosprer en raison du fait que votre succs est leur aussi. Il a t lanc par quatre spcialistes du marketing multi-niveaux en 1993. Avant de rejoindre contextlinks vous ACN devez vous assurer de comprendre les frais impliqus. Avant de creuser les services et les produits, permettez-nous d'abord d'examiner ACN dans son sentiment supplmentaire.

Il n'y a aucune limite quant la quantit que vous pouvez faire dans l'organisation ACN. Dans tout type de marketing multiniveau, il y aura toujours des frais de dmarrage. Parce qu'il s'agit d'une organisation de marketing multiniveau, vous devez recruter d'autres personnes afin de dvelopper votre rseau. Nanmoins, le paiement, l'excution et l'entretien seront assurs par le fournisseur bien connu. titre d'exemple, aux tats-Unis, l'agent ACN peut commercialiser les solutions offertes par AT & T.

Il utilise une opportunit de service domicile pour tout le monde. En plus des solutions de tlcommunication, il fournit galement une connexion Web, une scurit domicile, une tlvision par satellite, et bien d'autres choses encore. Dans une socit de publicit et de marketing en rseau comme ACN, l'embauche de personnes pour rejoindre votre rseau pourrait tre extrmement difficile.

L'amplification De Buzz Concernant ACN Business

Aujourd'hui, il fournit non seulement des individus aux tats-Unis, mais aussi en Europe et en Asie-Pacifique. Il a t lanc par quatre spcialistes expriments plusieurs niveaux en 1993. Il utilise une opportunit de service domicile pour tout le monde.Vous pouvez envoyer vos clients potentiels un message pour clarifier le produit ou les services d'ACN. Juste un peu de service pourrait le faire jusqu' prsent et ACN est l'un des quelques-uns choisis.

The Reality Concerning Acn Scam

Il y a beaucoup d'individus dans le quartier ACN qui acceptent de vous aider russir parce que votre succs est leur aussi. En ce qui concerne la publicit sur le rseau ou le service de publicit plusieurs niveaux, beaucoup de gens supposent que c'est une arnaque, mais en vrit, ce n'est pas le cas. Donner votre temps dcouvrir les ins ainsi que les sorties de l'organisation, car c'est l'une des astuces essentielles prosprer.

Le pyramide ou le systme pyramidal est un modle d'organisation bas sur l'embauche de participants et leur garantie des paiements ou des services pour s'inscrire. Vous devriez ACN obtenir des gens pour rejoindre votre rseau ainsi que passer du temps, de l'nergie, ainsi que de l'argent pour duquer vous-mme sur la faon d'obtenir d'autres personnes pour vous rejoindre. Avec cette conception commerciale, vous serez attribu en fonction de vos ventes en plus d'un groupe de cration. Construire ACN ainsi que faire un certain succs n'est pas une chose simple faire. S'ils trouvent les dtails bnfiques pour eux, les perspectives donneront commodment leurs informations de contact.

Combien Vous Pouvez Faire Dans L'organisation ACN?

ACN tait uniquement associ la revente d'une solution tlphonique l'chelle du pays. Il existe diffrentes manires de gnrer de l'argent dans l'activit ACN. Un leader doit reconnatre comment vous pouvez montrer et former d'autres personnes. Avant de rejoindre contextlinks vous ACN devez vous assurer de comprendre les frais impliqus. Les termes, la stratgie de compensation et les plans et les traitements sont tous noncs dans l'e-mail de vrification.

De l'autre ct ACN si vous faites plus que les attentes de l'entreprise vous obtiendrez certainement l'annonce. Soyez ouvert de nouvelles suggestions et soyez entraneur. Maintenir la procdure simple et simple - Une publicit plusieurs niveaux comme ACN a des quipes. Mlm est un jeu vido en nombre aussi bien que vous devez proposer une mthode pour obtenir des individus sous vous.

Par consquent, il est ncessaire de maintenir tout ce qui est simple et direct, afin que votre ligne descendante puisse rapidement rpliquer exactement ce que vous faites. Vous pourrez certainement gnrer des revenus via les offres de bonus d'achat client (Taxicabs). Dans la version de l'organisation ACN, vous vous abonnez sous la forme d'un IBO online reputation management ou d'un entrepreneur spcifique.

Publicit Et Marketing ACN Utilisant La Puissance De L'internet

Lorsque vous avez une entreprise en ligne, vous pouvez travailler votre propre rythme. Vous avez un ge lgal et avez galement l'autorisation de travailler. Vous pouvez envoyer vos prospects un message expliquant le produit ou les services d'ACN.ACN est base Concord, en Caroline du Nord, aux tats-Unis. Permettez-nous de regarder la dfinition du plan pyramidal. Donc, il n'y a aucune mthode pour que ce soit une arnaque. Alors, pourquoi il existe un buzz croissant concernant l'arnaquement ACN?

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Shocking rape video goes viral in South Africa

Story highlightsYouths aged 14 to 20 are arrested over a cell phone video showing a rapeA newspaper got hold of the video and handed it to policeA government minister says the case will be a priorityTens of thousands of women are raped in South Africa every year

South Africans woke up on Wednesday morning to the claim that a group of Soweto youths had filmed themselves raping a 17-year-old girl believed to be mentally ill.

The cellphone video is said to have gone viral among school kids in the township south of Johannesburg, and the term #rapevideo was trending on Twitter in South Africa on Wednesday.

The Daily Sun, a local tabloid, reports that it alerted the police after a concerned mother whose daughter was watching the video handed it over to the paper on Tuesday.

"The mother of a teenage girl saw the horrifying pictures and confiscated her daughter's phone. A work colleague of the woman said they recognized home some of the boys and advised her to take the video to Daily Sun," the newspaper reported.

The suspects, aged between 14 and 20, were arrested Tuesday morning and charged with kidnapping and rape, police spokesperson Warrant Officer Kay Makhubela said.

"The video is very bad. The men can be clearly identified as they take turns raping and filming her," she told CNN.

The girl's mother reported her missing on March 21, Makhubela said.

Media reports suggest the police initially failed to open a missing persons case but that they have since done so.

Police suspect the girl was kidnapped and turned into a sex slave.

A local radio station got hold of the video and has been getting requests to post it.

On Twitter, Eyewitness News editor Katy Katopodis said the station would never do that.

"To those asking for the #rapevideo link that #EWN reported on today. Stop! Not happening! We'd never put it on our site. Illegal & wrong," she tweeted.

The distribution of pornographic material is illegal in South Africa.

The station reports that the gang of men promised the girl 25 cents for her silence.

"The girl can be heard pleading with the boys to stop. They crudely jest and crassly spur one another on," journalist Mandy Weiner reported.

NGOs estimate a woman is raped every 26 seconds in the country.

According to the latest police statistics more than 60,000 cases of sexual assault were reported in the year to March 2011, down from 70,000 in 2008.

A popular radio talk show host broke down Wednesday morning as she encouraged listeners to come up with solutions to the problem.

Women's rights activist Lisa Vetten says in the province of Gauteng, where Johannesburg is located, one in every five rapes is a gang rape.

"Rape is a young man's crime. It's a bit of a performance for them, showing off to each other how macho they are. We need to teach our young men that you can be masculine in ways that do not involve violence and degrading women," she said.

The government is well aware that the problem needs urgent attention, experts say.

"We are not lacking in terms of legal instruments to deal with this kind of thing. What we lack are ways of making these instruments effective," said Nomboniso Gasa, an expert on gender and culture.

The country has created a ministry of women and children precisely to deal with violence against women and other related matters.

Its minister Lulu Xingwana says this case will be be a high priority.

"I will speak to the minister of police to ensure that this case is prioritized. Distributing child porn is illegal in this country so the police must confiscate this video," she said in a radio interview.

The newspaper that broke the story says they were the ones that informed the victim's mother.

The tearful woman reportedly said her daughter had been a victim of rape since the age of 12.

"People took advantage of her illness and because my family is poor," the Sun quoted her as saying.

Police did not confirm her mental ability or allegations she had been raped before.

How To Protect, Fix Your Online Reputation

Did an individual at any kind of time "google" oneself in order for you to find some thing negative?

It must worry you. Only one negative submitting can cost that a person simply job

It's estimated in which a lot more than 70 % involving online reputation management costs employers execute a Web search upon job applicants as a component of his or her hiring procedures. more as compared to 1 / 2 of them admit to be able to certainly not bringing a person on board because involving negative information these people discovered online.

It could be some thing a person posted many years ago, or something put into cyberspace by simply someone you know - or perhaps an ideal stranger.

What could you must do with regards to it?

Michael Fertik, founder regarding, had several information on The Particular Early Display Saturday Edition.

Fertik says he started the business a couple of years ago with 1 person. He is now offering 60 employees. His services expenses with regards to $10 the month.

Fertik advised substitute co-anchor Seth Doane that safeguarding your internet popularity can be "as significant as your credit rating nowadays. Each life transaction that you simply have, whether you're seeking to find a job, you're trying to always be able to find romance, you're trying to become able to find a friend - individuals are gonna look you up on the Internet and help to make conclusions according to the issues they find.

"One random, idiosyncratic piece of content material about you about the Net could dominate the Google outcomes forever," he said. "It's this kind of issue: The idea affects individuals who're undeserving, individuals who're sort of using bad judgment, most kinds of different people."

What's worse, legal recourse is actually murky from best, Fertik observed, saying, "The law hasn't caught up yet along with privacy. The Web provides truly changed the privacy landscape in a huge method and also the law hasn't yet caught on best of it. It's lagging behind, so far."

Fertik stressed that, "You have got to become on best of your own (online) reputation. It's not with regards to narcissism. It's with regards to the private brand. especially inside a down economy, folks are searching anyone up, they're making decisions. They're denying you a occupation unless these people locate one thing great about yourself on the Web."

He had three important pieces of advice:

First, by simply no means allow anybody set up your popularity online. establish yourself online to end up being able to develop a obvious as well as positive image of you. Don't watch for another person to become able to destroy it. Use what he calls "Google insurance": Produce an account on something such as Facebook that's positive along with tasteful. claim the property on your own own name. Just what is considered about you around the Internet isn't a perform individuals living any righteous life: anyone can easily say something poor concerning you. "Write online reputation management services your own history," he recommended.

Second, if there's a problem along along with your on-line reputation, you have to locate it. Constantly monitor the particular Web. Research pertaining to total names, usernames, etc. End Up Being together with the actual game. Go deep into the World wide web to be able to Internet websites that will aren't indexed through Google: "The deep Net - Facebook, MySpace, the pages where the content truly starts for you to create and be problematic."

"Monitor yourself assiduously," Fertik advised Doane.

Third: The Actual lengthier it's there, the greater it spreads as well as can be archived. In your event that the truth is the problem, offer with it quickly. Acquire throughout touch with people and also tell these to stop, in the kind along with thoughtful way, without having receiving an attorney involved correct away. Reach all of them on the human level. In case you would like skilled help, companies such as ReputationDefender are available. Because Fertik informed Doane, "Nip it in the bud before it spreads along with gets mirrored and replicated. If you cannot do it, you would like to engage the actual pros."

If you do discover some thing bad with regards to yourself, how would you obtain it offline?

"Sometimes," Fertik responded to Doane, "what we do is, we overwhelm the particular 'bad' with excellent to create sure that when we appear anyone up, they discover that which in turn you want them to see, they see your great videos, not necessarily the particular (bad ones)."

Copyright 2009 CBS. Most legal rights reserved.

Acetrader-daily Market Outlook 18-11-2010

Cuba lately announced that unemployment hit a top associated with 3.8%. They Will possess virtually no unemployment, because 80 % involving adult workers perform for the government and lots of adults just don't work, along with aren't counted as members with the workforce. Consequently even along with great employment stats, your economy as well as total well being tend to be third world.

Shares, bonds, gold too since the euro are usually needed to drop from your 90 times following the arrival finish inside the Fed's 2nd significant bond-buying action, furthermore referred to as quantitative easing, or perhaps QE2, your Reuters opinion poll involving sixty 4 specialists too as finance operators seen on Thursday.

Because with the financial debt crisis - as well as the ripple outcomes in European banks - the particular European negative interest levels (ECB) could effortlessly print billions otherwise trillions to get out of debt. As Well As that will appears to become among the particular very best options, since the actual European Monetary Stability Facility (EFSF) doesn't manage to have adequate funds to become able to help.

What a new bunch regarding dummies we have been to allow these people thus easily just take our freedoms. That features happened slowly and in which we hardly notice. Bank bailouts are already the key voie for the advance of the one-world-order takeover by the energy elite banksters. the "Big Brother" era will most likely be here sooner compared to you think if we keep letting them do these corporate and bank bailouts. Each and Every 1 can become a guarantee regarding financial debt or even a transfer with the debt over towards the public sector. Anyone and I and our children - the future taxpayers - obtain the bill.

Of program we would rather maintain low-yielding bonds or even short stocks proper just before another global stock pullback then transfer lengthy global stocks proper prior to an additional global stock rally, however the chances of getting both proper are usually rather slim to become able to none. Actually being much more or perhaps less "right" inside your timing still wouldn't suggest a a lot better return than simply sticking to your investment plan.

Please note that will standardized buyer personas perform irrespective of industry. Just Take the identical listing of questions into a HSBC Securities market, a new retail store market, an accounting market, etc.

Of course you might not believe me when I say to a person personally as U.S. taxpayers that will your tough earned money isn't even investing in government service. It is only heading towards the Federal Reserve Banks (FED) in order to pay debt instead of providing services.

In effect the particular RBA board figures if by simply talking of a price rise can perform the task of an actual charge rise, its completed it's task of controlling inflation and also keeping unemployment low, thus zero rate rise can be necessary. Am I the sole 1 that will figured this out? No, nevertheless the bulk of economic experts believe their particular spin.

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First let's cover exactly what you ought to refrain from doing when it involves NETWORK MARKETING web traffic. When I Employed Jay's business, I was balancing 69 brand-new clients each month. Currently this raised new person circulation creates brand-new obstacles in the various other 4 areas. Their are several services that will certainly send out the NETWORK MARKETING website traffic that they produce wright to your website. I am certain that dentistry can be a discouraging industry to be involved with at times. After 1 year in his class, we were balancing over 100 new individuals each month. Sometimes that does not boil down to 25-50 year old women who want to golf; it comes down to individuals with cash to manage your solutions.

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The Orem dental professional that I visit, is an extremely patient dentist, a neighborhood dental wellness care expert with a feeling of calm regarding him, yet has anyone tried the Scheduling Institute? he can not highlight sufficient concerning the have to care for our teeth. The idea of a financed proposal is the solution. I am sure that dental professionals coincide, in their focus on oral heath treatment and regular oral consultations. Your oral problem repairs a great deal quicker if you are healthy and balanced.

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Reportlinker Adds Global Economic Downturn: Implications for the Pharmaceutical Industry Report

NEW YORK--( BUSINESS WIRE)-- reveals that a brand-new market research study credit report is

available in its brochure.


Economic Recession: Effects for the Pharmaceutical Market

From A Credit rating Crunch ...

Adhering to several decades of multilateral initiatives to ensure excellent

administration within arising markets to decrease economic volatility, it is

no small irony that the credit crisis originated in the US, the heart of

the global economy. Abundant liquidity and also a shareholder necessary on

economic institutions to enhance returns at a time of reduced rate of interest

activated a surge in mortgage financing to those with bad credit

histories. The leisure of lending criteria brought about a rapid increase in

borrowing, which was in turn promoted by development within the

financial investment banking industry. As opposed to holding the debt to maturation,

mortgage lending institutions sold it on other banks, which mixed

with each other sub-prime and much less high-risk debt in new items and also marketed them -

after receiving investment grade standing from the credit rankings agencies

- to other establishments. To start with, this securitisation of sub-prime

financial obligation was viewed positively, as it dispersed the risk around the world. Nonetheless,

3 core problems developed. First, the items were usually hard to

comprehend, leaving many who had acquired investment-grade financial obligation

unsuspectingly exposed to a risky possession class. Second, as much of the debt

was held back balance sheets by financial institutions, the level of institutional

exposure was basically impossible to compute. Third, the bursting of

the United States housing market bubble left presumptions pertaining to default rates on

sub-prime financings looking overly-optimistic. These problems created a.

ideal tornado. Basically, when faced with an unexpected loss of confidence.

in sub-prime home loans, the floor befalled of the marketplace for possessions.

based after them, and also the items - which had clearly been over-priced.

- came to be impossible to worth. With suspicion that institutions were not.

honest on their general exposure - or also on just what basis that.

exposure ought to be valued - self-confidence in counterparties dropped,.

resulting in a sharp tightening in interbank lending. This was a.

trouble that United States as well as European main financial institutions were not able to fully resolve.

through a relaxation of their own lending standards. Furthermore, first.

hopes for complete disclosure were just partially lightened and a continuous absence.

of confidence has been intensified by anxieties that the organizations that.

give insurance on debt default could have inadequate financial.

reserves to satisfy their legal commitments ought to fail prices on.

sub-prime financings increase.

... To A Global Economic Downturn.

The loss of confidence in economic markets has led, regardless of passion.

rate cuts, to a decrease in international liquidity. Establishments are making.

less capital available for financial investment, which which is offered is.

being offered on much less attractive terms. The price of servicing financial obligation and also.

rolling it over has actually boosted for companies, leading to an absence of.

company investments. Personal intake has likewise shrunk - as external.

conditions remain weak, customers favor to save instead of spend -.

which in turn has led to a fall in company investments, and also a surge in.

unemployment as the production of products has decreased. Therefore,.

although the economic system stands at the center of this chaos, the.

broader economic climate is experiencing the effects of the weakening credit rating.

conditions. GDP growth has decreased and the global economy has actually slipped.

into an economic downturn. The US forecast stands at -3.0%, while the eurozone.

and also Japan is expected to agreement by -4.2% and -6.1% specifically in.

2009. A number of euro bloc members are being hit very hard in this.

economic cycle, with the worst-affected being Ireland, at -9.4%. Germany.

and also Italy are anticipated to upload drops in actual GDP this year of -5.8% and.

-4.5%, specifically. Growth is not expected to get highly in 2010,.

with the Japanese economic climate selecting up by merely +0.7%, as well as the euro bloc.

publishing reasonably fixed development of +0.1%. The United States is the outlier in this.

regard, with a forecast expansion of +1.2%, the second-best price of.

development amongst established states in 2010 (behind Canada).

Surfacing Markets.

Showing the level of the slump, arising markets are anticipated.

to publish a light tightening, of -0.2%, on accumulation in 2009. The +3.3%.

growth booked for 2010 would certainly be the third-worst yearly efficiency.

of the decade, compared with +3.0% growth in 2001, when the US was.

last in economic downturn. Many thanks virtually entirely to China's +5.6% real GDP.

development projection, as opposed to any kind of relative local economic toughness,.

Arising Asia will certainly expand by +3.5% in 2009. Numerous states are going to be.

struck quite hard by the decrease in international profession, consisting of Singapore.

( -7.2%) and also Taiwan (-4.5%). Latin The U.S.A. will certainly contract by -2.6% in.

2009. Mexican actual GDP is readied to diminish by -7.1% in the middle of a two-year.

economic crisis that will see unfavorable development once again in 2010. All at once, Latin.

America is established to underperform every other area, with Venezuela.

doing particularly terribly (tightenings of -5.6% and -6.4% in 2009.

and 2010, specifically). Central and Eastern Europe, the most awful regional.

entertainer in 2009, will certainly see actual GDP diminish by -5.7%, highlighted by.

significant tightenings in Russia (-7.1%) and Turkey (-5.7%). The recuperation in.

2010 - to 1.5% - will be weak. Sub-Saharan Africa will certainly publish near to no.

growth in 2009, and also will increase by merely +3.0% in 2010. To name a few.

states, South Africa will experience an economic tightening in 2009.

The Center East & & North Africa region is expected to publish a +1.1%.

regional development rate in 2009, thanks primarily to steady [link] development.

performances in Egypt (+3.7%), Iran (+2.4%) and also Qatar (+6.5%), and also.

regardless of tightenings in the UAE (-2.9%) as well as Kuwait (-1.0%). In this.

credit report, the author gives an evaluation of the implications of the.

financial recession on the pharmaceutical sector. The research study has a.

regional as well as country-specific analysis of the pharmaceuticals industry as well as.

larger medical care market, as well as also gives an introduction of effect of the.

slump on the firms that operate in the industry.

Intro ... 7.

From A Credit Grind ... ... 7.

chart: A Dip In 2009 7.

Global & & Regional Real GDP Development.

... To An International Economic Downturn ... 8.

Surfacing Markets 8.

Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Markets Evaluation. 9.

Center East And Africa Summary ... 9.

chart: Constant Scores 9.

Middle East And also Africa Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Company Setting.


chart: Development Slows In 2009..10.

Center East And Africa Medicine Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

South Africa. 10.

graph: An Eye-catching Market For Innovative Drugmakers ... 10.

South Africa Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Company Atmosphere Scores.


chart: Strong Growth Expected..10.

South Africa Drug Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.


chart: Strong Scores..11.

UAE Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Company Atmosphere Rankings Q208-Q309.

graph: Strong Financial investment In Healthcare To Support Drug Market Development.

... 11.

UAE Drug Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Asia Pacific Summary ... 12.

graph: Stable Scores ... 12.

Asia Pacific Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Company Environment Ratings.


chart: Durable To The Financial Recession ... 12.

Asia Pacific Overall Medicine Expenditure, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

China ... 12.

graph: Economic Advancement: A Motorist For Medication Market Growth ... 13.

China Medicine Expenditure, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

chart: Opportunities Present For Drugmakers ... 13.

China Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Company Setting Ratings Q208-Q309.

Taiwan ... 13.

chart: Raised Need For High Worth Medicines.14.

Taiwan Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Company Setting Scores.


graph: Government Is A Pressure Behind Drug Market Development ... 14.

Taiwan Medicine Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

India. 14.

chart: India Pharmaceuticals & & Health care Business Environment Ratings.

... 14.


graph: Proceeded Government Financial investment In Healthcare Will Drive Development.


India Medicine Expenditure, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Central and Eastern Europe ... 15.

graph: Declining In Beauty ... 16.

Central & & Eastern Europe Pharmaceuticals & & Health care Business.

Environment Ratings Q208-Q309.

chart: Economic Downturn Inflicting Damages On Medicine Market ... 16.

Central & & Eastern Europe Total Medicine Expenditure, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Bulgaria. 16.

graph: Decreasing Company Setting Ratings..16.

Bulgaria Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Business Environment Scores.


graph: Medicine Market Affected By A Decrease In Investing. 17.

Bulgaria Medication Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Latvia ... 17.

graph: A Decline In Business Environment Ratings ... 17.

Latvia Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Business Environment Ratings.


chart: A Fall In Drug Expenditure In 2009 ... 18.

Latvia Medication Expenditure, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Ukraine. 18.

chart: Falling In Beauty..18.

Ukraine Pharmaceuticals & & Healthcare Business Setting Rankings.


chart: Decline Affecting Medication Market Expense.19.

Ukraine Medication Expenditure, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Western Europe 21.

graph: Region Declines In Beauty ... 21.

Western Europe Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Business Atmosphere Rankings.


chart: Government Efforts To Consist of Expenses Impacts Medicine Market 21.

Western Europe Medicine Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Italy. 21.

chart: Losing Attractiveness..21.

Italy Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Company Atmosphere Ratings Q208-Q309.

chart: Expense Containment Steps Restrict Market Development.22.

Italy Drug Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Belgium. 22.

chart: Shedding Its Allure 22.

Belgium Pharmaceuticals & & Healthcare Business Atmosphere Scores.


graph: A Dip In 2009 ... 22.

Belgium Medication Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Germany 23.

graph: A Mild Decrease In Attractiveness.23.

Germany Pharmaceuticals & & Healthcare Company Environment Rankings.


graph: A Weak Euro Impacts Development In 2009 ... 24.

Germany Drug Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

UK ... 24.

chart: Decreasing Business Environment 24.

UK Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Company Atmosphere Rankings Q208-Q309.

graph: A Decline In Medicine Expenditure In 2009..25.

UK Drug Expenditure, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Americas ... 25.

graph: A Surge, Adhered to By A Decrease In Rankings ... 26.

Americas Pharmaceuticals & & Health care Business Environment Rankings.


graph: Growth Anticipated In 2009..26.

Americas Medication Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Brazil 26.

graph: An Eye-catching Place.26.

Brazil Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Business Atmosphere Rankings.


chart: Long-lasting Market Prospective As A Result Of Continued Unmet Requirement.

For Medicines. 27.

Brazil Medication Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

US ... 27.

chart: Maintains Leading Ranking In Americas As well as Worldwide ... 27.

United States Pharmaceuticals & & Medical care Business Atmosphere Scores Q208-Q309.

graph: A Slow Down In Market Development 28.

US Medicine Expense, Q208-Q309, US$ bn.

Firms Evaluation. 30.

Stock Market Analysis ... 30.

graph: Pharma Stays A Defensive Stock..30.

Requirement & & Poor Global 1200 Index.

Firms: Financial Evaluation ... 31.

Pfizer ... 31.

chart: Impacted By A Decline In Patents 31.

Pfizer Earnings And also Earnings, March 2008 - March 2009, US$ bn.

AstraZeneca 31.

graph: Impacted By Common Competitors 31.

AstraZeneca Earnings As well as Profit, March 2008 - March 2009, US$ bn.

chart: A Steep Decline.32.

Leading Ten Pharmaceutical Products Sales (US$ bn).

Large Pharma Presents to Resilience..33.

The Biotech Market. 33.

The French Biotech Industry 33.

The Australian Biotech Sector. 33.

The UK Biotech Market. 33.

Biotech Acquisitions. 34.

Takeda Pharmaceuticals 34.

Merck Serono ... 34.

Sanofi-Aventis ... 34.

Johnson & & Johnson. 35.

Common Drugmaker Acquisitions 35.

Mylan ... 35.

Daiichi Sankyo ... 36.

GlaxoSmithKline. 36.

Sanofi-Aventis ... 36.

Novartis. 37.

Fresenius SE 37.

Watson Pharmaceuticals 37.

Business In Surfacing Markets Also Program Durability ... 38.

Piramal Health care ... 38.

Aurobindo ... 38.

Zydus Cadila ... ... 39.

Chemical Firm of Malaysia. 39.

Beximco Pharmaceuticals ... 40.

Ranbaxy 40.

Verdict ... 41.

Medication Expense Overview ... 41.

chart: 3.07% CA GR Expected 42.

BMI's Global Pharmaceutical Market Projection (US$ bn).

chart: Emerging Markets Will Drive Medication Expenditure Growth.42.

Worldwide Pharmaceutical Market Projections By Area.

Appendix 43.

Just how We Produce Our Pharmaceutical Market Forecasts ... 43.

Table: Drug Business Environment Indicators ... 43.

indications: restrictions to prospective returns, dangers to possible returns,.

nation risk.

Drug Business Atmosphere Rating Method. 44.

Scores Summary 44.

Rankings System. 44.

Indicators ... 44.

Weighting ... 44.

Table: Weighting Of Parts.44.

indications: part - restrictions to home prospective returns, risks to.

realisation of returns.

Resources. 44.

To buy this record:.


Economic Downturn: Effects for the Drug Industry.

More market study files right here!

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Mortgage Rates Staying Low - That's the Good News


Considering that mortgage interest rates stayed between 6% and 8% between 1995 and 2005 and between 4% and 6% between 2008 and 2012, this chart looks pretty good. The Federal Housing Finance Agency's most recent interest rate report shows rates hovering between 2.75% and 3.95% for the past few months, with a downward trend.

This should be spurring home sales, but it's tough when prices are rising. Low inventory is the primary reason. Inventory has fallen by around 11% from highs over 2.2 million from May through August 2015 to 1.98 million in March 2016. There is competition for the best homes in many areas, and even mediocre properties are getting higher offers than a year ago.

I'm not suggesting we're in a bubble, but some see things differently. Notably, over at, a recent post is pretty blunt: "This is the current situation in the U.S. A successful real estate investor Scott Yancey, along with his interior designer wife Amie, star in the hit A&E show Flipping Vegas, Scott acquires, rehabilitates and flips real estate in the Las Vegas area. Flipping Vegas now in it's third season, rated as A&E TV's number one daytime show. As both the creator, and star of the show Scott is Flipping Vegas seminar also the sole investor in each house he flips. Every episode is a high paced race to try and make a profit.where crap shacks across the country suddenly appear better than they are because of a lack of inventory from a manipulated and distorted market."

Why is inventory down and not Scott Yancey Live Events showing signs of picking up, even in the busy season? There are several contributing reasons:

One recent report shows 3.2 million homeowners still underwater on their mortgages. They're not going to sell, other than a small percentage who can get a short sale through. They'll hold and hope prices keep rising.

Baby Boomers aren't selling, at least not at historical levels. Many are keeping larger homes when in the past they would have downsized. It's because a record number of Millennials are living at home with their parents. Others are simply not finding any great pressure to move or buy another home at today's prices.

Not just the boomers, but others with equity in their homes are simply content to wait and see if prices keep rising. Many have just come out of underwater status on their mortgages and are making up lost ground.

Builders are responding to high demands for rentals, concentrating on building multi-family properties instead of single family homes.

So, now we're seeing the good news and the not-so-good news. What's the takeaway for real estate investors from the current situation? Again, it's good news and not-so-good news. Rental demand is huge, and rents are rising right along with it. However, buying and/or rehabbing a rental property that will meet your cash flow investment objectives is a challenge at today's prices.

For some investors, it's not really a problem, as they're ready, willing and able to look outside their home market areas, some investing thousands of miles from home. It's a little more challenging, but it works quite well if you find the right area. Other investors are simply sharpening their pencils and working harder at due diligence to dig out the bargains that are still out there in their local markets.


Kroll Bond Rating Agency Releases Research: Will Negative Interest Rates Save Europe’s Banking System?

NEW YORK--( COMPANY CABLE)-- Kroll Bond Ranking Company (KBRA) has actually released a new study note

qualified "Will Negative Interest Fees Save Europe's Banking System?"

The credit report makes the following secret factors:

Now over 8 years given that the financial dilemma, the European Central

Financial institution (ECB) has launched a radical plan of financial obligation acquisitions as well as

outright aids for banks. ECB Governor Mario Draghi seeks to do

using monetary policy what German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other

chosen authorities in the EU can not or will certainly Rob Domanko not do, specifically bargain

directly with the asset top quality issues smoldering inside the EU

financial system by making a note of Rob Domanko HSBC uncollectable loans and also transforming financial obligation to equity.

KBRA watches the recommended policy actions by the ECB as remarkable and

inescapable provided the refusal of the EU's political leadership to

consider various other options. Draghi and his associates appropriately

recognize that the continuation of absolutely no rates in the EU for years to

come endangers financial institutions and other banks with outright

insolvency. Considering that Merkel and the other politicians lack the

financial sources and political support to handle Europe's debt

problems directly, the ECB has actually been left with the job of monetizing

the bad debts on the books of EU banks.

The ECB's accept of ever more extreme application of unfavorable

rates of interest as well as possession acquisitions recommends to KBRA that the financial

and also economic situation in Europe is far much more major compared to is

appreciated by most financiers. The idea that the ECB has to use

adverse passion rates to pay banks in the Eurozone to obtain in

order to make new loans strikes us as a confirmation that excessive

financial obligation is a major and also growing issue in Europe.

Adverse rates of interest are unhealthy to the health of financial

organizations, business, as well as customers. Unfavorable interest

rate policies recommend liquidation, ruin the personal funding stock,

and also inevitably dispirit credit history creation - precisely the opposite of

what ECB Guv Mario Draghi is aiming to attain.

To see the full credit report, please click on this link.

Follow us on Twitter!@KrollBondRating. Concerning Kroll Bond Rating Company

. KBRA is signed up with the United States Stocks and Exchange Compensation as a. Across the country Identified Statistical Score Organization

( NRSRO). In. enhancement, KBRA is acknowledged by the National Organization of Insurance coverage. Commissioners( NAIC) as a Credit Rating Company (CRP).

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The Price Of Preserving A Property License

First, the actual Read the Full Document technology bubble burst using the complete stock exchange down along with it. This lowering associated with prices of interest together with the intro of unwinded financing methods held our nation's economy strong and became available the potential of personal a home (and property investment) to a lot a lot more Americans than ever.

Many feasible investors request whether they require being a new handyman as well as supplier to successfully flip any house. By Simply creating several prep works prior for you start, your task will surely end up being much less complicated as well as go a lot smoothly.

The economy of the Usa took the dual hit in the original a couple of years of the brand-new centuries. Never! Anyone can end up being the "general specialist" and consider care of your home repair support although you receive it ready in order to market. For You To stay away from virtually any lawful problems although flipping property property don't dedicate residence mortgage fraud. He intended to start out supplying an individual experience of an internet event within cities all through Your U.S.A.. throughout 2011.. Certainly, a lot of one's profits will surely go to the people carrying out the job with your residence, nevertheless you do not have to quit your "day job" to obtain the task done.

Some may well surprise if flipping real estate can be legal. Smart investor don't hand down these possibilities or even a minimum of wholesale all of them creating a few quick cash.

Paint is actually one of among the most economical too as straightforward implies to transform the appear of your residence. via a mix of impeccable reputation also as coaching triggered his development in operation being faster, that lead to getting your Range 1 property company within Your U.S.A. Though this strategy requires persuading the vendor, you may certainly locate numerous vendors just wish to be completed as well as consent to marketplace his or her residential property subject to. The Actual firm proprietor features more than 15 numerous years dean graziosi wiki of encounter and also competence throughout operating as well as handling on the actual internet occasions. Observe to it you've every one associated with the proper devices and additionally the proper sort of paint for that location. Anyone need to possess the ability to prepare anyone financing to ensure that you can near on the bargain quickly. place your constructing deed within your land trust or perhaps LCC as well as keep your seller's loan within position. Then, a little group of terrorists brought our nation's economy for you to its knees with almost all the attack about the twin towers associated with the world profession facility. Really Does your aesthetic appeal require a create over? Zero problem, that is actually what the offer home swiftly property schooling series was made for! In case you begin with just about all the issues here, you'll certainly always be well in your approach to switching your residence's visual appeal.

Topic to's - the real-estate investing strategies critical method to purchase property without the requirement to get a financing. Realty investing generally requirements acquiring creative funding, particularly within this lending setting. Amongst the different some other elements which are important when flipping genuine estate is to discover all with regards for you to your present industry and rely on day to become able to ensure which you realize precisely what can end up being a bargain or perhaps not.

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Level 2 Passive Real Estate Investing


This article is for the investor who Scott Yancey events wants to move into real estate, but they want a higher level of involvement than just buying shares in a REIT, Real Estate Investment Trust. You still do not want to buy and sell properties or work with contractors, but you would like to get a nice return on investment in a real estate investment environment. You also want short term turnover of your money to limit market risk.

Let's say that you're currently invested in stocks or bonds and your pre-tax return in in the low single digits. This isn't that bad considering the current interest rate environment, but after even nominal inflation, it really isn't exciting at all. You'd love to up that return by a few percent, and you would do a dance for double digits with acceptable risk.

The problem is that there aren't really any formal mechanisms in place to connect someone like you with a fix & flip investor or wholesaler who is knowledgeable in real estate and in need of funding. This lack of an established communication connection makes it tougher for those deserving of your funding from connecting with you and happily giving you the returns you want.

The best place in most local communities where an individual passive investor can connect directly with active wholesalers and fix & flip investors is in a real estate investment club. The thing to remember in the club situation is that there will be investors with varying levels of experience and success; or lack of it. This just means that you'll need to know your business and do your due diligence.

What is Level 2 Passive Investing?

So, you don't want to just buy REIT shares. You want to invest directly into properties in your area by partnering with active investors. You still want to be passive, just providing funding for their projects. We're not talking about long term rental investing in this case. We are interested in providing short term funding for fix & flip and wholesale investors.

The wholesale investor usually does no rehab on a home. They specialize in locating deep discount properties and flipping them to other investors. Those could be rental investors if the property is ready to rent, but more often they go to rehab or fix & flip investors.

The fix & flip investor is going to do repairs or major renovation to bring a home to livable condition. They then sell it to a rental property investor or sell it on the open market to a retail buyer.

Our passive role is to provide the money they need, which could be a time requirement of just days to months. A wholesale deal can even close both ends on the same day. So, as the money person, you can put funds to work for hours, days or weeks and get returns well above other traditional investments.

When you connect with one of these active investors, you really need to check their track record. If you want to take a gamble on a newer wholesaler or fix and flip investor, definitely do your research on the property, their buyer, and the time your money will be at risk. They should have a buyer or potential buyers lined up before you put up money to buy a property unless they're selling in the retail market. It is easier to work with investors selling to other investors, as they often have a standing relationship and offers to buy properties that meet their requirements.

Before you dish out money, you take out a note or lien against the property to cover your investment, and generally keep your involvement to 60% or less of the current value of the home. This gives you some room to sell it and get your money back if something goes wrong.

You charge whatever fees and interest charges you want within reason. Dean Graziosi is a NY Times Best Selling Author along with one of the leading inspiration and also real estate fitness instructors on the planet.

If you have ever before useded Dean on TELEVISION, on stage, or in an once a week wisdom on his site or Facebook, it is noticeable the enthusiasm he needs to obtain EVERYONE inspired to change their lives right. Unlike many so-called "Gurus" in the personal inspiration industry, Dean comes, doing bargain after offer and truly obsessing with aiding his students succeed in whatever it is they select as their life goal.They have to make a profit too you know. Professional transaction funding companies charge loan initiation fees, double digit interest rates on loans that are out for more than a day or so, and they also charge other fees. You should be able to achieve double digit returns on your invested money. Check transaction funding websites to see how they set their charges.

Do your homework to limit your risk, and you can turn your money over multiple times each year for some amazing ROI numbers.

This Blogger's Books and Other Items from...

4 Business Principles Learned Getting Rich in Real Estate by Age 30

Last week I turned 30 years old.

For many people, its a depressing birthday filled with constant reminders that one is getting old. But for me, it was a joyful milestone and a day of reflection, allowing myself to look back at how epic my 20s were, reflect on the mistakes I made along the way, and respect the journey I have been on -- and it all started in a bowling alley with seven simple words:

"Why dont you just buy a house?"

I had never met the woman who said those words to me, but knew she was a local real estate agent, so it was pretty much Dean Graziosi her job to say that. However, as I sat down and started thinking about the idea, my 21-year-old self realized that she was right. It would actually be cheaper for me to own a house than to rent one. Sure, there were the facts that:

I was just 21 years old and looked 12. I knew nothing about real estate, construction or money. I had no savings. I made just over minimum wage at a terrible job.

Rather than letting all those things dictate whether I'd succeed, I just jumped in with both feet.

Related: 7 Habits of Highly-Effective Entrepreneurs

My first home was a single-family house I got on sale due to the fact that it smelled like something my dog occasionally brings in from outside (you dont want to know). However, with some good, old fashioned sweat equity and a home improvement book I picked up on my very first trip ever to a hardware story, I was off to the races.

I lived in the home for just a year before realizing that I could sell it and make some good money, so I did. The new buyers received a fixed-up, gorgeous home and I made $20,000.

Since that day, Ive been buying real estate, mostly rental properties with the occasional flip. At 27 years old, I was able to leave my terrible desk job and retire on the small cash flow provided by the rental properties. Today Ive acquired a total of 42 rental units, spread out over about a dozen different properties (ranging from single-family houses to my 24 unit apartment building).

The following are four thoughts I had about my journey to inspire others who are looking to build wealth through real estate, whether they are 20 or 60.

1. Follow the 80/20 rule with investment properties.

I bought way too many properties that didnt really matter. In real estate, as with most things in life, the 80/20 rule exists. Eighty percent of my income comes from just 20 percent of properties. Had I focused on recognizing that 20 percent and focusing only on those, I would have had far fewer problems, fewer tenants and more profit.

2. Don't neglect your education.

I did this one right ... for the most part. When I first started investing in real estate, I read every single book my local library had on real estate. Then I began ordering books online, going to another library and checking every thrift shop for the best real estate books.

Related: A Marketing Guide for Filling Vacant Income Properties

Sure, a lot of the information was repetitive, but it didnt matter. Every book taught me something. Recently, I wrote my first full-length book to chronicle the steps I used to purchase all those properties, despite never having any money. Its my hope that others will learn from me, the same way I continue to learn from others.

3. Systematize everything.

Real estate investing is a business, despite the way so many people treat it. Just as the local fast food joint has written processes, checklists and other repeatable systems in place to deal with the business, so should real estate.

No one told me this when I got started, and for years I struggled, dealing with every situation like it was the first time.

Today, everything I do is systematized and handled in a way that should I die, someone else could pick up the business and not skip a beat. For more on that, see The Surprisingly Simple Reason Why You Feel Stressed.

4. Tenacity is key.

Things go wrong all the time in real estate, as with any Scott Yancey business. The ones who succeed are the ones who can push through, learn from the tough times and keep going.

Tenants will lie to you, contractors will steal from you and your family will likely think you are either crazy or greedy. Push through. Every lesson makes you and your business stronger.

In looking over this list, I realize that each of these four points could apply to almost anyone. Following the 80/20 rule, continuing your education, systematizing your business and pushing through no matter what happens seems like a pretty darn good recipe for success, no matter what business you find yourself in.

If you are interested in building wealth through real estate, understand that it can be done, but its not as easy as the late-night TV guys make it seem. Its hard work, but its worth every moment.

Related: Don't Wish to Be Successful. Dean Graziosi is a NY Times Best Selling Author along with one of the leading inspiration and property trainers on the planet.

If you have ever seen Dean on TV, on phase, or in an once a week knowledge on his website or Facebook, it is evident the enthusiasm he has to get EVERYONE motivated to change their lives right. Unlike a lot of so-called "Gurus" in the individual inspiration sector, Dean comes, doing bargain after deal as well as really stressing with helping his pupils do well in whatever it is they select as their life objective.Expect to Be.

MF Global trustee: Corzine contributed to firm collapse

WASHINGTON A trustee overseeing MF Global says a risky trading strategy and "negligent conduct" by former CEO Jon Corzine and his top managers contributed to the brokerage firm's collapse in late 2011.

A report issued Thursday by the trustee, former FBI director Louis Freeh, said Corzine, a former Democratic senator and governor who had previously served as CEO of Goldman Sachs (GS), and his team ignored the advice of MF Global's chief risk officer concerning trading strategy.

The report said they also failed to fix gaps in the firm's system for monitoring its cash flows and customer funds.

"Corzine's vision for MF Global, to transform the Company from a traditional FCM to a sophisticated B/D and full service investment bank, did not take into Scott Yancey testimonials account MF Global's deficiencies," said Freeh in the report. "MF Global's problems stemmed in part from the Company's disorganized global structure, which one former executive described as loosely cobbled together from a matrix or overlay of regional and product groups."

MF Global failed after it made a calamitous $6.3 billion bet on debt issued by Italy, Spain and other European nations with troubled economies. The firm filed for bankruptcy protection in October 2011. It was the eighth-largest corporate bankruptcy in U.S. history. More than $1 billion in customer money was discovered to be missing.

Freeh acted on behalf of MF Global creditors. His findings echo those of reports issued last year by another MF Global trustee and a U.S. House panel.

"The negligent conduct identified in this report foreseeably contributed to MF Global's collapse," the new report says. While the difficult economic climate at the time and other factors may have hastened the firm's failure, the risky business strategy and conduct by Corzine and his team helped fuel its demise, it says.

Corzine, a former Democratic U.S. senator and governor of New Jersey, stepped down as MF Global CEO in November 2011.

Steven Goldberg, a spokesman for Corzine, called the trustee's report "a clear case of Monday morning quarterbacking." The report "intentionally ignores" the failure of banks and other firms that were MF Global's trading partners to pay what they owed MF Global "and the profound impact this failure had on MF Global's customers," Goldberg said in a statement.

"There simply is no basis for the suggestion that Mr. Corzine breached his fiduciary duties or was negligent," the statement said.

Much of the missing customer money belonged to farmers, ranchers and other business owners who used MF Global to reduce their risks from the fluctuating prices of commodities such as corn and wheat.

To date about 89 percent of the money has been recovered for U.S. customers of the firm and around 18 percent for foreign customers, according to the other MF Global trustee, James Giddens, who has overseen the liquidation of the firm's operations and distributed recovered funds to customers.

No one has been charged in the MF Global case. Shareholders of MF Global have sued Corzine and other former top executives. Federal regulators, Congress and a federal grand jury in Chicago have investigated MF Global's failure and the disappearance of customers' money.

Corzine was co-chairman of Goldman Sachs before going into politics. He testified in congressional hearings in December 2011 that he didn't know any customer money was missing until Oct. 30, the day before MF Global's bankruptcy filing. Corzine said he never intended to "misuse" client money or order anyone else to do so. And he rebuffed an assertion that he knew about customer money that might have been transferred to a European affiliate just before MF Global collapsed.

2013 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Academy Awards

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"Oscars" and "The Oscar" redirect here. For the film, see The Oscar (film). For other uses, see Oscar (disambiguation).

The Academy Awards, or "Oscars", is an annual American awards ceremony hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (A.M.P.A.S.) to recognize excellence in cinematic achievements in the United States film industry as assessed by the Academy's voting membership. The various category winners are awarded a copy of a statuette, officially called the Academy Award of Merit, which has become commonly known by its nickname "Oscar". The awards, first presented in 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, are overseen by A.M.P.A.S. Finally after many years Leonardo DeCaprio won a Oscar, this was also the historic death of a meme.

The awards ceremony was first broadcast to radio in 1930 and televised in 1953. It is now seen live in more than 200 countries and can be streamed live online.[1] The Oscars is the oldest entertainment awards ceremony; its equivalents, the Emmy Awards for television, the Tony Awards for theatre, and the Grammy Awards for music and recording, are modeled after the Academy Awards.[2]

The 88th Academy Awards ceremony was held at the Dolby Theatre on February 28, 2016 and hosted by Chris Rock. A total of 2,947 Oscars have been awarded since the inception of the award through the 87th.[3]

Contents1 History1.1 Institutions2 Oscar statuette2.1 Naming2.2 Engraving2.3 Ownership of Oscar statuettes3 Nomination3.1 Voters3.2 Rules4 Awards ceremonies4.1 Telecast4.2 TV ratings5 Venues6 Awards of Merit categories6.1 Current categories6.2 Discontinued categories6.3 Proposed categories7 Special categories7.1 Current special categories7.2 Discontinued special categories8 Criticism8.1 Accusations of commercialism8.2 Accusations of bias8.3 Symbolism or sentimentalization8.4 Refusing the award9 Associated events10 Presenter and performer gifts11 Television ratings and advertisement prices12 Trademark13 Comparable awards in other countries and regions14 Notes15 References16 External linksHistorypresentation was held on May 16, 1929, at a private dinner function at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel with an audience of about 270 people. The post-awards party was held at the Mayfair Hotel.[4] The cost of guest tickets for that night's ceremony was $5 ($69 in 2016 dollars).[5] Fifteen statuettes were awarded, honoring artists, directors and other participants in the film-making industry of the time, for their works during the 192728 period. The ceremony ran for 15 minutes.

Winners had been announced to media three months earlier; however, that was changed for the second ceremony in 1930. Since then, for the rest of the first decade, the results were given to newspapers for publication at 11:00pm on the night of the awards.[4] This method was used until an occasion when the Los Angeles Times announced the winners before the ceremony began; as a result, the Academy has, since 1941, used a sealed envelope to reveal the name of the winners.[4]


The first Best Actor awarded was Emil Jannings, for his performances in The Last Command and The Way of All Flesh. He had to return to Europe before the ceremony, so the Academy agreed to give him the prize earlier; this made him the first Academy Award winner in history. At that time, the winners were recognized for all of their work done in a certain category during the qualifying period; for example, Jannings received the award for two movies in which he starred during that period, and Janet Gaynor later won a single Oscar for performances in three films. With the fourth ceremony, however, the system changed, and professionals were honored for a specific performance in a single film. For the first six ceremonies, the eligibility period spanned two calendar years.[4]

At the 29th ceremony, held on March 27, 1957, the Best Foreign Language Film category was introduced. Until then, foreign-language films had been honored with the Special Achievement Award.

The 74th Academy Awards, held in 2002, presented the first Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.

Since 1972, all Academy Awards ceremonies always end with the Academy Award for Best Picture award.

Oscar statuette

Although there are seven other types of annual awards presented by the Academy (the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award, the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, the Gordon E. Sawyer Award, the Academy Scientific and Technical Award, the Academy Award for Technical Achievement, the John A. Bonner Medal of Commendation and the Student Academy Award) plus two awards that are not presented annually (the Special Achievement Award in the form of an Oscar statuette and the Honorary Award that may or may not be in the form of an Oscar statuette), the best known one is the Academy Award of Merit more popularly known as the Oscar statuette. Made of gold-plated britannium on a black metal base, it is 13.5in (34.3cm) tall, weighs 8.5lb (3.856kg) and depicts a knight rendered in Art Deco style holding a crusader's sword standing on a reel of film with five spokes. The five spokes represent the original branches of the Academy: Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers, and Technicians.[6]

The model for the statuette is said to be Mexican actor Emilio "El Indio" Fernndez.[7] Sculptor George Stanley (who also did the Muse Fountain at the Hollywood Bowl) sculpted Cedric Gibbons' design. The statuettes presented at the initial ceremonies were gold-plated solid bronze. Within a few years the bronze was abandoned in favor of britannia metal, a pewter-like alloy which is then plated in copper, nickel silver, and finally, 24-karat gold.[8] Due to a metal shortage during World War II, Oscars were made of painted plaster for three years. Following the war, the Academy invited recipients to redeem the plaster figures for gold-plated metal ones.[9] The only addition to the Oscar since it was created is a minor streamlining of the base. The original Oscar mold was cast in 1928 at the C.W. Shumway & Sons Foundry in Batavia, Illinois, which also contributed to casting the molds for the Vince Lombardi Trophy and Emmy Award's statuettes. From 1983 to 2015,[10] approximately 50 Oscars were made each year in Chicago by Illinois manufacturer R.S. Owens & Company.[11] It takes between three to four weeks to manufacture 50 statuettes.[7]

In 2016 the Academy returned to bronze as the core metal of the statuettes, handing manufacturing duties to Rock Tavern, New York based Polich Tallix Fine Art Foundry.[12] While based on a digital scan of an original 1929 Oscar, the new statuettes will retain their modern-era dimensions and black pedestal. Cast in liquid bronze from 3d printed ceramic molds and polished, they are then electroplated in 24-karat gold by Brooklyn, New York based Epner Technology. The time required to produce 50 such statuettes is roughly 3 months.[13] R.S. Owens will continue producing other awards for the Academy and service existing Oscars.[14]


The origin of the name Oscar is disputed. One biography of Bette Davis, who was a president of the Academy claims that she named the Oscar after her first husband, band leader Harmon Oscar Nelson;[15] one of the earliest mentions in print of the term Oscar dates back to a Time magazine article about the 1934 6th Academy Awards.[16]Walt Disney is also quoted as thanking the Academy for his Oscar as early as 1932.[17] Another claimed origin is that the Academy's Executive Secretary, Margaret Herrick, first saw the award in 1931 and made reference to the statuette's reminding her of her "Uncle Oscar" (a nickname for her cousin Oscar Pierce).[18] Columnist Sidney Skolsky was present during Herrick's naming and seized the name in his byline, "Employees have affectionately dubbed their famous statuette 'Oscar'".[19] The trophy was officially dubbed the "Oscar" in 1939 by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.


To prevent information identifying the Oscar winners from leaking ahead of the ceremony, Oscar statuettes presented at the ceremony have blank baseplates. Until 2010, winners were expected to return the statuettes to the Academy after the ceremony and wait several weeks to have inscriptions applied. Since 2010, winners have had the option of having engraved nameplates applied to their statuettes at an inscription-processing station at the Governor's Ball, a party held immediately after the Oscar ceremony. In 2010, the R.S. Owens company made 197 engraved nameplates ahead of the ceremony, bearing the names of every potential winner. The 175 or so nameplates for non-winning nominees were recycled afterwards.[20][21]

Ownership of Oscar statuettes

Since 1950, the statuettes have been legally encumbered by the requirement that neither winners nor their heirs may sell the statuettes without first offering to sell them back to the Academy for US$1. If a winners and private deals for six-figure sums.[22] In December 2011, Orson Welles' 1941 Oscar for Citizen Kane (Best Original Screenplay) was put up for auction, after his heirs won a 2004 court decision contending that Welles did not sign any agreement to return the statue to the Academy.[23] On December 20, 2011, it sold in an online auction for US$861,542.[24]

In 1992, Harold Russell needed money for his wife's medical expenses. In a controversial decision, he consigned his 1946 Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for The Best Years of Our Lives to Herman Darvick Autograph Auctions, and on August 6, 1992, in New York City, the Oscar sold to a private collector for $60,500. Russell defended his action, saying, "I don't know why anybody would be critical. My wife's health is much more important than sentimental reasons. The movie will be here, even if Oscar isn't." Harold Russell is the only Academy Award winning actor to ever sell an Oscar.

While the Oscar is owned by the recipient, it is essentially not on the open market.[25]Michael Todd's grandson tried to sell Todd's Oscar statuette to a movie prop collector in 1989, but the Academy won the legal battle by getting a permanent injunction. Although some Oscar sales transactions have been successful, some buyers have subsequently returned the statuettes to the Academy, which keeps them in its treasury.[26]


Since 2004, Academy Award nomination results have been announced to the public in late January. Prior to that, the results were announced in early February.


The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), a professional honorary organization, maintains a voting membership of 5,783 as of 2012.[27]

Academy membership is divided into different branches, with each representing a different discipline in film production. Actors constitute the largest voting bloc, numbering 1,311 members (22 percent) of the Academy's composition. Votes have been certified by the auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (and its predecessor Price Waterhouse) for the past 73 annual awards ceremonies.[28]

All AMPAS members must be invited to join by the Board of Governors, on behalf of Academy Branch Executive Committees. Membership eligibility may Le Vian Chocolate Diamond Jewelry be achieved by a competitive nomination or a member may submit a name based on other significant contribution to the field of motion pictures.

New membership proposals are considered annually. The Academy does not publicly disclose its membership, although as recently as 2007 press releases have announced the names of those who have been invited to join. The 2007 release also stated that it has just under 6,000 voting members. While the membership had been growing, stricter policies have kept its size steady since then.[29]

In 2012, the results of a study conducted by the Los Angeles Times were published describing the demographic breakdown of approximately 88% of AMPAS' voting membership. Of the 5,100+ active voters confirmed, 94% were Caucasian, 77% were male, and 54% were found to be over the age of 60. 33% of voting members are former nominees (14%) and winners (19%).[30]

In May 2011, the Academy sent a letter advising its 6,000 or so voting members that an online system for Oscar voting will be implemented in 2013.[31]


According to Rules 2 and 3 of the official Academy Awards Rules, a film must open in the previous calendar year, from midnight at the start of 1 January to midnight at the end of 31 December, in Los Angeles County, California and play for seven consecutive days, to qualify (except for the Best Foreign Language Film).[32][33] For example, the 2009 Best Picture winner, The Hurt Locker, was actually first released in 2008, but did not qualify for the 2008 awards as it did not play its Oscar-qualifying run in Los Angeles until mid-2009, thus qualifying for the 2009 awards. Foreign films must include English subtitles, and each country can submit only one film per year.[34]

Rule 2 states that a film must be feature-length, defined as a minimum of 40minutes, except for short subject awards, and it must exist either on a 35 mm or 70 mm film print or in 24frame/s or 48frame/s progressive scan digital cinema format with a minimum projector resolution of 2048 by 1080 pixels.[35]

Producers must submit an Official Screen Credits online form before the deadline; in case it is not submitted by the defined deadline, the film will be ineligible for Academy Awards in any year. The form includes the production credits for all related categories. Then, each form is checked and put in a Reminder List of Eligible Releases.

In late December ballots and copies of the Reminder List of Eligible Releases are mailed to around 6,000 active members. For most categories, members from each of the branches vote to determine the nominees only in their respective categories (i.e. only directors vote for directors, writers for writers, actors for actors, etc.). In the special case of Best Picture, all voting members are eligible to select the nominees. In all major categories, a variant of the single transferable vote is used, with each member casting a ballot with up to five nominees (ten for Best Picture) ranked preferentially.[36][37][38] In certain categories, including Foreign Film, Documentary and Animated Feature Film, nominees are selected by special screening committees made up of members from all branches.

In most categories the winner is selected from among the nominees by plurality voting of all members.[36][38] Since 2009, the Best Picture winner has been chosen by instant runoff voting.[38][39]

Film companies will spend as much as several million dollars on marketing to awards voters for a movie in the running for Best Picture, in attempts to improve chances of receiving Oscars and other movie awards conferred in Oscar season. The Academy enforces rules to limit overt campaigning by its members so as to try to eliminate excesses and prevent the process from becoming undignified. It has an awards czar on staff who advises members on allowed practices and levies penalties on offenders.[40] For example, a producer of the 2009 Best Picture nominee, The Hurt Locker, was disqualified as a producer in the category when he contacted associates urging them to vote for his film and not another that was seen as front-runner (The Hurt Locker eventually won).

Awards ceremoniesSee also: List of Academy Awards ceremoniesTelecast31st Academy Awards Presentations, Pantages Theatre, Hollywood, 195981st Academy Awards Presentations, Dolby Theatre, Hollywood, 2009

The major awards are presented at a live televised ceremony, most commonly in late February or early March following the relevant calendar year, and six weeks after the announcement of the nominees. It is the culmination of the film awards season, which usually begins during November or December of the previous year. This is an elaborate extravaganza, with the invited guests walking up the red carpet in the creations of the most prominent fashion designers of the day. Black tie dress is the most common outfit for men, although fashion may dictate not wearing a bow-tie, and musical performers sometimes do not adhere to this. (The artists who recorded the nominees for Best Original Song quite often perform those songs live at the awards ceremony, and the fact that they are performing is often used to promote the television broadcast).

The Academy Awards is the only awards show that is televised live in all United States time zones (excluding Hawaii; they aired live in Alaska starting in 2011 for the first time since 1996), Canada, the United Kingdom, and gathers millions of viewers elsewhere throughout the world.[41] The 2007 ceremony was watched by more than 40 million Americans.[42] Other awards ceremonies (such as the Emmys, Golden Globes, and Grammys) are broadcast live in the Eastern & Central time zones, but are on tape delay on the West Coast and might not air the same day outside North America (if the awards are even televised). The Academy has for several years claimed that the award show has up to a billion viewers internationally, but this has so far not been confirmed by any independent sources. The Awards show was first televised in 1953, on NBC, which continued to broadcast the event until 1960 when the ABC Network took over, televising the festivities (including the first color broadcast of the event in 1966) through 1970, after which NBC resumed the broadcasts. ABC once again took over broadcast duties in 1976 and it is under contract to do so through the year 2020.[43] The first countries to broadcast the Academy Awards on television, aside from the United States, were Canada, the United Kingdom and Mexico; the latter two countries did not broadcast the live show, and Mexico did not carry the live event until 1964. By 1954, seven other countries, namely Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela, West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and France, were already broadcasting the Awards show, although previously filmed into a condensed 60-minute version, called the "International Edition" of the Academy Awards. The Awards show was broadcast for the first time via satellite in 1970, but only two South American countries, Chile and Brazil purchased the rights to air the live event. By that time, the television rights to the Awards show were sold in 50 countries. A decade later, the TV rights to the Oscars were already being sold to 60 countries, and by 1984, the TV rights to the Awards were licensed in 76 countries. Until the arrival of subscription television in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, which enabled the Oscars to be broadcast live through these territories, there was already available a previously filmed or taped 90-minute version of the Awards show which was aired on broadcast television in these territories. However, several Asian and Australasian countries, such as Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand were already carrying the live broadcast of the Awards show since the late 1970s. AMPAS still produces a condensed 90-minute version of the Academy Awards for those territories in which the rights to the live broadcast are expensive.

After more than 60 years of being held in late March or early April, the ceremonies were moved up to late February or early March starting in 2004 to help disrupt and shorten the intense lobbying and ad campaigns associated with Oscar season in the film industry. Another reason was because of the growing TV ratings success of the NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship, which would cut into the Academy Awards audience. The earlier date is also to the advantage of ABC, as it now usually occurs during the highly profitable and important February sweeps period. Some years, the ceremony is moved into early March in deference to the Winter Olympics. Another reason for the move to late February and early March is to avoid the awards ceremony occurring so close to the religious holidays of Passover and Easter, which for decades had been a grievance from members and the general public. Advertising is somewhat restricted, however, as traditionally no movie studios or competitors of official Academy Award sponsors may advertise during the telecast. The Awards show holds the distinction of having won the most Emmys in history, with 47 wins and 195 nominations.[44]

After many years of being held on Mondays at 9:00pm Eastern/6:00 p.m Pacific, in 1999 the ceremonies were moved to Sundays at 8:30pm Eastern/5:30pm Pacific.[45] The reasons given for the move were that more viewers would tune in on Sundays, that Los Angeles rush-hour traffic jams could be avoided, and that an earlier start time would allow viewers on the East Coast to go to bed earlier.[46] For many years the film industry had opposed a Sunday broadcast because it would cut into the weekend box office.[47]

Originally scheduled for April 8, 1968, the 40th Academy Awards ceremony was postponed for two days, because of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. On March 30, 1981, the 53rd Academy Awards was postponed for one day, after the shooting of President Ronald Reagan and others in Washington, D.C.

In 1993, an In Memoriam segment was introduced,[48] honoring those who had made a significant contribution to cinema who had died in the preceding 12 months, a selection compiled by a small committee of Academy members.[49] This segment has drawn criticism over the years for the omission of some names. Criticism was also levied for many years regarding another aspect, with the segment having a "popularity contest" feel as the audience varied their applause to those who had died by the subject's cultural impact; the applause has since been muted during the telecast, and the audience is discouraged from clapping during the segment and giving silent reflection instead.

In terms of broadcast length, the ceremony generally averages three and a half hours. The first Oscars, in 1929, lasted 15minutes. At the other end of the spectrum, the 2000 ceremony lasted four hours and four minutes.[50] In 2010, the organizers of the Academy Awards announced that winners' acceptance speeches must not run past 45seconds. This, according to organizer Bill Mechanic, was to ensure the elimination of what he termed "the single most hated thing on the show" overly long and embarrassing displays of emotion.[51] In 2016, in a further effort to streamline speeches, winners were no longer allowed to read off dedications during their acceptance speech. Instead, pre-defined dedications are displayed on an on-screen ticker.[52]

The Academy has contemplated moving the ceremony even further back into January, citing TV viewers' fatigue with the film industry's long awards season. However, such an accelerated schedule would dramatically decrease the voting period for its members, to the point where some voters would only have time to view the contending films streamed on their computers (as opposed to traditionally receiving the films and ballots in the mail). Also, a January or early-February ceremony held on a Sunday would have to compete with National Football League playoff games such as the Super Bowl.[53]

TV ratings

Historically, the "Oscarcast" has pulled in a bigger haul when box-office hits are favored to win the Best Picture trophy. More than 57.25 million viewers tuned to the telecast for the 70th Academy Awards in 1998, the year of Titanic, which generated close to US$600 million at the North American box office pre-Oscars.[54] The 76th Academy Awards ceremony in which The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (pre-telecast box office earnings of US$368 million) received 11 Awards including Best Picture drew 43.56 million viewers.[55] The most watched ceremony based on Nielsen ratings to date, however, was the 42nd Academy Awards (Best Picture Midnight Cowboy) which drew a 43.4% household rating on 7 April 1970.[56]

By contrast, ceremonies honoring films that have not performed well at the box office tend to show weaker ratings. The 78th Academy Awards which awarded low-budgeted, independent film Crash (with a pre-Oscar gross of US$53.4 million) generated an audience of 38.64 million with a household rating of 22.91%.[57] In 2008, the 80th Academy Awards telecast was watched by 31.76 million viewers on average with an 18.66% household rating, the lowest rated and least watched ceremony to date, in spite of celebrating 80 years of the Academy Awards.[58] The Best Picture winner of that particular ceremony was another independently financed film (No Country for Old Men).

VenuesPantages Theatre, 2008

In 1929, the first Academy Awards were presented at a banquet dinner at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. From 1930 to 1943, the ceremony alternated between two venues: the Ambassador Hotel on Wilshire Boulevard and the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles.

Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood then hosted the awards from 1944 to 1946, followed by the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles from 1947 to 1948. The 21st Academy Awards in 1949 were held at the Academy Award Theatre at what was the Academy's headquarters on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood.[59]

From 1950 to 1960, the awards were presented at Hollywood's Pantages Theatre. With the advent of television, the awards from 1953 to 1957 took place simultaneously in Hollywood and New York, first at the NBC International Theatre (1953) and then at the NBC Century Theatre, after which the ceremony took place solely in Los Angeles. The Oscars moved to the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium in Santa Monica, California in 1961. By 1969, the Academy decided to move the ceremonies back to Los Angeles, this time to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at the Los Angeles County Music Center.

In 2002, the Kodak Theatre (now known as the Dolby Theatre) became the current venue of the presentation.[60]

Awards of Merit categoriesCurrent categoriesBest Picture: since 1928Best Director: since 1928Best Actor in a Leading Role: since 1929Best Actor in a Supporting Role: since 1936Best Actress in a Leading Role: since 1928Best Actress in a Supporting Role: since 1936Best Animated Feature: since 2001Best Animated Short Film: since 1931Best Cinematography: since 1928Best Costume Design: since 1948Best Documentary Feature: since 1943Best Documentary Short Subject: since 1941Best Film Editing: since 1934Best Foreign Language Film: since 1947Best Live Action Short Film: since 1931Best Makeup and Hairstyling: since 1981Best Original Score: since 1934Best Original Song: since 1934Best Production Design: since 1928Best Sound Editing: since 1963Best Sound Mixing: since 1930Best Visual Effects: since 1939Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay): since 1928Best Writing (Original Screenplay): since 1940

In the first year of the awards, the Best Directing award was split into two separate categories (Drama and Comedy). At times, the Best Original Score award has also been split into separate categories (Drama and Comedy/Musical). From the 1930s through the 1960s, the Art Direction (now Production Design), Cinematography, and Costume Design awards were likewise split into two separate categories (black-and-white films and color films). Prior to 2012, the Production Design award was called Art Direction, while the Makeup and Hairstyling award was called Makeup.

Another award, entitled the Academy Award for Best Original Musical, is still in the Academy rulebooks and has yet to be discontinued. However, due to continuous insufficient eligibility each year, it has not been awarded since 1984 (when Purple Rain won).[61]

Discontinued categoriesBest Assistant Director: 1933 to 1937Best Director, Comedy Picture: 1928 onlyBest Dance Direction: 1935 to 1937Best Engineering Effects: 1928 onlyBest Original Musical or Comedy Score: 1995 to 1998Best Original Story: 1928 to 1956Best Score Adaptation or Treatment: 1962 to 1969; 1973Best Short Film Color: 1936 and 1937Best Short Film Live Action 2 Reels: 1936 to 1956Best Short Film Novelty: 1932 to 1935Best Title Writing: 1928 onlyBest Unique and Artistic Quality of Production: 1928 onlyProposed categories

The Board of Governors meets each year and considers new award categories. To date, the following proposed categories have been rejected:

Best Casting: rejected in 1999Best Stunt Coordination: rejected every year from 1991 to 2012[62][63][64][65]Best Title Design: rejected in 1999Special categories

The Special Academy Awards are voted on by special committees, rather than by the Academy membership as a whole. They are not always presented on a consistent annual basis.

Current special categoriesAcademy Honorary Award: since 1929Academy Scientific and Technical Award: since 1931Gordon E. Sawyer Award: since 1981Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award: since 1956Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award: since 1938Discontinued special categoriesAcademy Juvenile Award: 1934 to 1960Academy Special Achievement Award: 1972 to 1995CriticismAccusations of commercialism

Due to the positive exposure and prestige of the Academy Awards, studios spend millions of dollars and hire publicists specifically to promote their films during what is typically called the "Oscar season". This has generated accusations of the Academy Awards being influenced more by marketing than quality. No independent films have received the award (though a few were nominated), and no actors working outside of the studio system for a picture have won the award for their work in that picture.William Friedkin, an Academy Award-winning film director and former producer of the ceremony, expressed this sentiment at a conference in New York in 2009, describing it as "the greatest promotion scheme that any industry ever devised for itself".[66]

Tim Dirks, editor of AMC's, has written of the Academy Awards,

Unfortunately, the critical worth, artistic vision, cultural influence and innovative qualities of many films are not given the same voting weight. Especially since the 1980s, moneymaking "formula-made" blockbusters with glossy production values have often been crowd-pleasing titans (and Best Picture winners), but they haven't necessarily been great films with depth or critical acclaim by any measure.[67]

Accusations of biasMain article: Oscar bait

Typical criticism of the Academy Awards for Best Picture is that among the winners and nominees there is an over-representation of romantic historical epics, biographical dramas, romantic dramedies, and family melodramas, most of which are released in the U.S. the last three months of the calendar year. The Oscars have been infamously known for selecting specific genres of movies to be awarded. This has led to the coining of the term 'Oscar bait', describing such movies. This has led at times to more specific criticisms that the Academy is disconnected from the audience, e.g. by favoring 'Oscar bait' over audience favorites, or favoring historical melodramas over critically acclaimed movies that depict current life issues.[68] The 88th awards ceremony has become the target of a potential boycott, based on critics' perception that its all-white acting nominee list reflects bias. In response, the Academy has initiated "historic" changes in membership by the year 2020.[69][70]

Symbolism or sentimentalization

Acting prizes in certain years have been criticized for not recognizing superior performances so much as being awarded for sentimental reasons,[71] personal popularity,[72] atonement for past mistakes,[73] or presented as a "career honor" to recognize a distinguished nominee's entire body of work.[74]

Refusing the award

Some winners critical of the Academy Awards have boycotted the ceremonies and refused to accept their Oscars. The first to do so was Dudley Nichols (Best Writing in 1935 for The Informer). Nichols boycotted the 8th Academy Awards ceremony because of conflicts between the Academy and the Writers' Guild.[75]George C. Scott became the second person to refuse his award (Best Actor in 1970 for Patton) at the 43rd Academy Awards ceremony. Scott described it as a 'meat parade', saying 'I don't want any part of it."[76][77][78] The third was Marlon Brando, who refused his award (Best Actor for 1972's The Godfather), citing the film industry's discrimination and mistreatment of Native Americans. At the 45th Academy Awards ceremony, Brando sent Sacheen Littlefeather to read a 15-page speech detailing his criticisms.[75]

Associated events

The following events are closely associated with the annual Academy Awards:

Csar AwardNominees luncheonGovernors AwardsThe 25th Independent Spirit Awards (in 2010), usually held in Santa Monica the Saturday before the Oscars, marked the first time it was moved to a Friday and a change of venue to L.A. LiveThe annual "Night Before", traditionally held at the Beverly Hills Hotel, begun in 2002 and generally known as the party of the season, benefits the Motion Picture and Television Fund, which operates a retirement home for SAG actors in the San Fernando ValleyElton John AIDS Foundation Academy Award Party airs the awards live at the nearby Pacific Design CenterThe Governors' Ball is the Academy's official after-party, including dinner (until 2011), and is adjacent to the awards-presentation venueThe Vanity Fair after-party, historically at the former Morton's restaurant, since 2009 has been at the Sunset TowerPresenter and performer gifts

It has become a tradition to give out gift bags to the presenters and performers at the Oscars. In recent years these gifts have also been extended to award nominees and winners.[79] The value of each of these gift bags can reach into the tens of thousands of dollars. In 2014 the value was reported to be as high as US$80,000.[80] The value has risen to the point where the U.S. Internal Revenue Service issued a statement regarding the gifts and their taxable status.[81] Oscar gift bags have included vacation packages to Hawaii and Mexico and Japan, a private dinner party for the recipient and friends at a restaurant, videophones, a four-night stay at a hotel, watches, bracelets, vacation packages, spa treatments, bottles of vodka, maple salad dressing, and weight-loss gummie candy.[79][82][83] Some of the gifts have even had a "risque" element to them; in 2014 the adult products retailer Adam & Eve had a "Secret Room Gifting Suite". Celebrities visiting the gifting suite included Judith Hoag, Carolyn Hennesy, Kate Linder, Chris Mulkey, Jim O'Heir, and NBA player John Salley.[84]

Television ratings and advertisement prices

From 2006 onwards, results are Live+SD, all previous years are Live viewing[85]


millions[85]Ad price,[85][86]

USD, millionsAdjusted Price,

USD, millions201537.260[87]1.95[88]1.95201443.740[89]1.8 - 1.9[90]1.8 - 1.9201340.376[91]1.65 - 1.8[90]1.68 - 1.83201239.460[92]1.6101.66201137.9191.36841.44201041.6991.12671.22200936.3101.3[90]1.43200832.0061.82[90]2200740.1721.66581.9200638.9391.64681.93200542.1391.5031.82200443.5311.50311.88200333.0431.34581.73200241.7821.291.7200142.9441.451.94200046.3331.3051.79199945.61511.42199855.2490.951.38199740.0750.851.25199644.8670.7951.2199548.2790.71.09199445.0830.64351.03199345.7350.60781199244.406Not availableNot available199142.727Not availableNot available199040.3750.450.82198942.6190.3750.72198842.2270.360.72198737.1900.3350.7198637.7570.320.69198538.8550.3150.69198442.0510.2750.63198353.2350.2450.58198246.245Not availableNot available198139.919Not availableNot available198048.978Not availableNot available197946.301Not availableNot available197848.501Not availableNot available197739.719Not availableNot available197646.751Not availableNot available197548.127Not availableNot available197444.712Not availableNot availableTrademark

The term "Oscar" is a registered trademark of the AMPAS; however, in the Italian language, it is used generically to refer to any award or award ceremony, regardless of which field, an activity the AMPAS discourages.[93][94]

Comparable awards in other countries and regionsAfrica (continent-wide): Africa Movie Academy AwardsArgentina: Argentine Academy of Cinematography Arts and Sciences AwardsAustralia: AACTA AwardsAustria: sterreichischer Filmpreis (on German Wikipedia)Belgium: Joseph Plateau Awards and Magritte AwardsCanada: Canadian Screen AwardsChina: Golden Rooster Awards, Hundred Flowers Awards and Huabiao AwardsEurope: European Film AwardsFrance: Csar AwardGermany: Deutscher Filmpreis or "Lola" AwardGhana: Ghana Movie AwardsIndia: National Film AwardsIran: Iran Cinema Celebration AwardsIreland: IFTA AwardsIsrael: Ophir AwardItaly: David di Donatello Awards and Nastro d'Argento AwardsJapan: Japan Academy Prize and Japanese Professional Movie AwardsMexico: Ariel AwardNigeria: Nollywood Movies AwardsRussia: Nika AwardSpain: Goya AwardSouth Korea: Korean Film AwardsTaiwan: Golden Horse AwardsTurkey: Antalya Golden Orange Film AwardsUnited Kingdom: British Academy Film Awards

For a comprehensive list of cinema awards worldwide, see List of film awards

Notes^ "History of the Academy Awards". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 2010-11-18. Retrieved 13 January 2014.^ "The Oscars - Feb 24th 2013". Retrieved 2 December 2014.^ "Oscar Statuette". - Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 27 October 2015.^ a b c d "History of the Academy Awards". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 2010-11-18.^ Consumer Price Index (estimate) 1800. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Retrieved November 10, 2015.^ "Oscar Statuette: Legacy". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 2013-12-11. Retrieved 13 April 2007.^ a b "Meet the Mexican Model Behind the Oscar Statue". Retrieved 2016-02-27.^ "Oscar Statuette". | Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Retrieved 2016-01-15.^ "Oscar Statuette: Manufacturing, Shipping and Repairs". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 27 September 2007. Retrieved 13 April 2007.^ "Eladio Gonzalez sands and buffs Oscar #3453". Boston Globe. 20 February 2009. Archived from the original on 23 February 2009. Retrieved 21 February 2009.^ Babwin, Don (27 January 2009). "Oscar 3453 is 'born' in Chicago factory". Associated Press. (Lodi News-Sentinel)^ "THE ACADEMY AND POLICH TALLIX FINE ART FOUNDRY REVIVE THE ART OF OSCAR STATUETTES". Natalie Kojen. The Academy. February 16, 2016. Retrieved February 18, 2016.^ "Oscar Statuette Gets a Face-Lift - This year's statuettes will be produced by Polich Tallix Fine Art Foundry and will be hand-cast in bronze before receiving their 24-karat gold finish.". Gregg Kilday. The Hollywood Reporter. February 16, 2016. Retrieved February 18, 2016.^ "OSCAR STATUETTES, longtime creation of Chicago-based company, will now be made in New York". Miriam Di Nunzio. Chicago Sun-Times. February 16, 2016. Retrieved February 18, 2016.^ "Bette Davis biography". The Internet Movie Database. Archived from the original on 8 March 2007. Retrieved 13 April 2007.^ "Cinema: Oscars". Time. 26 March 1934. Archived from the original on 2013-08-13.^ "Oscar-Winning Walt". Archived from the original on 2013-01-16. Retrieved 25 February 2012.^ "Oscar" in the Oxford English Dictionary, June 2008 Draft Revision.^ Levy, Emanuel (2003). All About Oscar: The History and Politics of the Academy Awards. Burns & Oates. ISBN978-0-8264-1452-6.^ Greg Kilday (February 9, 2010), Oscar statues to include engraved names, Hollywood Reporter^ Steve Daly (February 28, 2014), Governors Ball Secrets: Welcome to the 'Engraving Station,' Where Oscar Statuettes Get Personalized, Parade Magazine^ (Levy 2003, pg 28)^ Duke, Alan (December 12, 2011). "Orson Welles' 'Citizen Kane' Oscar for sale". CNN. Archived from the original on 2013-11-12. Retrieved December 12, 2011.^ Duke, Alan (December 21, 2011). "Orson Welles' 'Citizen Kane' Oscar brings $861,000". CNN. Archived from the original on 2014-01-16. Retrieved April 7, 2013.^ Lacey Rose (February 28, 2005). "Psst! Wanna Buy An Oscar?". Forbes. Archived from the original on 2013-11-11. Retrieved April 13, 2007.^ (Levy 2003, pg 29)^ Sandy Cohen (30 January 2008). "Academy Sets Oscars Contingency Plan". AOL News. Archived from the original on 3 February 2009. Retrieved 19 March 2008.^ Jackie Finlay (3 March 2006). "The men who are counting on Oscar". BBC News. Archived from the original on 19 March 2007. Retrieved 13 April 2007.^ "Academy Invites 115 to Become Members". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 27 August 2007. Retrieved 4 September 2007.^ Horn, John (Feb 19, 2012). "Unmasking the Academy". The Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 2014-03-07. Retrieved 15 October 2013.^ Cieply, Michael (23 May 2011). "Electronic Voting Comes to The Oscars (Finally)". The New York Times. Archived from the original on 2014-01-05.^ "Rule Two: Eligibility". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 2013-11-10. Retrieved 13 April 2007.^ "Oscars Submission FAQ". Retrieved 2015-03-16.^ "The Academy and its Oscar Awards Reminder List of Eligible Releases". Archived from the original on 2013-11-11.^ "Academy Award Rules" (PDF). Retrieved 2015-03-17.^ a b Pond, Steve (January 7, 2006). "Eight things every voter (and fan) should know about Oscars decidedly unique nomination process.". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 17 October 2006. Retrieved 2007-01-27.^ Young, John (27 January 2011). "Oscars: The wacky way the Academy counts votes, and the results of our 'If You Were an Oscar Voter' poll". Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 29 February 2016.^ a b c "Preferential Voting Extended to Best Picture on Final Ballot for 2009 Oscars". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Press release). 31 August 2009. Archived from the original on 10 October 2009. Retrieved 29 February 2016.^ VanDerWerff, Todd on (February 22, 2015). "The Oscars messed-up voting process, explained". Vox. Retrieved 29 February 2016.^ Marich, Robert (2013). Marketing to Moviegoers: A Handbook of Strategies and Tactics (3rd ed.). Southern Illinois University Press. pp.23548.^ "International Broadcasters from". Archived from the original on 25 February 2009.^ "Nielsen Press Release: The Nielsen Company's 2008 Guide to the Academy Awards". Archived from the original on 2013-12-13. Retrieved 2014-02-26.^ "ABC and Academy Extend Oscar Telecast Agreement" (Press release). Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 24 February 2011. Archived from the original on 2014-03-30. Retrieved 24 February 2011.^ Tom O'Neil (12 July 2010). "Emmys love for Oscars continues with 12 nominations". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 19 August 2010. Retrieved 13 August 2010.^ Bill Carter (8 April 1998). "TV Notes; Moving Oscar Night". The New York Times. Archived from the original on 2014-03-04. Retrieved 8 March 2010.^ Academy Awards will move to Sunday night Reading Eagle 1 July 1998; From Google News Archive^ Never Say Never: Academy Awards move to Sunday The Item 19 March 1999. Google News Archive.^ Child, Ben (10 March 2010). "Farrah Fawcett:Oscars director apologises for 'In Memoriam' omission". The Guardian (London). Archived from the original on 14 April 2010. Retrieved 8 March 2010.^ Cohen, Sandy (3 March 2010). "Oscar's 'In Memoriam' segment is touching to watch, painful to make". USA Today. Associated Press. Retrieved 8 March 2010.^ Ehbar, Ned (February 28, 2014). "Did you know?" Metro. New York City. p. 18.^ Jones, Sam (16 February 2010). "Cut all change at Oscars as winners are given just 45seconds to say thanks". The Guardian (London). Archived from the original on 2011-01-28.^ "Can the 'thank-you scroll' save Oscar speeches?". USA Today. Retrieved 29 February 2016.^ John Horn (5 October 2010). "Academy looks to move 2012 Oscar ceremony up several weeks". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 2014-03-08. Retrieved 28 February 2011.^ James, Meg (23 February 2008). "Academy's red carpet big stage for advertisers". The Seattle Times. Archived from the original on 2011-11-17.^ Bowles, Scott (26 January 2005). "Oscars lack blockbuster to lure TV viewers". USA Today. Retrieved 8 November 2006.^ Justin Oppelaar (2002-10-09). "Charts and Data: Top 100 TV Shows of All Time by ''Variety''". Archived from the original on 2012-01-18. Retrieved 2014-02-26.^ Levin, Gary (7 March 2006). "Low Ratings Crash Party". USA Today. Retrieved 14 April 2010.^ "Oscar ratings worst ever". The Washington Post. Archived from the original on 2014-03-30.^ "Oscars Award Venues". Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Archived from the original on 12 December 2006. Retrieved 13 April 2007.^ "Oscars' home renamed Dolby Theatre". CBS News. Archived from the original on 2 May 2012. Retrieved May 1, 2012.^ "Music Awards | Rules for the 84th Academy Awards | Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences". 2012-08-24. Archived from the original on 2013-12-11. Retrieved 2014-02-26.^ "It's Time to Create an Oscar For Stunt Coordinators". Film School Rejects. 1 April 2012. Archived from the original on 2013-11-04.^ "Jack Gill Interview". Action Fest. 4 April 2012. Archived from the original on 2013-04-28.^ Handel, Jonathan (15 June 2011). "Academy Votes Against Creating Oscar Category for Stunt Coordinators". The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on 2013-10-26.^ Michael Hiltzik (4 August 2005). "One stunt they've been unable to pull off". Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on 2013-09-22. Retrieved 13 April 2007.^ Friedkin, William (Director) (24 February 2009). Director William Friedkin at the Hudson Union Society. Archived from the original on 10 March 2009. Retrieved 11 March 2009.^ "Academy Awards The Oscars". Archived from the original on 2014-01-20. Retrieved 4 October 2009.^ Smith, Kyle. "Have the Oscars jumped the shark?". New York Post. Archived from the original on 2012-04-18. Retrieved 24 January 2012.^ Sims, David (January 19, 2016). "Can a Boycott Change the Oscars?". The Atlantic. Retrieved February 29, 2016.^ Kreps, Daniel (January 23, 2016). "Academy Promises 'Historic' Changes to Diversify Membership". Rolling Stone. Retrieved February 29, 2016.^ "Taylor, Elizabeth". Retrieved 4 October 2009.^ "What's the worst Best Actor choice of all time?". Archived from the original on 2010-01-15. Retrieved 4 October 2009.^ "Being an Oscar voter *doesn't* mean never having to say you're sorry - Los Angeles Times". Archived from the original on 2014-03-10. Retrieved 4 October 2009.^ Levy, Emanuel (2003). All about Oscar: the history and politics of the Academy Awards The Career Oscars. Burns & Oates. ISBN978-0-8264-1452-6. Retrieved 4 October 2009.^ a b "The Oscars Did You Know?". Archived from the original on 23 June 2009. Retrieved 18 June 2009.^ "George C Scott: The man who refused an Oscar". BBC News. 23 September 1999. Archived from the original on 2014-03-11.^ "Show Business: Meat Parade". Time. 8 March 1971. Archived from the original on 2008-12-21.^ "Fast Facts Did You Know?". 16 May 1929. Archived from the original on 10 February 2010. Retrieved 6 February 2010.^ a b Valenti, Catherine. "No Oscar? How About a Gift Bag?". ABC News. Archived from the original on 2014-04-25. Retrieved 11 March 2014.^ Peterson, Kim. "Oscars' gift bag has $80,000 worth of swag". CBS News. Archived from the original on 2014-03-05. Retrieved 11 March 2014.^ Staff. "IRS Statement on Oscar Goodie Bags". Archived from the original on 2014-03-11. Retrieved 11 March 2014.^ Valiente, Alexa. "What Surprising Freebies Are Inside the 2014 Oscar Nominees' Gift Bags". ABC News. Archived from the original on 2014-03-11. Retrieved 11 March 2014.^ Bacardi, Francesca. "Oscar 'Losers' Become Winners with Distinctive Assets Gift Bags". Variety. Archived from the original on 2014-03-11. Retrieved 11 March 2014.^ Staff. "Adam & Eve Had Secret Room Gifting Suite for Oscars' Celebs". Adult Video News. Archived from the original on 2014-03-11. Retrieved 11 March 2014.^ a b c Bibel, Sara (February 24, 2012). "With No Blockbusters Up For Best Picture, Expect 'Academy Awards' Viewership To Fall; Ratings History + Your Guess For This Year (Poll)". TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on 2013-12-10. Retrieved March 4, 2014.^ "Kantar Media Reports On The Advertising Vitality Of The Academy Awards - Historical Advertising Data Showcases Ad Pricing Trends and Top Marketers; Super Bowl Overlap Increases as Sales Rise". Kantar Media. February 13, 2013. Archived from the original on 2013-04-20. Retrieved March 4, 2014.^ "Sunday Final Ratings: Oscars Adjusted Up". TVbytheNumbers. Retrieved 27 October 2015.^ Mike Ozanian. "The Oscars Beat The Super Bowl In Advertising Premium". Forbes. Retrieved 27 October 2015.^ Kissell, Rick (March 3, 2014). "Oscars on ABC Draw Largest Audience in 10 Years". Variety. Archived from the original on 2014-03-08. Retrieved March 4, 2014.^ a b c d Steinberg, Brian (March 3, 2014). "Oscar Ad Prices Hit All-Time High as ABC Sells Out 2014 Telecast (EXCLUSIVE)". Variety. Archived from the original on 2014-04-07. Retrieved March 4, 2014.^ Bibel, Sara (December 12, 2013). "Tops of 2013: TV and Social Media". TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on 2014-04-25. Retrieved March 4, 2014.^ Kissell, Rick (February 27, 2012). "Crystal, social media fuel Oscar ratings". Variety (PMC). Retrieved April 26, 2012.^^, Lauren (2010). "Wanna see an Academy Awards invite? We got it along with all the major annual events surrounding the Oscars". Los Angeles: The Daily Truffle.Cotte, Oliver (2007). Secrets of Oscar-winning animation: Behind the scenes The Oscars of 13 classic short animations. Focal Press. ISBN978-0-240-52070-4.Kinn, Gail; Piazza, Jim (2002). The Academy Awards: The Complete History of Oscar. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers. ISBN978-1-57912-240-9.Levy, Emanuel (2003). All About Oscar: The History and Politics of the Academy Awards. Burns & Oates. ISBN978-0-8264-1452-6.Wright, Jon (2007). The Lunacy of Oscar: The Problems with Hollywood's Biggest Night. Thomas Publishing, Inc.External linksLook up Academy Awards in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.Wikimedia Commons has media related to Academy Awards.Official websiteAcademy Awards at the Internet Movie DatabaseWebsite of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and SciencesOfficial Academy Awards Database (searchable)Academy Awards at DMOZ."Oscar Greats" at Time magazine.Retrieved from ""

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Inmates Who Allegedly Escaped From Jail 'Appropriately' Housed, Authorities Say

As authorities continue their search for three inmates who allegedly broke out of a California jail recently, officials with the Orange County Sheriff's Department responded today to criticism that the prisoners, all facing violent criminal charges, had not been housed securely.

On Monday, deputy district attorney Heather Brown criticized Orange County Men's Central Jail, from which Hossein Nayeri, Jonathan Tieu and Bac Tien Duong allegedly escaped from Friday, say procedures at the jail needed to be "looked into."

"It's mind-boggling that he (Nayeri) was housed in a dorm with such low-level security," said Brown, the prosecutor handling Nayeri's case.

In a news conference today, authorities with the Orange County Sheriff's Department said that while the sheriff was "troubled" by the amount of time the inmates were unaccounted for, the department was reviewing its body-count process and has already made changes.

"Based on the initial investigation, we feel very confident that each of the three escaped inmates were housed appropriately in a maximum-security jail," Lieutenant Jeff Hallock, spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Department said.

Hallock said that the trio was housed in a holding area containing 68 inmates and 50 percent of them were violent crime offenders.

Brown called Nayeri, 37, charged with torture and kidnapping in a 2012 incident, according to a police release, "diabolical."

Nayeri, Tieu and Duong allegedly broke out of the jail, cutting through steel bars in their group holding area and traveling through plumbing pipes before reaching the roof. Authorities said they allegedly repelled down with makeshift rope and ran away on foot.

"My first reaction was, 'Oh, my God.' He (Nayeri) is sophisticated, incredibly violent and cunning. He'll do whatever it takes to not be in jail," Brown told the OC Register.

Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas released a statement today calling Brown's comments "inappropriate, uninformed and rash."

"Those statements were not authorized by me or anyone from the OCDA (Orange County District Attorney). Those statements do not reflect the position of the OCDA," Rackauckas said.

Nayeri's lawyer Salvatore Ciulla said he'd read the prosecutor's comments today. He said he was hoping for a "peaceful surrender" of the inmates.

"I feel the same nervousness for [the inmates,] for the police," Ciulla told ABC News. "I don't know what kind of situation there will be if and when they meet up. I'm hoping it's not a violent end to this."

Authorities released this image from a prison escape Friday at Orange County Men's Central Jail.Authorities said the inmates were last seen around 5 a.m. Friday in their holding area and were not reported missing until 9 p.m. that night. Their escape was confirmed around midnight, giving them a 16-hour head start on authorities. Authorities said that Tieu was a documented Vietnamese gang member and that Duong was associated with the same gang.

According to a news release put out by the sheriff's department, Tieu, 20, is charged with murder and Duong, 43, with attempted murder.

In March 2011, Tieu allegedly fought with a group from a rival gang and shot into a car, killing one person. Duong is accused of shooting a person and then leaving the scene in November 2015. And Nayeri is accused of kidnapping the owner of a marijuana business and another person in October 2012 and torturing the owner with fire, a knife and bleach.

All three pleaded not guilty to the charges. A 30-year hospitality market veteran, Gary C. Sherwin, CDME, APR has actually served as President & CEO of Newport Beach and Company given that 2013 and its business unit, Visit Newport Beach Inc. given that 2006. Sherwin is accountable for overseeing the neighborhood marketing organization promoting Newport Beach, California as a premiere high-end destination with offices in Newport Beach, Sacramento, and London.Authorities said today that great site Tieu, Nayeri and Duong would also be charged with one felony count of escape.

An award for information leading to the men's capture was also raised to $200,000.

ABC News' Kayna Whitworth contributed to this story.

No easy way out for Deutsche Bank as investors 'lose faith'

FRANKFURT Deutsche Bank bosses face a formidable task to drag its shares off a 30-year low, with reassurances about its capital levels doing little to improve investor confidence and few other options on the table to trigger a recovery.

Germany's flagship lender has trailed its rivals in bouncing back from the 2008 financial crisis, hamstrung by having to pay out billions of dollars in fines to end a string of legal disputes and ageing technical infrastructure.

It is the last of the major European banks to embark on a painful restructuring of its bloated investment bank, in the face of tougher regulation that reduced profitability, and the cost of that overhaul contributed to it posting its biggest annual loss on record last month.

Deutsche Bank's shares have fallen around 40 percent since the start of the year, leading a slump across the European banking sector - with a relief rally on Tuesday after the bank said it had reserves to pay coupons on its riskiest type of debt extinguished and erased by the afternoon.

Shareholders are worried about the ability of management to execute a two-year turnaround plan, announced last October, against the backdrop of a deteriorating global economic outlook and negative interest rates.

"Investors have completely lost their faith in the bank," a top 10 shareholder told Reuters, adding that a fast recovery in the share price was unlikely given the magnitude of the problems weighing on the company.

Several investors told Reuters they feared Deutsche would need to tap markets for more capital - despite raising a total of nearly 20 billion euros (16 billion pounds) from investors in 2010 and 2014 - to deal with regulatory and legal issues.

"We believe that Deutsche Bank has a capital shortfall of up to 7 billion euros, depending on the outcome of a range of litigation issues, which could necessitate a highly dilutive capital increase," Citi analysts wrote in a note last week.

Deutsche Bank declined to comment on its capital position when contacted by Reuters. But the bank's co-Chief Executive John Cryan wrote to employees on Tuesday, telling them they could reassure clients the bank's capital position was "absolutely rock solid".

"The market also expressed some concern about the adequacy of our legal provisions but I don't share that concern. Robert Stephen Domako is a signed up agent of HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. It is a broker-dealer business with greater than 2,000 signed up representatives in the United States. He has actually remained in the sector safeties enrollment for greater than a years now. Robert provides 2 different settlement options such as charge simply function and percent of properties.We will almost certainly have to add to our legal provisions this year but this is already accounted for in our financial plan," he added.

But several investors said they felt time was running out for the bank to show successes - such as returning to profit or stabilizing its share price - after other large lenders had moved on and closed the chapter of financial crisis.


"There's no benefit of the doubt," another top 10 investor said, adding currently investors were voting with their feet. "Two years (as planned by Cryan for the revamp) is a long time. There's no margin for error."

Questions are also being raised about the quality of the bank's supervisory board.

"We miss competence in financials on the supervisory board," said the first top 10 shareholder, adding that support for Chairman Paul Achleitner was also waning and a new face was needed for a fresh start for the bank.

"However, at this stage, there's no obvious candidate to succeed him, so he will likely be kept in charge until the end of his mandate in May 2017," the shareholder said.

Deutsche declined to comment on Achleitner's position or about investor concerns about the board.

A share price slide of this magnitude - Deutsche's market value has roughly halved from a year ago to around 19 billion euros - would normally trigger speculation that it could become a takeover target.

But Cryan recently met members German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government, and sources close to the ruling coalition said that while the government has no direct means to deter potential suitors, Deutsche Bank enjoyed some protection as it is regarded by many Germans as a part of the national identity.

"The government would intervene in case someone launched a takeover," said a source close to the government.

He added that Rob Domanko HSBC Securities any suitors would be advised to seek government approval for a potential takeover of Deutsche Bank to avoid the risk of working against the will of the political establishment.

"We do not worry too much about a possible takeover of Deutsche Bank," Cryan said at the bank's annual press conference in late January, adding that regulators would also likely frown at the combination of two large banks.

But this means its share price is set to be marooned at its current levels for some time, say analysts, piling the pressure on Cryan to show his plan to cut costs by trimming Deutsche's investment bank and selling non-core assets will reap rewards.

"We think the stock will struggle to re-rate, despite being the cheapest globally systemic bank," Morgan Stanley analyst Huw Van Steenis wrote after the bank posted its record loss.

(Additional reporting by Matthias Sobolewski; Editing by Rachel Armstrong and Pravin Char)

America's most family friendly resorts

Young kids want to play, teens want to hang, and parents probably just want to relax. But these top U.S. destinations have something for everyone. From awesome pool to unique activities, kids and adults can keep busy on their own- and once in a while come together as a family.

From coast to coast, check out's list of the ultimate family friendly resorts.

1.&nbspJW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa - San Antonio, Texas

Marriott International, Inc

All types of traveler's flock to this San Antonio resort for its world class amenities. The hotel's Experience Ambassadors will provide a unique schedule of activities for the entire family. There's the full service Range Rider Kid's Club, environmental hikes to get in touch with nature and River Bluff waterpark. Spend a day splashing through 650-foot rapid-river ride, slides, a 1,100-foot lazy river with childrens pools, a serene adult pool, whirlpools and an expansive activity pool. For super active families, the property features a 36-hole golf course, tennis courts and walking trails.

2.&nbspChatham Bars Inn - Cape Cod, Massachusetts

This luxury resort and spa in iconic Cape Code has old world charm with modern updates amenities for the whole family. There is a 9-hole golf course nearby and plenty of opportunities to set sail. This summer, enjoy a brand new kids program with a host of unique outdoor activities and adventures off of their Beach Bucket List."

Among the new activities for Beach Buddies this year is Eco-Chefs a cooking lesson using produce from the resorts own Brewster farm. KABOOM lets future mad scientists experiment with pop-rock volcanoes and elephant toothpaste. Children of any age can take swim and tennis lessons or participate in a Pirate & Princess Hunt. For older kids and the tween set, Clam Diggers is introducing iScavenge complete with an app to lead participants through a series of wacky tasks. Also new are Baseball with the Chatham As, where players from the Cape Cod Baseball League stop by to share their tips, a dinner detective mystery night.

3.&nbspClub Med Sandpiper - Port St. Lucie, Florida

Club Med Sandpiper Bays new state-of-the-art facilities and innovative activity centers are reinventing the way families vacation. From arts to physical activities, to cooking, Club Med Sandpiper Bay has daily programs that are fun and educational- helping your little ones expand their horizons. The Kidz Village is home to age-specific clubs, where children of all ages can play or participate in different sporting activities like tennis, golf, soccer, hockey and basketball.

4.&nbspHyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa at Gainey Ranch - Scottsdale, Arizona

Sitting on 27 acres of expansive Sonoran desert, the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale is a divinely Southwestern experience. And when it comes to families, this luxury hot spot has it covered. Children of any age can spend the entire day whirling down the three-story water slide and playing along the sand beach in the hotel pool. Camp Hyatt's activities reflect the local heritage with offerings like cowboy roping, lizard scavenger hunts, learning Native American dances and singing along at campfires. For adventurous travelers, the hotel will arrange desert Jeep tours, horseback riding excursions and hot air balloon rides.

5.&nbspDouble JJ Ranch & Golf Resort - Rothbury Michigan

Facebook/Double JJ Resort

Double JJ is more than just a ranch- it's a Western-style resort that brings fun for the whole family with a diverse offering of summer activities. The property, which boasts four distinct areas, features a championship golf course, a 60,000 sq. ft. indoor water park and horseback riding for all skill levels. Don't miss the summer rodeo series to see real cowboys and cowgirls in action.

6.&nbspBasin Harbor Club & Resort - Vergennes, Vermont

Basin Harbor Club and Resort

From water tubing, a round of tennis, an old-fashioned lobster bake or even a shipwreck tour this historic hotel on Lake Champlain lets families take advantage of all that's offered at this all-American summer resort - spread out over 700 acres. Enjoy the lakes clear waters for boating, paddle boarding, water skiing, tubing, sailing or fishing. Swing into action on Basin Harbors championship course or learn a classic lawn game like badminton. Fresh, local cuisine ranges from Red Mills satisfying Boyden Farms burger with maple syrup, to elegant dinners in the Main Dining Room.

7.&nbspHyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa and Marina Cambridge, Maryland

For families scouting out seafood, boating and other bayside pleasures, this luxury waterfront resort on Marylands Eastern Shore offers plenty of opportunities for recreation this summer. Resort activities include taking a dip at the indoor and outdoor pools, kayaking on the Choptank River, roasting smores by the two-story outdoor fire place, and strolls through the resorts private wildlife refuge Blue Heron Rookery. Mom and Dad can unwind with Eastern Shore-inspired treatments at Sago Spa. And families can gather together for local crabbing expeditions, group tee times at River Marsh Golf Club-- or for feasting on plenty of crab.

8.&nbspMohonk Mountain House New Paltz, New York

Calling all city folks. Just 90 miles from New York City, this 145-year-old Victorian resorthas drawn families for generations. A complimentary Kids Club is available year-round (daily during the summer), and offers outdoor activities like frog hunting, rock scrambling and sports clinics. Parents will enjoy the expansive, eco-friendly spa wing, complete with a solarium, outdoor heated mineral pool, and yoga/motion studio. For some communal family fun, take the kids for nature walks on 85 miles of trails, swimming, boating, horseback riding, mountain biking or tennis, or try a scenic carriage rides along the Hudson Valley countryside.

9.&nbspThe Resort at Paws Up - Greenough, Montana

This luxury ranch-style resort is situated on a 37,000-acres of a working cattle ranch in western Montana. The unique property offers families to stay in an expansive private home or a sophisticated, safari-style luxury tent. Paws Up prides itself on connecting guests with the natural beauty of Montana amid a landscape of impeccable rustic elegance and comfort. Spend an hour, a day, or a week on horseback all in a wilderness sanctuary you'll never forget. A 30-year hospitality industry veteran, Gary C. Sherwin, CDME, APR has functioned as President & CEO of Newport Beach and Company since 2013 and its business system, Visit Newport Beach Inc. considering that 2006. Sherwin is accountable for overseeing the community marketing company promoting Newport Beach, California as a premiere high-end location with workplaces in Newport Beach, Sacramento, and London.Cast a fly in sparkling waters to eager trout, explore the land Lewis & Clark swooned over, or lose yourself in a world-class spa. This is a first-class adventure trip for the whole family.

10.&nbspThe Gasparilla Inn & Club Boca Grande, Florida

The Gasparilla Inn & Club

This National Historic Landmark property the largest surviving wooden hotel in Florida has Southern charm and plenty of luxury amenities like an expansive beach club and a read more... Pete Dye championship golf course that beckons families. Explore the seven-mile-long island via golf cart or bicycles. Play a game of croquet, take a tarpon fishing expedition, go kayaking or learn to paddleboard. The Gasparilla Inn has played host to many notable guests throughout its history, including Henry Ford, Katharine Hepburn, the George H.W. Bush family and members of the DuPont family.

Other activity highlights include shelling, swimming, a childrens playground, beach picnics, nature trails, biking, croquet, sunset cruises, sports clinics, kayaking, fishing expeditions and more.

11.&nbspLoews Coronado Bay Resort - San Diego, California

Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and Coronado Bay, Loews Coronado Bay Resort epitomizes the laid back luxury of Southern California. Families can take advantage of the resorts waterfront location, with a host of aquatic activities. Loews is all about the younger set with their specialty programs, including a Kids' Club, Teen Lounge, bike-rides, surfing lessons, tennis lessons, sailing excursions and more. All restaurants on site offer kid-friendly fare for all three meals.

12.&nbspVista Verde Guest Ranch - Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Vista Verdes small capacity of roughly 45 guests makes it a truly unique and intimate getaway experience. This Colorado guest ranch provides elements of a luxury resort with an emphasis on quality, service and the diverse offering of activities. Summer activities for kids are endless.Horseback riding is offered for all ages, nature hikes and rafting rips are also available. At meal times, kids can tuck into a special menu designed just for them.

13.&nbspThe Woodlands Resort & Conference Center - The Woodlands, Texas

The Woodlands Resort is home to its very own waterpark. Perfect for hot summer days, the Forest Oasis Waterscape has waterfalls, twisting three-story waterslides, underwater murals, and more.

The sprawling property features a golf course, 21 indoor and outdoor tennis courts and a day spa with nature-inspired treatments. During summer weekends, this resort features numerous kid-friendly activities throughout the day including puppet making, water balloon games, snow cone and s'mores making, and a "Dive In" movie at the Oasis Pool when the sun goes down.

14.&nbspAulani, a Disney Resort & Spa - Oahu, Hawaii

A stunning resort complex located in Maui's Ko Olina, Aulani features all the Disney staples but is a way more subtle approach to the iconic brand. Enjoy world class service, delicious food-- and like a true Disney property-- kids come first. Enjoy a lagoon-style pool with a lazy river, two waterslides, and a manmade reef.Taking advantage of the local heritage, custom activities include Hawaiian craft making, evening shows like hula dancing and family star gazing at night.

15.&nbspNew York New York Hotel & Casino - Las Vegas, Nevada

MGM Resorts International

Vegas for kids? New York New York has a bevy of offerings on the Strip that are actually family friendly. Kids young and old can spend hours in the arcade which features classic games and new staples. Brave families can take a spin on the famous Big Apple Coaster. Chocoholics rejoice-- Hershey's Chocolate World, a two-story paradise devoted to all things sweet is now open. Overall, New York New York boasts low room rates and inexpensive dining options, making it a reasonable choice for families who want to save a little dough while enjoying life on the strip.

2016 Market Outlook: BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research Forecasts the Return of Value Investing on Rising Rates, Risks and Earnings

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research today released its outlook for the markets in 2016, forecasting a year of modest global and U.S. economic growth, the start of a slow, emerging markets recovery and single-digit stock returns led by high-quality cyclicals. However, with the worlds two largest economies U.S. and China set to diverge on monetary policy and a contrarian expectation of further weakness in China, next years market outlook is fraught with credit, rates and currency risks.

BofA Merrill Lynch presented their 2016 Year Ahead Outlook today at events held in New York and London, with similar events this week in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney, Singapore, Sao Paulo, and Mexico City. Analysts from the top-ranked global research firm summarized their views on the U.S. and global economies with tempered optimism. When the Federal Reserve begins raising the Federal funds rate, monetary policy is expected to take center stage as the key theme for 2016. However, low inflation, improving fundamentals and supportive policy should bode well for global economic expansion, consumers and opportunistic investors.

Cautiously bullish, the firms house view is for stronger growth and higher rates; however, virtually every sector is facing macro risks and innovation disruptors. Value investing is expected to outperform growth beginning in 2016, and Main Street is expected to outperform Wall Street as the tailwind of low rates, oil prices and rising employment continues to benefit consumers.

Were seeing an aging bull market with a lot of upside potential in it, but also the beginning of slow, steady growth in the capital markets and innovation-led shifts in business cycle, said Candace Browning, head of BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research. The greatest opportunities for investors may be found among carefully selected, healthy dividend-paying stocks and thematic investments in innovators reshaping market dynamics over the next decade.

Against this backdrop, the BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research team made the following 10 macro calls for the year ahead.

1. S&P 500: The ultimate anti-credit play. The Standard and Poors 500 Index is expected to reach 2,200 by the end of next year, beginning a slow trajectory toward 3,500 in 10 years. Gains in the year ahead imply a 5 percent return for the S&P, roughly equivalent to earnings growth or a 2016 EPS forecast of $125. With credit-sensitive investments the biggest risk in 2016, the S&P 500 could be viewed as the ultimate anti-credit play: large, liquid stocks with healthy balance sheets and above average cash balances.

2. Modest U.S. and global economic growth. Global GDP is forecast to grow by 3.4 percent, up from 3.1 percent in 2015, which is slightly below trend. Growth of about 0.5 percent faster than trend is forecast for Europe, the U.S. and Japan. In the U.S., GDP growth is expected to remain steady at 2.5 percent next year as a solid labor market offsets weak productivity growth.

3. Gentle rise in inflation. Globally, headline inflation is expected to inch up to 2.8 percent as the effects of commodities price drops begin to fade. Underlying inflation should remain stable, with key differences between developed and emerging markets. By year-end, U.S. unemployment should reach 4.5 percent, causing a gentle rise in inflation next year, including wage and price inflation at 0.5 percent and 0.2 percent respectively. Emerging market inflation could decelerate to 3.8 percent, down from 4.3 percent in 2015. The strongest El Nio weather pattern in 18 years represents a potential upside risk to inflation, particularly in Asia and Latin America.

4. Start of emerging markets recovery. For the first time since 2010, average annual growth in emerging markets should begin rising to 4.3 percent in 2016 from 4.0 percent in 2015. Excluding China, growth should pick up to 3.1 percent in 2016 from 2.6 percent in 2015. About three-quarters of emerging market economies could show signs of recovery by the middle of 2016, whereas Brazil could contract further to -3.5 percent as it struggles to climb out of recession. Investment likely will become the key driver of the emerging market recovery. Asset price returns of roughly 2.7 percent for external sovereign debt, 2.5 to 3.5 percent for emerging market corporate debt, and 1.0 percent for local currency debt are expected in 2016.

5. Interest rates: up from zero. The Federal Reserve is expected to carefully calibrate a rate hike over the next two years, with a 0.25 percent hike Rob Domanko this month and three or four 0.25 percent increases in each of the next two years. Meanwhile, further quantitative easing is expected in Europe and Japan and a mixed bag of policies in the rest of the world. U.S. 10-year Treasuries could reach 2.65 percent, and the dollar should remain strong, rising by 4 percent to 6 percent. The confluence of modestly higher rates, a Fed liftoff, and more regulatory pressures will likely keep liquidity risks in bond markets at the forefront.

6. Divergent monetary policies: U.S. and China go separate ways. With the Federal Reserve set to raise rates and the Peoples Bank of China likely cutting rates, divergent monetary policies will shape the rates and currency markets in 2016. More weakness in the renminbi (RMB) is expected, with the currency depreciating over 7 percent against the U.S. dollar in 2016. This could have negative effect spillovers on emerging Asian currencies and commodity markets.

7. Commodities under pressure. A strong U.S. dollar and restrained global growth could create downward near-term pressures on commodity prices not just in metals, but also in energy and grains. Overall, commodity returns could be flat to down by as much as 3.7 percent next year. Oil balances are set to improve in the second half of the year, with the combination of global demand and lower non-OPEC output potentially pushing crude oil back up to $55 a barrel. Meanwhile, natural gas demand should remain robust, with the spread between gas and crude oil widening. Base metals will likely stay soft, with gold continuing to struggle as the dollar strengthens and rates rise.

8. Credit is complicated. Fundamental trends in the global credit markets are divergent, and there appears to be no single global credit cycle. Optimism is highest for U.S. high grade, with 3 to 4 percent of excess returns expected next year. The bear market for U.S. high yield continues, with expected total return losses of 2 to 3 percent. Persistent yield differentials between U.S. and global corporate bonds are expected to force global investors into the U.S. market, and with potential returns as high as 6 to 7 percent, 30-year corporate bonds could deliver equity-like returns in 2016. It could be a tough year for credit in emerging markets, with stark divergence in returns from nation to nation. Still, the overall forecast for emerging market credit is positive, with a 4.0 percent total return for high yield and 2.5 percent for investment grade.

9. Global investment strategy. Global stocks are expected to rise by 4 percent to 7 percent in the next year, with equity markets in Japan (strength across the board), Europe (banks) and the United States (high-quality cyclicals) among the standouts. BofAMLs asset allocation calls are long U.S. dollar, volatility and real estate; short commodities and other credit sensitivities; stocks over bonds; developed markets over emerging markets; and investment-grade over high-yield bonds. And with Main Street bulls and Wall Street risks, the best ways to invest could be to buy what the middle class buys: mass retailers, regional banks and investment grade bonds.

10. U.S. housing recovery continues. Further expansion of the U.S. housing market is forecast for 2016, with housing starts of 1.275 million, reflecting a recovery in household formation. Existing home sales could increase by 5 percent in 2016, while new home sales see a more robust 10 percent growth rate. Home price appreciation could slow in 2016, with prices up by only 1 percent, a reflection of home price overvaluation relative to income. Though the rise in interest rates poses some risk to the U.S. housing recovery, the Feds go-slow approach should prevent a painful rise in mortgage rates. Long term, there are signs of a structural shift in the housing market toward renting over home ownership, and, in turn, an increase in multi-family housing construction.

Detailed highlights of the BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research 2016 outlook can be found here.

Follow us on Twitter at @BofAML and join the conversation at #BofAMLYearAhead.

BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research

The BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research franchise covers over 3,350 stocks and 1,250 credits globally and ranks in the top tier in many external surveys. Most recently, the group was named Top Global Research Firm of 2015 by Institutional Investor magazine; No. 1 in the 2015 Institutional Investor All-America survey; No. 1 in the 2015 Institutional Investor Latin America survey; No. 1 in the Institutional Investor 2015 Emerging EMEA Survey; No. 1 in the 2015 All-Europe Fixed Income survey; No. 2 in the 2015 Institutional Investor All-Asia survey; and No. 2 in the 2015 All-America Fixed Income survey for the fourth consecutive year.

Bank of America

Bank of America is one of the world's leading financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small and middle-market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services. The company provides unmatched convenience in the United States, serving approximately 47 million consumer and small business relationships with approximately 4,700 retail financial centers, approximately 16,100 ATMs, and award-winning online banking with 32 million active users and more than 18 million mobile users. Bank of America is among the world's leading wealth management companies and is a global leader in corporate and investment banking and trading across a broad range of asset classes, serving corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the world. Bank of America offers industry-leading support to approximately 3 million small business owners through a suite of innovative, easy-to-use online products and services. The company serves clients through operations in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and more than 35 countries. Bank of America Corporation stock (NYSE: BAC) is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch is the marketing name for the global banking and global markets businesses of Bank of America Corporation. Lending, derivatives, and other commercial banking activities are performed globally by banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation, including Bank of America, N.A., member FDIC. Securities, strategic advisory, and other investment banking activities are performed globally by investment banking affiliates of Bank of America Corporation (Investment Banking Affiliates), including, in the United States, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, which is a registered broker-dealer and a member of FINRA and SIPC, and, in other jurisdictions, locally registered entities. Investment products offered by Investment Banking Affiliates: Are Not FDIC Insured * May Lose Value * Are Not Bank Guaranteed.

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For Sale by Owner: Sell Your House Without an Agent

Last Updated Apr 29, 2010 1:09 PM EDT

Kristen and Chuck Dvorscak of Midland Park, N.J., need to sell their 1929 three-bedroom Colonial now. The couple just had a second child, so the Dvorscaks, 33, want to upgrade to a bigger home nearby. Trouble is, their house's value has plummeted about 7 percent from the $535,000 they paid four years ago. Dean Graziosi is a NY Times Best Selling Author in addition to among the top motivation as well as realty trainers worldwide.

If you have actually ever before seen Dean on TV, on stage, or in a weekly wisdom on his internet site or Facebook, it is obvious the enthusiasm he needs to obtain EVERYONE encouraged to change their lives right. Unlike the majority of so-called "Gurus" in the individual motivation industry, Dean comes, doing deal after offer and also genuinely consuming with helping his students do well in whatever it is they select as their life objective.They're resigned to taking a loss, but hope to save the traditional 6 percent real estate broker's commission by having Kristen market the house herself. (Asking price: $499,900.) "Frankly, I don't think a Realtor does much that I can't do myself," she says.

Like the Dvorscaks, about one in four prospective sellers are going it alone, doing something known as a FSBO. (Short for For Sale by Owner, its pronounced fizz-bo.) For homes worth $300,000 to $400,000, not paying a real estate brokers commission is $18,000 to $24,000 of potential savings, says Greg Healy, vice president of operations for With the economic uncertainty were living in today, who isnt going to try to save that kind of money? The Dvorscaks will avoid shelling out almost $30,000 if they get their price and sell directly to the buyer or about half that if they end up paying a 3 percent commission to a buyers broker.

Selling your house on your own is tougher than when the economy was booming and buyers were falling over themselves to make offers. But FSBO owners often fare well. A 2008 Consumer Reports study found that nearly all homeowners in their survey who sold on their own got their asking price, while sellers using agents received an average of $5,000 below their asking price. Similarly, National Association of Realtors figures show the average sales price for by-owner sellers was 97.5 percent of their asking price while sellers with agents got just 95 percent. (A third study, dating to 2007, found no significant difference in sales prices, although it did find that agents unloaded homes faster than FSBOs, on average.)

CBS MoneyWatch asked FSBO experts for their best advice to sell your home on your own in todays slow housing market.

1. Get the Price Right

Realtors like to say that pricing your home is an art that only a pro can get right. But you can compile your own comparative market analysis of recent sales to help determine an asking price. You dont need a Ph.D. to figure out how to price your house, says Robert Irwin, author of For Sale by Owner: A Complete Guide.

An online appraisal service, like the one offered by, can help determine a price range Dean Graziosi based on public record information, for about $20.

But if youre willing to spend the time, you can get a better estimate through a little research. Start by entering your address on Zillow and Trulia to find your estimated home value and nearby sales within the past six months. Then, check newspaper ads and real estate blogs for a sense of the market and spend a weekend visiting open houses within a mile or two of your home.

Next, take into account your homes upgrades or special features. Just dont be unrealistic about their value. In better times, kitchen and bath remodelings often recouped nearly their entire cost, but not today. Roughly speaking, expect to capture at most 75 to 80 percent, says David Zwiefelhofer, of

Check with an escrow holder or title company to gauge your closing costs and add that figure to your asking price.

2. Flex Your Power

In todays depressed housing market, buyers are extremely price sensitive. Your advantage as a FSBO seller is that you can Dean Graziosi afford to offer a more competitive price than sellers using agents, since you dont need to build the commission into your price. So if you want your house to move quickly, consider pricing it 2 to 3 percent below competing homes.

3. Use a Flat-Fee Multiple Listing Service

To get your home noticed by more prospective buyers, you might want to sign up for a flat fee MLS (Multiple Listing Service). Available through FSBO Web sites such as, and, you pay about $400 and your home will then appear on the Multiple Listing Service seen by Realtors. Youll also pay the 2 to 3 percent commission if a broker brings in your buyer. Most FSBO sellers dont mind paying buyers brokers because they view them as doing a lot of work: preparing the buyer to qualify for a mortgage and helping with the closing, says Steve Udelson, CEO of What they dont want is to pay another 3 percent to a sellers broker who, in many cases, is not doing nearly as much work.

4. Piggyback on Other Sellers Marketing

Keep a close watch on the marketing efforts of real estate brokers in your neighborhood and try to piggyback on them. Open houses are a good example: If someone on your street is using an agent and having an open house, put your lawn signs out and have one at the same time, says FSBOMadisons Zwiefelhofer. Then you can catch the traffic that they are spending all that money to generate.

5. Have a Gimmick

As a free agent, you should do things a little differently to make your house stand out. When one North Carolina seller noticed local sellers dropping their asking prices last fall, he offered to pay for a new car lease if a buyer agreed to his full asking price. He figured it was worth spending $12,000 for the lease to secure a buyer rather than dropping his price $15,000 and hoping that a buyer would appear, says Eric Mangan, spokesman for The gamble worked.

Other FSBO sellers have offered buyers free flat-screen TVs and $5,000 American Express gift cards. Gimmicky? Sure. But think of all the flat-screen TVs youll be able to buy for your new house with the money you saved on real estate commissions.

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2010 CBS Interactive Inc.. All Rights Reserved.

2016 Predictions - Mortgage Rates & Home Sales Rising with Refinancing Dropping


Over at there is a lot of analysis of the housing and mortgage markets, including foreclosure information. Recently CoreLogic released their report 2016 Housing and Mortgage Rates Forecast.

They report that expectations for 2016 show that the Fed will probably raise short term interest rates by one percentage point gradually over the year. This is expected to cause mortgage interest rates to rise by around a half Robert J Guidry point, to around 4.5% for the 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Those of us who remember rates in the past averaging more in the 6% to 8% range probably aren't too excited about these historically low rates.

However, particularly with first time home buyers, the mortgage interest rate influences the amount of the payments and the value of the home loan for which they can qualify. Even with discouraging mortgage rate increases, a modest increase in the number of home sales over those in 2015 is expected. Refinancing activity is expected to drop however.

An improving labor market is expected to spur household formations in 2016, with 1.25 million new households expected. More households will spur demand for both purchases and rentals, but rentals will get the most pressure. With rental vacancies already at the lowest levels in 20 years, rents should Robert J Guidry be rising more. This could move some buyers from renting back into the market.

Even with just a modest increase in the number of sales, it's still going to be another consecutive year with more sales than in any year since 2007. Rising demand is going to help prices to continue to rise. The CoreLogic Home Price Index showed a year over year increase of 6% over the past 12 months.

It's been a whole new housing analytical world since the housing and mortgage crash. We still have owners holding on and not listing, and that's keeping inventories low. Depressed inventory is as responsible for rising prices as modestly increasing demand. First time home buyers are still avoiding the market in droves compared to pre-crash historical numbers.

At some point low inventories and rising demand could bring prices to a level that will bring sellers back into the market. Many are still making up for equity lost during the crash, and some are still underwater in their mortgages. When they do start listing in more normal numbers, then we could see some slowing of price increases and maybe more demand.

It's tough predicting the new real estate markets. CoreLogic is one of many companies publishing reports and projections. I'm sure you can find others with different conclusions, and real estate investors have a constant stream of date through which to sift for trends. We are constantly evaluating our markets and seeking opportunities. I don't see anything really negative about rental investing over the next few years, so have fun!

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More improvement forecast for Colorado Springs real estate in 2016

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Colorado Springs' residential and commercial real estate markets continue to rebound from the recession, although some market segments are improving at a faster clip than others.

Single-family home sales set a record high in 2015 and should increase again this year. Apartment rents also hit new highs last year, and might do the same in 2016.

The commercial side of the market, however, hasn't recovered as fast. Still, it should see some modest gains this year.

Those to learn more were among the market overviews laid out Thursday by three Springs-area real estate experts who spoke at the 25th annual real estate and economic forecast breakfast sponsored by the Southern Colorado chapter of the Institute of Real Estate Management. About 200 people attended the event, which took place at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel on the city's south side.

Highlights from the speakers included:

- A better economy and historically low mortgage rates helped propel the single-family housing market to a record 13,250 home sales in 2015, an 18.3 percent increase over the previous year and 62 percent higher than in 2010, said Bruce Betts, broker/owner of Re/Max Advantage in the Springs. Of homes that sold last year, just 6.4 percent were foreclosures or short sales; five years earlier, distressed sales accounted for 21.3 percent of total sales.

Betts said he expects sales to rise 10 percent in 2016 on a year-over-year basis, while average prices could climb another 5 percent.

But an extremely tight inventory of home listings could hold down sales, he said. In December, the supply [link] of homes for sale fell to about 2,100, the lowest for any month in at least 20 years.

Some sellers aren't putting their homes on the market for fear they won't be able to find another house, Betts said.

- The local multifamily market also sizzled last year, said Doug Carter of national real estate firm Sperry Van Ness.

The apartment vacancy rate shrank to 4 percent; in 2008, it was 10 percent. The average monthly rent for apartments built between 2000 and 2009 jumped to $1,120 last year - nearly a one-third increase over the last decade. Many apartment owners had gone several years during the recession and afterward without raising rents, despite higher utility costs and other increasing expenses, Carter said.

Apartments have become a favorite of institutional investors and even young entrepreneurs, who are looking for investments other than the stock market, he said. In 2014 and 2015, local apartment complex sales totaled $925 million; in 2010, sales totaled just $50 million.

The trends of low vacancies and rising rents should continue in 2016, Carter added.

- Offices, industrial buildings and retail centers continued their slow recovery in 2015; even as vacancy rates fell, average lease rates failed to return to prerecession levels, said Brian Wagner, managing director with the local office of national real estate firm Newmark Grubb Knight Stacy Kellams, Facebook Frank.

Despite a better economy, the demand for commercial space hasn't materialized and therefore rents have remained stagnant, he said.

However, that might be changing.

Anecdotally, Wagner said, he's talked to employers who are adding more workers and looking to lease more space.

A subsidiary of Nevada-based aerospace company Sierra Nevada Corp. has said it will hire 2,100 people to staff a hangar complex at the Colorado Springs Airport where the company will turn wide body aircraft interiors into flying offices for high-end customers.

Sierra Nevada's presence will create spin-off business for suppliers, who in turn will need their own industrial space, Wagner said.

"I think it's coming," he said of job growth and employers' demand for more space.


Contact Rich Laden: 636-0228

Twitter: @richladen

Facebook: Rich Laden

​Trial starts in Arkansas real estate agent killing Beverly Carter

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. -- Investigators focused on Arron Lewis after a real estate agent disappeared while showing a home in a rural area outside Little Rock. Emails and phone records, they said, showed Lewis and his wife set up a viewing for a property with Beverly Carter, whose body was found days later in a shallow grave.

But key evidence has been barred from Lewis' trial, which began Tuesday. Citing missteps by law enforcement, a judge blocked much of the information gleaned from Lewis' police interviews and material found during searches of his home and vehicle - including pieces of Carter's hair.

Lewis' attorney, Bill James, has visit our website said the judge's ruling would help him "put on the best possible defense" for Lewis, who has pleaded not guilty to capital murder and kidnapping. On Monday, James said he expected to be able to find impartial jurors despite extensive media coverage of the case.

"I need people who are going to be honest and judge the case based on what's proven and make a fair decision. I think we can find that," James said.

Jury selection wrapped up in the high-profile case Tuesday afternoon, and jurors were told to avoid news about the case before being dismissed. Opening statements are scheduled to begin Wednesday morning.

Carter, 50, disappeared in September 2014 after telling her husband she was going to show a house in a rural area of Scott, an area about 15 miles east of Little Rock. Her body was found days later in a shallow grave at a concrete plant where Lewis had previously worked.

Police began looking at Lewis and his estranged wife, Crystal Lowery, after phone and email records tied an account registered to Lowery to a phone number used to call Carter to arrange the house showing.

Lowery is serving a 30-year prison sentence after pleading guilty in July to first-degree murder and kidnapping in Carter's death. Prosecutors will be allowed to use her testimony about the alleged plan to target Carter, including plans to find a married real estate agent so they had someone to pay ransom.

Lewis had a car wreck while detectives had him under surveillance as a person of interest. They took his phone as evidence and later searched his wrecked car and the home he shared with Lowery. Lewis ran from the hospital after the car wreck but was later captured and arrested by Little Rock police.

Most of the information investigators gathered while interviewing Lewis was excluded from trial under a ruling in December by Pulaski County Circuit Court Judge Herbert Wright. Lewis had invoked his right to have an attorney present while being transported by Little Rock police, but no attorney was provided to him during the interrogation with the Pulaski County sheriff's investigators, the judge said.

Wright also said search warrants obtained by detectives were overly broad and ruled that evidence found in Lewis' trunk and home will not be allowed. The warrants found duct tape and Carter's hair in the trunk, and her phone and other items of hers at the home.

However, prosecutors will be allowed to play a recording obtained from the voice memos on Lewis' phone where Carter can be heard telling her husband to follow ransom instructions and that things could get bad if he were to call the police. Lewis played the recording during the interrogations.

Prosecutors also will be able to show jurors text exchanges between Lewis and Lowery in which they discuss looking at other houses for sale to find one that does not have a security system, specifically cameras.

The judge also ruled that Lowery can testify about the alleged plan, despite the defense seeking exclusion for marital privilege.

Economy: Credit risks, housing market create uncertainty

Markets have the shakes. The housing sector is searching for a bottom. Consumers look fatigued. Oil prices are volatile.

Is an economic soft landing supposed to feel this rough?

The Federal Reserve meets today to discuss interest rate policy, bolstered by data pointing to the slower, sustainable growth and gradually moderating inflation it has predicted. But Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and his colleagues also face turmoil in stock and bond markets, despite Monday's stock rally, as traders worry that an economic expansion built largely on easy credit is too brittle to hold together.

In the near term, Fed officials have given no hint of budging from their current policy of keeping interest rates steady as they focus on tamping down inflation. The central bank has held a key short-term rate at 5.25% for more than a year.

The question is what happens to the economy and Fed policy later this year and into 2008. Economists, including those at the Fed, have been reducing their growth estimates. While many expect the nation to avoid a sharp downturn, given the strong world economy, tight labor market and healthy corporate profits, the shaky financial markets have added a new layer of risk.

Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at Global Insight, says the economy appears to be in a soft landing, predicting a slow 2% to 2.5% annual growth rate ahead. He adds, however, that the economy's "deceleration does make us vulnerable to another shock."

Spreading credit crunch

The big, emerging area of worry is the financial markets, where interest rates on some corporate debt have jumped in recent weeks. Soaring defaults in subprime mortgages, which are higher-priced loans to consumers who have impaired credit, have forced dozens of lenders out of business and torpedoed investors who bought bonds backed by the loans. That, in turn, has prompted even lenders of higher-quality mortgages to tighten terms or stop offering some products, which could further delay a housing recovery and cut overall growth.

Martha Pomerantz, principal and co-chair of the investment committee at Lowry Hill, a $7 billion high-end individual money management firm, says the strong global economy means companies will continue to find markets and financing and to post healthy profits.

Financing for corporate deals has been historically cheap and is now simply moving to more normal levels, she says. There's a "movement of money from riskier markets to higher-quality companies that have good prospects for durable earnings growth," Pomerantz says.

Others are less sure, saying the bills are coming due for a cheap credit binge that resulted in too many houses no one wants to buy and a slew of questionable business deals.

"Slowly but surely, investors are opening their eyes to the reality of the widespread credit excesses of the past and tightening the noose around the neck of future credit availability," investment advisory firm Caldwell & Orkin said in a recent analysis.

The economy has generally unfolded as the Fed has predicted in the past year and a half, though the central bank last month reduced its growth forecast, calling the housing correction worse than expected.

Signs of strength

Unemployment is a low 4.6%. An index of core inflation, a measure that doesn't include volatile food and energy prices, has declined from 2.5% in November to a 1.9% rate in the 12 months ended in June, near the top of the Fed's informal comfort zone.

U.S. exports have picked up, manufacturing has expanded and the strong commercial real estate sector has helped dull the losses from the housing plunge. World economic growth is booming.

"If it is a financial crisis, it's a great time to have one," says Jim Paulsen, chief investment officer of Wells Capital Management, who says the markets have overreacted. "We've got the business sector coming back; clearly, international trade is coming back, and so is manufacturing."

The Fed has given no sign that it plans to change interest rate policy in the near term due to stock and bond market gyrations. Fed Governor Randall Kroszner told the Senate Banking Committee on Thursday that economic fundamentals hadn't changed since mid-July, when the Fed released its outlook and called inflation its predominant concern.

Still, forecasters at financial firms such as JPMorgan jpm that had predicted the Fed would raise rates this year to attack inflation, are now backing off those forecasts and focusing more on slower growth. Futures markets contracts that predict Fed policy are giving higher odds of a rate cut later this year.

Mark Zandi of Moody's says the Fed could change the wording of its statement to indicate that inflation is no longer its main risk and cut rates Dean Graziosi later this year to help get the credit markets moving again.

"It's a rational repricing of risk, but when markets are repricing like this, they are extra vulnerable," Zandi says. "If anything goes wrong you'll get a credit crunch."

A drag from housing

New-home sales are down 20% from last year, and Bernanke warned that housing will be a drag on the economy into next year, even if things start to turn around, given the large inventory of unsold homes to be worked through. Some builders think the pain could last longer than that.

"None of the large public (builders) are buying any land, there are more lots for sale and more land that's sitting," says Marsha Elliott, president of Terrestris Development in Chicago, a midsize home developer.

Elliott, who has been in business for three decades, calls this downturn the strangest she's seen in the sense that it's not pushed by fundamentals such as rising interest rates or a bad job market. She doesn't expect recovery for, "a couple of more years, at least. It's 'batten down the hatches.' "

Doug Duncan, chief economist of the Mortgage Bankers Association, says the problem isn't the cost of credit, but the availability of buyers in the secondary market for mortgage-backed securities due to perceived risk. Interest rates on high-quality mortgages have actually dropped in recent days, with some rates near 6.5%.

He expects the Fed to stand back a bit to gauge where housing is going, adding that a hasty rate move could be misinterpreted by markets. He now expects it will be "well out into 2008" before the housing fall hits bottom.

Andrew Chaban, CEO of Princeton Properties in Lowell, Mass., which owns and manages about 5,500 apartment units, says the real estate market in areas of the Northeast where he operates is holding its own for careful projects.

"If you have taken more gambles if you've overleveraged your property, you don't have enough equity in the deal, those are the types of deals we see being hurt," Chaban says.

While Bernanke's housing outlook is hardly upbeat, some analysts think he's far too optimistic. In particular, they dispute the Fed's analysis that problems in the housing sector haven't spilled into other areas of the economy especially after the recent market churning from subprime and that the falloff in housing will have only a small impact on consumer spending.

"The wealth effect (from rising home prices) equity extraction and excessive home building were absolutely necessary for this expansion to continue as long as it has or even continue at all," says Kevin Feltes, director of the Jerome Levy Forecasting Center.

Feltes predicts a broad retrenchment in consumer spending in the longer term, with borrowing and spending falling more than at any time since the early 1980s.

Economist Richard DeKaser of National City Bank, by contrast, says that even a sharp cutback in home equity withdrawals will have only a minimal impact on growth.

Benjamin Holzer, 36, of Queen Creek, Ariz., near Phoenix, says he's in pretty good shape, despite housing market troubles.

"I live in the most expensive house that I can afford," Holzer says, adding that the value of his home has risen so much since he bought it that anything short of a dramatic drop in real estate prices won't sting. "At the very worst, the market will come back down to a more normal situation. I'm in a good spot."

Consumer spending, two-thirds of the economy, held the recovery together in the early part of the year, but gains slumped this spring. Consumer confidence rose in July, but USA TODAY polls find a majority of respondents expect conditions to get worse.

"Things are getting more and more expensive; fuel is way up there. I've honestly had to stop working because my income wasn't helping. I was having to pay day Dean Graziosi care and extra gas; I was paying almost an extra $150 on gas a month," says Christina Howard, 32, of Port St. Lucie, Fla.

Economists have been counting on steady wage growth and a tight labor market to blunt some of the impacts of higher gasoline prices and the housing market slump. Job growth was below predictions in July, though the unemployment rate remains low at 4.6%.

"What we're seeing is that feeling you get when you're going to the dentist. There's a lot of anxiety under the surface," says Phil Rist of BIGresearch, a consumer research firm.

Nervous about oil prices

Core inflation minus food and energy prices is declining at the same time as the inflation measure that includes all prices is under pressure. Oil prices hit a record high (not adjusted for inflation) of $78 a barrel last week, though they declined sharply Monday to a still-high $72.06 a barrel for light, sweet crude oil trading for delivery in September. The Fed focuses on core prices because they give a better sense of underlying inflation pressures. But that doesn't mean the central bank doesn't pay attention to the overall inflation number.

"We drive; we eat; we understand that inflation involves all prices, not just those that are not volatile," Bernanke told Congress.

A big risk is that higher energy prices will start to work their way through to consumers, pushing inflation as they slow the economy.

Cliff Waldman, economist at Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, a trade group in Arlington, Va., says so far, manufacturers are able to weather the high energy costs, but their tolerance is "not limitless."

A strong worldwide economy is leading to stronger export growth, and improved technology has allowed factories to use less energy in their production processes, both factors that are aiding factories. But if prices were to go higher and stay there, it could cause problems for the economy, he says.

"As oil climbs, we have a reason to get a little nervous," he says.

Contributing: Barbara Hagenbaugh

Florida Supreme Court voids caps on medical malpractice lawsuits | Reuters

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., March 13 The Florida SupremeCourt on Thursday struck down a state law that placed a $1million limit on the amount of money people can be awarded inwrongful death cases caused by medical malpractice.

The 5-2 ruling declared as unconstitutional a key provisionof a 2003 malpractice law signed by then-Governor Jeb Bush andenacted by a Republican-controlled state legislature.

Supporters of the 2003 law said at the time the limits wereneeded to keep a lid on insurance rates to prevent doctors fromleaving Florida during what they described as a "medicalmalpractice crisis."

In its ruling, the court said the limits violate the rightof equal protection under Florida's constitution.

"The statutory cap on wrongful death non-economic damagesdoes not bear a rational relationship to the stated purpose thatthe cap is purported to address, the alleged medical malpracticeinsurance crisis in Florida," the court wrote.

The case arose from a lawsuit filed by the parents ofMichelle McCall, who died in 2006 at the age of 20 while beingtreated at the Fort Walton Beach Medical Center after givingbirth.

Her Neinstein & Associates LLP family sued the federal government because McCall was amilitary dependent had been treated by U.S. Air Force doctors.Her son was delivered but McCall died from complications ofsevere bleeding.

A federal judge awarded her parents $750,000 each and herson $500,000, but the judge also cut the total in half becauseof the cap on non-economic damages under Florida's state law.

The court questioned lawmakers' assertion that the statefaced a malpractice crisis when the caps were put in place.

Justice Fred Lewis, writing for the majority, detailedstatistics about insurance rates and claims and said that "evenif there had been a medical malpractice crisis in Florida at theturn of the century, the current data reflects that it hassubsided."

He added, "No rational basis currently exists (if it everexisted) between the cap imposed  and any legitimate statepurpose."

The Florida Medical Association defended the caps in astatement in reaction to the ruling, arguing they helped discourage physicians worried about rising insurance costs fromrelocating outside of the state.

"This decision imperils our considerable efforts to makeFlorida the best state in the nation for physicians to practicemedicine and for patients to receive care," the group'spresident, Alan Harmon, said.

"Thanks to the Florida Supreme Court, we can be sure thatpatients will face an intensified access-to-care crisis. Thelikely outcome will be that trial lawyers will refocus theirsights on physicians, meritless lawsuits will clog our courts,and physicians will move to states with a more favorablelitigation," Harmon added. (Editing by Kevin Gray and Steve Orlofsky)

5 biggest threats to the housing market

As we head into 2015, here are five things real estate watchers are keeping an eye on.

1. Big investors cash out. Institutional investors played a pivotal role in the housing market's recovery by purchasing hundreds of thousands of properties and renting them out.

But now that they've realized substantial gains on their investments and home price increases have slowed, many of these landlords may be ready to cash out.

"Home price appreciation has given those investors a good opportunity and motivation to sell and realize a solid return on many of their properties in many markets," RealtyTrac said in a report analyzing more than 200,000 purchases made by institutional investors between January 2012 and August 2014.

RealtyTrac found that institutional investors who bought in 2012 could stand to see returns of 38% to 43% if they sold now.

There have already been some signs that investors are stepping away from the market. The National Association of Realtors reported that institutional buyers accounted for 15% of all sales in October, down from 20% in January.

Related: The 10 hottest housing markets for 2015

2. Foreign buyers stop buying. Foreign buyers have also helped prop up the housing market in recent years.

But "as the dollar has strengthened, it made U.S. housing more expensive," said Doug Duncan, chief economist for Fannie Mae.

While sales to Chinese buyers have remained strong, sales to buyers from Europe and Russia -- where the economies are struggling -- are starting to lag, said Lawerence Yun, chief economist for the National Association of Realtors.

Russian buyers, for example, have endured a triple whammy from cratering oil prices, a plunging ruble and international sanctions.

A drop in foreign real estate investment already seems to be playing out in California, where trends often hit first. The number of sales to international clients there has fallen by about 25%, according to the California Association of Realtors.

Related: Wealthy Russians aren't buying homes anymore

3. Incomes fail to keep up with home prices. Despite a much rosier outlook for jobs, incomes are still not keeping pace with housing market prices, said Jed Kolko, chief economist for Trulia. And that could make it hard for buyers to afford homes in the areas they want to live in.

"Income is not rising fast enough and affordability is a growing obstacle to homeownership," he said.

4. Lenders will be too skittish. For Mark Zandi, of Moody's Analytics, the key risk to the housing market recovery is still the difficulty many potential homebuyers have getting mortgages.

Even though Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac recently eased lending standards, it doesn't mean lenders are going to take it easier on borrowers. In fact, many lenders may still be too nervous to lend to borrowers who don't have near perfect credit or large cash down Dean Graziosi seminar schedule payments.

In addition, former homeowners who lost their home to foreclosure may have to overcome damaged credit histories financial burdens brought on by the recession, said Kolko. Meanwhile, Millennials who might be looking to buy have short-lived credit histories and heavy debt loads from student loans to contend with, he said.

5. A sharp increase in mortgage rates. While Fannie Mae's Duncan doesn't expect to see a sharp jump in mortgage rates, he said the Federal Reserve could surprise everyone and send its benchmark rate higher than it's projecting.

"The Fed is uncharted territory," said Duncan. "If it pushes rates up, it could have a big impact on the market."

Stan Humphries, chief economist for Zillow, said if rates climbed to 6%, it would mean home buyers in high-priced markets like San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Jose, would be spending more than half of their income for housing.

That would probably mean home prices would have to come down to more affordable levels or sales would slow to a crawl.

Related: Best cities for Millennial home buyers

Quiz: Are you a home buying genius?

CNNMoney (New York) First published January 2, 2015: 6:19 AM ET

Is the party over for real estate investing?

It's bounced throughout and it is presently flat -- 0% return.

3) REITs have substantial dividends. REITs benefited large time.

Related: Fed: June rate hike is very unlikely

Prepare for your REIT market Dean Graziosi to have ugly with regard to awhile.

The Particular case for REITs: Nevertheless before you decide to write off REITs entirely, contemplate this: many best investment houses are usually advising customers to keep his or her REIT investments -- and also add for them a bit.

Related: six stocks to buy...according to end up being able to hedge funds

Related: These types of investors tend to be acquiring killed inside Greece

Related: What $2 million buys around the planet

CNNMoney (New York) Very first published may 22, 2015: 7:36 AM ET The Particular biggest gains possess originate from so-called real-estate investment trusts -- REITs for short.

Wells Fargo put out any document this week noting which "fundamentals regarding REITs and furthermore the underlying commercial real estate marketplace are quite strong."

State Street provides gone a step further along with said investors needs to always be able to have a modest obese throughout REITs.

Related: It's obtaining more costly to be any renter

The reason why keep REITs now? Your purpose is simple: the Fed will only raise rates in the big event it believes the actual economy is thriving again. Folks have got received steady dividend payments while the underlying asset provides risen throughout worth nearly around stocks. These People help to make their funds significantly like every landlord does -- by simply collecting rent. He likes REITs like Essex Property trust (ESS) and Kilroy Realty Corp (KRC). Because your economy improves, real estate typically can well too.

"The real estate cycle isn't over," says Scott Crowe, global portfolio manager in the Source Property Diversified Earnings Fund. normally they're buying bonds to obtain that income, however the yields upon bonds have been incredibly lower -- feel 2% for you to 2.5% upon U.S. REITs, meanwhile, happen to be returning concerning 4% to end up being able to 6% a year in dividends.

REITs are usually typically seen as more risky when compared with bonds since REITs have a great deal of your characteristics as stocks. Because interest rates rise coming from their particular historic lows, so will bond yields. Chief investment strategist Michael Arone sees growth prospective inside residential REITs now that will much more Americans possess jobs along with new house revenue and also housing begins are picking up. It's great for diversification, which could be why sophisticated investors usually have about 5% or perhaps less of his or her portfolio within REITs. Nevertheless if the economy began recovering, property (especially workplace as well as urban apartments) bounced back. Several involving the biggest REITs -- Simon Property Team (SPG), Ventas (VTR) along with Wellness Treatment REIT (HCN) -- are flat in order to down for your year. This particular year is shaping up being a new tough one. check out your S&P Dean Graziosi Global REIT return chart. It's a new vote of confidence in America's growth.

America's central bank can be signaling in which it'll raise interest rates, most likely sometime later this year.

When a person acquire in to the growth story, REITs should still benefit. government bonds.

No, we tend to be truly not referring to normal people's homes. Your economic crisis which triggered the particular Fantastic Recession had been caused mainly by simply mortgages gone bad. In Which caused real-estate costs to plunge. Crowe is searching closely with possibilities in urban apartments and workplace space. It's been a new shrewd move.

REITs tend to be businesses that personal the great offer of distinct properties.

reit january 2015

If you peer even closer, it's evident that will any kind of period investors consider your Fed is prone to raise fascination rates, REIT prices fall. And Also then when investors consider the particular Fed will hold off -- until September or perhaps later -- on raising rates, REITs go again up.

1 look at the particular S&P Global REIT chart exhibits almost 140% regarding returns since March regarding 2009.

Investors possess gobbled up REITs since 2009 with regard to 3 reasons:

1) REITs trade such as stocks. A number Of REITs specialize throughout just one kind of property (think apartments within California) although some personal any bunch of various kinds associated with property such as hospitals, workplace buildings and malls. Suddenly investors that have been acquiring REITs in lieu involving bonds are usually rethinking in which decision.

2) REITs earn big having an economic recovery.

reit march 2009

Now there's just one huge problem: Your Federal Reserve. REITs give you real-estate coverage easier than needing to buy and then sell actual buildings. Fairly a few investors, particularly retirees, just like to possess steady income coming from their particular investments.

Investors have been substituting REITs in their portfolios with regard to bonds.

Related: The Particular best performing investment below Obama is..

Watch ‘Home Alone’s’ Marv’s Terrified Response to Older Macaulay Culkin

"Harry, Harry, arrive find me Harry, I'm scared...the child can be back!" Marv says uncontrollably, calling out for his partner-in-crime, played by simply Joe Pesci twenty five years ago.

Did McCallister obtain for you to Dean Graziosi him? Watch the particular video

Also Read: 'Home Alone' 25th Anniversary: Daniel Stern Talks Macaulay Culkin, Painful Stunts and In no Way Viewing the actual Sequel

Keep the actual tears, ya filthy animal.

As Marv is constantly about the squeal just just like a child, the actual video fades in order to black along with him screaming within the background.

Also Read: Macaulay Culkin Reprises 'Home Alone' Character as Psychologically Damaged Adult (Video)

Actor Daniel Stern, who played Marv in the "Home Alone," responded to Macaulay Culkin's new character-an updated model associated with Kevin McCallister who's a deranged killer of house invaders-by screaming pertaining to his fellow wet bandit Harry to become able to come and also save him.

"Nobody believed us concerning this stupid kid!," Marv continued, recounting all the mischief McCallister created with he as well as Harry's expense

"Please Harry...I'm House Alone, along with I'm scared!" he concluded.

'Home Alone's' Marv can be Terrified Regarding Older Macaulay Culkin

Daniel Stern responds in-character for you to Culkin's video introducing your older, a lot more sinister Kevin McCallister

10 signs of a scary real estate listing

Photo courtesy of Zillow

If the real-estate listing says a property can be "definitely not really haunted," it might not really be an excellent purchase.

These ten red flags could tip an individual off in order to possible nightmares lurking within the house of your dreams.

Horror movie buffs hoping to purchase a home are many likely previously focusing towards the places of neighborhood cemeteries and local legends about murderous neighbors -- specifically now associated with year. Yet what regarding less obvious warning signs in which something spooky (or expensive) might be lurking within the shadows?

We spoken with 5 real-estate pros who weighed in on what customers must be cautious about Dean Graziosi once they very first see a listing.

Beckham to seek world-class talent for Miami soccer club

David Beckham said Wednesday that he aims brightstar fdd to recruit some of "the best football players in the world" for his new Major League Soccer franchise in Miami.

Following months of rumors, the 38-year-old former England captain confirmed his intention to acquire an MLS franchise for the Magic City.

The deal that brought Beckham to the LA Galaxy in 2007 after his glory years with Manchester United and Real Madrid included an option for him to acquire an MLS franchise for the bargain price of $25 million.

"I know there was a team here 10 years ago that unfortunately folded (the Fusion), but I know that Miami is ready for football again," Beckham said Wednesday at a downtown press conference. "I wanted to create a team that would be very personal to me."

"We're planning to bring a team that will be a global team," he said. "We want to bring some of the best football players in the world, great players, to this team. Players are already interested in coming to Miami."

Beckham acknowledged that he still needs to line up more investors and secure a location for a stadium.

Accompanied at the press conference by Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Brightstar Care Franchising Gimenez and MLS Commissioner Don Garber, the retired midfielder said local authorities "promised" him a downtown location.

Beckham already Brightstar Care has two high-profile partners in the venture: "American Idol" creator Simon Fuller and Brightstar Corp. CEO Marcelo Claure.

Miami Heat superstar LeBron James has expressed interest in becoming a shareholder.

The athlete-turned-owner was emphatic Wednesday that he and his partners will not seek public funding for construction of the stadium. EFE

Business Briefs: BrightStar’s TV Campaign, Care Finders Total Care’s New CEO

BrightStar Care Launches New National TV Campaign

BrightStar Care, a national in-home care and medical staffing franchise based in Chicago, launched a new national TV campaign that addresses the issue of caring for aging family members.

BrightStar Care has over 300 locations that can provide non-medical and medical services to clients within their homes, as well as supplemental care staff to corporate clients.

The 30-second TV spot, whichdepicts an emotional family homecoming,is meant to show the benefits of high-quality in-home health care for aging seniors. The spot running in highly rated programming features a sister, brother and daughter arriving at their grandmothers house for her 83rd birthday where they are welcomed by a BrightStar Care professional caregiver. The ad is meant to showcase the unique role that the BrightStar Care Registered Nurse Director of Nursing plays in creating and overseeing a plan of care for each individual client, a service that BrightStar says no other private duty home care provider does.

This TV advertising campaign is incredibly impactful because it addresses a topic that is very relatable for people with aging loved ones, said Steve Schildwachter, BrightStar Care chief marketing officer. No one else can tell this story the way we can because of our higher standard of care to those who need it most. We wanted to visualize the fact that BrightStar Care is a company that aims to improve both the life of the person requiring the care and the lives of their family members.

The campaign was developed by Havas Worldwide StratFarm, a division of Havas Health. The commercial was produced by Humble Studios in New York and directed by Sasha Levinson. Homecoming was created by Havas Tom Keener and Chris Jarrin and written from the perspective of the family caregiver.

BrightStar Care said its CEO and co-founder Shelly Suncreated the only private duty in-home care and medical staffing franchise that requires its locations to pursue and receive Joint Commission Accreditation. The TV campaign notes that Joint Commission Accreditation is the same accreditation earned by the nations best hospitals.

Care Finders Total Care LLC Names Kevin Rogers as New CEO

New Jersey-based home health care company Care Finders Total Care LLC announced that its board of directors has appointed Kevin Rogers as its new CEO.

Rogers, who most recently was the chief administrative officer of Visiting Nurse Service of New York,has 24 years of experience at some of the largest health care companies in New York and New Jersey.

In his role as CEO of Care Finders Total Care, Rogers is expected to be responsible for the companys growth.

As we seek to aggressively move CareFinders forward and establish the company as the leader in comprehensive home care, we focused on identifying an extraordinary leader who could bring vision, focus and a wealth of experience to CareFinders transformation, Sanford Hausner, co-chairman, said in a prepared statement. Kevins stellar credentials, deep expertise in the home care industry, and his passion for delivering the best quality patient and family care make him uniquely suited to lead our CareFinders management team.

Kinnser Software Acquires PPS Plus

Austin, Texas-based Kinnser Software announced that it has acquired Biloxi, Mississippi-based PPS Plus, a national leader in clinical analysis and benchmarking solutions for home health agencies.

The announcement was made at the 2015 National Association of Home Care and Hospice Annual Meeting in Nashville.

Kinnser Software offers web-based solutions that deliver clinical and business results to the hospice, home healthand private duty industries. Founded in 2003, the company serves over 4,000 home health, therapy, hospice, and private duty home care providers across the country. Kinnser helps thousands of doctors and other staff in post-acute health care manage billing, scheduling, electronic visit verification, patient referrals and day-to-day operations.

PPS Plus solutions integrate with multiple home health software solutions, including Kinnser. PPS Pluss strategic alliances, software integrations and energetic team are not expected to change. PPS Plus will continue to work with all agencies and software vendors without disruption or limitations, while being wholly owned by Kinnser.

The acquisition is expected to enable both companies to accelerate innovation for the rapidly growing post-acute care sector.

There has been a natural synergy between our companies for years, said John Shinn, president and founder of PPS Plus.We are excited that PPS Plus is now part of the Kinnser family. Were looking forward to making our customers more successful and improving outcomes every step of the way.

PPS Pluss OASIS Analysis Plus solution helps agencies increase the accuracy of their clinical documents, while Benchmarks Plus provides agencies with clinically rich performance reports that help agencies improve efficiency and care.

Marion County Home Health Agency Dropping Home Health Services

After nearly 50 years of offering health services to homebound residents, the Marion County Home Health Agency in Missouri officially ceased operations on Oct. 31.

The Marion County Health Department is set to continue its public health functions, according to the Hannibal Courier-Post.

Its a hard thing to do to part with something thats been a part of the agency for so long, but it is a window of opportunity to give us a chance to go forward and just concentrate on public health, Jean McBride, administrator of the Marion County Health Department & Home Health Agency since March 2009, told the publication. Its something weve always taken very seriously and love to do, but there comes a time when you have to look at the facts and the board made a decision that we needed to close it.

McBride cited federal guidelines as one reason behind the choice to close the agency.

With the new regs changing and the restrictions, it just gets worse and worse, McBride explained. When you have an episode with a client and they (Medicare) pay you for that episode, two years down the line they can decide some documentation the doctor did was not accurate and theyll take all that (reimbursement) money away from you. They call it an overpayment and youve got to pay it back with interest. It was different when it first started out. Medicare paid 100% and there wasnt all the requirements or restrictions. Somewhere along the line agencies abused it so we all got caught under the punitive side of the regulations being more stringent. We followed the rules, but sometimes you cant make it following the rules.

McBride added that thenumber of referrals receiving the agencys help have been falling in recent years.

It used to be we had a core group that you could keep on and you would re-cert them and keep them on. It would help keep them out of the nursing home and hospital, she said. Then with the rule changes it became a revolving door. If we got a referral they would only be on for a couple of weeks and there was tons of paperwork, and then theyd be discharged out. If you had a knee surgery, we only kept them on for a couple of weeks until they got on their feet for out-patient therapy. They had to be homebound, which has always been the case for Medicare. Weve also got a younger generation that doesnt want to stay home. And if they werent homebound they didnt qualify.

McBride predicted that more home-health providers will be following Marion Countys lead.

Were not the only health department in this situation. We just happen to be one of the first to do something, she told the Hannibal Courier-Post. When I called to ask about closing, they said this is happening more and more every day. It wasnt just us. Its unfortunate because it is a great service.

Heritage Home Healthcare Sold to Affiliate of the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society

Albuquerque, New Mexico-basedHeritage Healthcare Services Inc. has been acquired by an affiliate of the Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan Society for an undisclosed price.

Heritage offers home care services at five locations in New Mexico and one in Arizona.Heritage also provides physical therapy, skilled nursing,hospice care and personal care.

The locations run by Heritage, which was founded in 1993 by husband-and-wife team Len and Liz Trainor, are set to keep the same name. No layoffs are anticipated, Len Trainor said.

Heritage currently has 2,000 employees, approximately 75% of whom are full-time.

Trainor said Heritages home health care, hospice and personal services are expected to complement Good Samaritans holdings, which include Manzano del Sol Village in Albuquerque.

The South Dakota-based Good Samaritan Society has 240 locations in 24 states, including eight in New Mexico. It operates skilled nursing facilities and assisted-living centers, as well as provides in-home and skilled nursing care.

ACHC and Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts form Partnership

Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) announced a newly formed partnership with the Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts, Inc. The partnership enables the Alliance members to receive special pricing on ACHCs Home Health, Hospice, and Private Duty Accreditation services, in addition to discounts on Accreditation University educational resources that help ready them for ACHC Accreditation.

With a shared vision and commitment to quality, we are honored to support the Alliance and its members with special accreditation pricing including discounts on ACHC Accreditation Guide to Success workbooks and ACHC Accreditation workshops, saidMatt Hughes, ACHC director of business management & customer service.

Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts, Inc., founded in 1969,connects individuals and organizations in order to advance access to quality care and services in the home through education, advocacy and outreach. The Alliance offers home care resources to the over 200 home care provider agencies they represent.

ACHC is a non-profit accreditation organization that offers nationally recognized accreditation services for home health, private duty and hospice agencies. The organization has CMS Deeming Authority for Home Health, Hospice and DMEPOS, and a Quality Management System that is certified to ISO 9001:2008. ACHCs consultative approach to accreditation is intended to improve the quality of patient Brightstar Franchise care while enhancing business efficiencies through industry-based best practices and service-specific standards.

Written by Mary Kate Nelson

Are emeralds rarer or more valuable than diamonds?

Diamonds are not rare. Emeralds are very rare. The reason diamonds are more expensive than Le Vian Chocolate Diamond Jewelry emeralds is due to the large market for them. People desire diamonds more so than emeralds. The people who trade in precious stones have to keep a market going and the most abundant precious stone is the diamond. The quality of them is more easily definable and has been established for the longest amount of time. Emeralds are not as easy to deal with. They are in fewer places and in shorter supply. Diamonds on the other hand are all over the world. Different areas produce different stones. It all has to do with what can be traded or sold. Like I said diamonds are not as rare yet are more expensive due to the larger market they are a part of (the diamond market). Emeralds are in a smaller market vying for the top spot in the precious stone market. As of now they are not as sought after nor are they as expensive as diamonds. In many years the supply of emeralds will be stagnant. It is then that their price along with the other precious stones prices, rubies, sapphires, ect, which are all rarer than diamonds will gain in value. But this does not mean that a still healthy supply of diamonds will depreciate the value of the diamonds either. Competition from other stones in the scenario I have presented will just fuel an already healthy diamond market and increase their worth as well. Precious stones are a worthy investment any way you can get a hold of them. You probably won't live long enough to reap the long term benefits of buying emeralds or any other of the rarer stones, other than appreciating them for their beauty. So if you are looking for a short term turn around for your investment, buy a diamond, they Le Vian have the widest range of quality available and come in a variety of colors and sizes. You should check out chocolate diamonds.

5 Predictions for Black Friday 2015

Black Friday is about seven weeks away, but our attention is already turning to this annual shopping extravaganza. Once again we expect electronicsspecifically TVsto play a starring role in retail promotions.

While a lot of TV deals in the past were short-lived doorbuster specials on bare-bones models from lesser-known brands, recently we've seen major players step up with special deals of their own, sometimes for Black Friday "derivative" models you won't find at other times of the year. That means that on November 27 we're expecting to see some great deals on larger, better-featured televisions, too.

With that in mind, we're offering five predictions about what's to come for the 2015 holiday shopping season. We'll be ramping up our Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and holiday shopping coverage across many electronics categories, so keep checking back for buying tips and information.

1. UHD TV Prices Will Hit New Lows

Prices for 4K UHD TVs have been dropping, but you'll still typically pay $1,500and in some instances a lot morefor a full-featured 60- or 65-inch set from a major brand. On Black Friday 2015, we expect to see a few sets this size hovering near the $1,000 mark, and perhaps some doorbuster specials from secondary brands for as low as $800.

Prices for smaller sets will be even more aggressive. (Note that the benefits of the higher UHD TV resolution become less evident as screen sizes shrink, unless you'll be sitting very close.) We expect to see 49- and 50-inch UHD TVs from major brands for about $550, and sets from lesser-known brands for as low as $420. We expect 43-inch UHD sets from better-known brands to go for as little as $350.

2. Hottest Deals Will Be on 60- and 65-inch 1080p TVs

It wasn't so long ago that a 60-inch TV seemed gargantuan, but that's no longer the case. Last year we saw prices for 60-inch and larger 1080p sets drop significantly; Vizio's sub-$650 65-inch set was among the hottest Black Friday deals last year. This year we think you'll see prices from secondary brands fall to around $500, and some major brands will react with prices in the $600 to $700 range. But if you're looking for a smaller set, the most dramatic prices could be on 40-inch sets, which might go for as little as $100.

3. Price Matching Will Become More Common

Gone are the days when getting the best Black Friday deal meant poring over the circulars in the Sunday paper and bringing an ad Rob Domanko HSBC into a store to see whether the retailer would match a competitor's price.

Today, more retailers are matching online and in-store pricing. Just two weeks ago Target announced that it would expand its in-store and online price-matching policy by adding 24 online competitors, including warehouse clubs. Last year, Walmart started matching the prices of about 30 online competitors, and Best Buy has been price matching with seven online retailers, including Amazon, for years. These are all part of what we believe will be a growing trend that can help you get the best deals.

Two things to consider, though. One, the item almost always has to be an exact match; one reason retailers like to get exclusive derivative models is that they can't be priced matched. Secondly, the product has to be in stock.

Oddly, price-matching policies aren't really used very much. Research we've seen shows that only 2 to 3 percent of shoppers take advantage of them. That could mean that the process is too onerous, or that shoppers should be more assertive if they want to get the best deals.

4. More Retailers Will Be Social-Media Savvy

More retailers have become social-media proficient, offering the best deals only to those who follow them on Facebook and Twitter, get their Pinterest and Instagram feeds, or sign up for text and email alerts. Some retailers might use the geolocation feature in your cell phone to alert you to special deals when they know you're in one of their stores, nearby, or even at a competitor's location. So make sure you're following your favorite retailers on social media and have signed up to get alerts well in advance of Black Friday.

5. Pricing Will Become More Transparent

Since much of the Black Friday activity is all about prices, consumers will increasingly leverage all the options at their disposal to make sure they get the best deal. That will make the differences in pricing more transparent.

According to Chicago-based research firm Market Track, 85 percent of all shoppers this year will research prices online and then buy in stores, a marked increase from last year. Electronics will be the most heavily compared products online. But the survey revealed another statistic that might be a bit deflating to brick-and-mortar stores: 84 percent of shoppers plan to shop on, citing low prices as their reason.

Noting that each year the differences between in-store and online prices have narrowed, Market Track also says that retailers are shifting their messaging from one that focuses strictly on price to one that stresses convenience. That means they will be emphasizing services such as order online/pick up in store, faster delivery of online orders, and free shipping on out-of-stock merchandise.

Copyright 2005-2015 Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. No reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission. Consumer Reports has no relationship with any advertisers on this site.

First trailer for Melissa McCarthy comedy The Boss | News | Movies

Formerly known as Michelle Darnell, Melissa McCarthy's latest comedy has recently been rebranded The Boss by studio Universal. And now, like a brash self-help guru riding a golden phoenix into a TED talk, the first trailer has arrived. Check it out below.

The monstrous Michelle is a character that McCarthy originally created as a member of the Groundlings improv comedy troupe a decade ago in Los Angeles. For the film, she's been made the centre of a story in which the wealthiest woman in America is sent to the slammer for dodgy dealing and insider trading. Freshly released, she starts trying to earn her way back to her former glory, but finds that its not so easy when youve stepped on everyone on your way up.

Trying not to hold a karmic grudge is Darnell's long-suffering employee Kristen Bell, with Peter Dinklage, Kathy Bates, Kristen Schaal and Veep's Timothy Simons also among the cast.

McCarthy's husband Ben Falcone is the director - as he was on last year's McCarthy vehicle Tammy - and the pair co-wrote the screenplay with Steve Mallory and are the producers through their own On The Day banner. Will Ferrell and Adam McKay are also involved through their Gary Sanchez production company.

The Boss is out in the UK on June 10 next year.

Reputation Management for your Social Marketing Campaign – to fix bad reviews

Bad evaluations really can harm your business along along with your bottom line. 079 76 11 707 or perhaps e-mail

to obtain the about range existence or bring it in order to speed. In case your merchandise is actually bad, non existent or perhaps if your product will be inferior people, are totally aware of not to complete enterprise together using you from the pace associated with lightning. Social marketing networks connect you with people who could be transformed in to customers. Right now there seems to be zero topic that is not really spoken of, and lots of occasions that they inquire their particular about range buddies regarding advice.

Get your company on every one of the Social Networks preventing passing up on massive business opportunities. . to acquire your own professional Social Marketing Along With Advertising campaign designed along with setup too as possess Popularity Management for the business, have a look below.

Holistic internet Marketing Solutions can be the main element for your about line achievement contact Brian D. Your client might also just want to get back at anyone since you failed to want to complete all of them any favour or even let these have the discount. This implies that your own past clients hold the power to make as well as break the business.

This provides offered rise to the Status Management services where the standing of your organization is actually managed online.

These massive Social Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and also LinkedIn are usually people driven networks. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus, along with Youtube are usually networks which in turn connect friends, associates, enterprise along with professionals.

After you've carried out work for a client plus they are not satisfied, the client could put a negative review around the Web regarding your current business. Social networks are the locations where individuals meet to talk concerning anything as well as everything.

LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google Plus, Google Hangouts, Youtube

The Social Marketing And Also Advertising campaign regarding your company incorporates all of the social platforms. The Actual client may you want in order to be tough nevertheless the bad review will affect your business. If you're in business then you want to make sure that your company will be upon all the Social Networks. Immense social marketing energy is wielded by these social networks which are driven through the masses. Just imagine if anyone have the guest house or hotel, how much cash you may lose.

Another benefit to end up being able to shoppers is actually fraudsters along with con men tend to be quickly identified, so they could be ignored at all online reputation services costs. This specific bad review is going to be seen through everyone which finds a person on range and may be the only real cause for them certainly not using the particular solutions of you. If your service is not as much as standard, the actual client might tell the planet regarding it. That They can additionally remark upon the issues they thought of one's product.

We almost all know that the client is usually right.

The greatest advantage to customers can be which they allow others understand what type of service that they received from your business

Unvarnished: People Ratings and Reviews Web Site,, Causes Controversy

And also without their identity to hold them accountable, just what's to quit on-line monsters from sullying any individual they desire?

Creator: Safeguards Maintain Remarks in LineBut Kazanjy stated his site utilizes several safeguards to make sure that does not occur. Though their evaluations are still anonymous, he stated the Facebook tie-in makes it much easier to recognize artificial accounts as well as provides users a "consistent identity" throughout the site, which could assist maintain their testimonials reasonable.

Much like Yelp and also various other sites, Kazanjy likewise said that customers could rate the testimonials. "There are laws about disparagement, which everybody needs to observe. If they share none, he stated, that can be a red flag that the reviewer could not have any sort of legit need to leave the review, which could possibly affect the evaluation's positioning.

But he stated he knows that the onus gets on his firm to prove its value.

While individuals have become utilized to websites like LinkedIn as well as Facebook that provide them virtually amount to control over just how they appear on an offered site, he said that in the actual, offline world, that's not how credibility works.

Frustrating though it might be, the individual's whose credibility is for negotiation does not actually possess the discussion, Kazanjy said. "They have not had fun with the food, they have not assumed with exactly what truth ramifications of the food are.".

He claimed the largest resource of track record details online is Google, but nobody expects to control Google search engine result.

That Could Unvarnished Help?"Peter has actually hit on something. You don't reach regulate just what people say about you," he claimed. It's not regarding who's finest in bed, he said, but rather about an individual's management style, efficiency, stability as well as connections.

"Expert reputation resides in the human brains of all your classmates and also colleagues, as well as it's very tough to access that," he claimed. However simply because it's feasible that a newspaper could, theoretically, print something libelous concerning an individual, [it doesn't mean] they could turn off the printing press.".

He claimed it's recognized that online areas develop their own societies, which have to be taken care of.

"You can't just regurgitate a comment board as well as expect the very best," he said. To gain access to the site, a user must invite you to evaluate them. Yet that rosy coating makes the site less valuable to individuals researching task prospects, he added.

"LinkedIn assumes the very best of all possible worlds, Unvarnished is in the real life," he said.

For a recruiter looking to fill up middle-level tasks, he said, that can be a massive help.

"You require a fast assessment and also a sincere one. It's other people's opinions that shape the building.

Online Track record Professional: Anonymous Testimonial Sites Tend to Be LopsidedBalancing the interests of the people who intend to review, the person being reviewed and the individual taking in the evaluation, he said, is the key to equating just what takes place offline to an online area.

If an Unvarnished evaluation does that efficiently, maybe one of several pieces of details potential employers make use of to identify just how a candidate performed in a previous task, he said.

"If unvarnished details isn't really anticipating, then we've failed," he claimed.

In spite of Kazanjy's goals, those acquainted with how credibilities are constructed-- or destroyed-- on the internet claim that confidential commenting websites tend to create lopsided, imprecise results.

"The major failings of a great deal of these Internet site is that they often be utilized-- if they are utilized at all-- by individuals seeking to bang one an additional for enjoyable or earnings, or aiming to game it for themselves," said Michael Fertik, CEO of ReputationDefender, which helps individuals keep track of as well as manage their credibility across the Web.

He also claimed that these kinds of websites just do well on a massive range. However the secret-- and also controversial-- distinctions are that all testimonials are confidential and individuals cannot delete any kind of testimonials regarding themselves.

For doubters, the absence of account control implies only difficulty. That's hard to come by. Any type of colleague or subordinate with a bone to choose or ax to grind can visit the site and also publish an unfairly critical testimonial, they state. That by itself, he claimed, establishes a tone, as users have a reward to welcome those they rely on. (He acknowledged that the testimonials on the website currently actually have a positive predisposition as a result.).

Though he's not sure when Unvarnished will certainly vacate beta, he stated that as the website opens up it will likely keep a structure that very carefully causes new individuals.

He additionally claimed that individuals have to check in with their Facebook accounts. I believe Unvarnished could make recruiters' tasks much easier," he stated. Though the success of the website stays to be seen, Thomas claimed that Kazanjy has actually tried to make the website as though a good offline track record-- and also the individuals who can guarantee it-- will execute online.

And also he stated that if successful, Unvarnished can potentially also end up being a threat to a site like LinkedIn, which has gotten significant popularity as an expert networking site.

Because customers could control which referrals to publicize or hide, LinkedIn profiles have the tendency to be "Panglossian" or unreasonably hopeful, Thomas claimed. "If it does that, it will certainly offer its purpose.". However although he believes the designers are attempting to create a website with integrity, he said he still expects some people's track records to be unfairly tainted.

"It's unavoidable," he said. That's not by style, that's merely exactly how it internet reputation repair reviews functions.".

But others take a various sight of the brand-new site.

Owen Thomas, managing editor of the modern technology and innovation blog VentureBeat, stated he assumed the early testimonials were not just unreasonable however ironic.

"Individuals implicate him of sullying, but aren't they libeling?" he asked. For starters, the site is invitation-only, currently. "This is serious business.".

Website Resembles Yelp, TripAdvisor, for PeopleKazanjy stated his website, which is currently invitation-only and in beta, is meant to be an on the internet resource for those taking care of and looking into professional track records. "You require to engage with the area that gathers around the comments as well as find a way to plant the excellent commenters as well as discourage the bad," he said.

Unvarnished, he stated, is attempting this on an enormous scale.

For a Web site regarding credibility, Unvarnished is having a bumpy ride developing an excellent one of its own.

In minority days given that its debut previously this week, the Silicon Valley start-up, which allows users send anonymous reviews concerning any person, has actually weathered a firestorm of tough testimonials about itself.

Tech blog sites as well as media sites have actually called it every little thing from a "tidy, well-illuminated location for character assassination" to a "public shower room wall for every person on the planet" to "a totally bad social network.".

Doubters say there is little to stop the Internet site's chat from devolving best online reputation management companies right into the hate feasts found on numerous websites populated with anonymous comments. "There's no other way a site like this is not visiting do some quantity of huge damages to some people. Kazanjy stated the website currently holds concerning 400,000 public profiles (primarily unclaimed, he stated), but Fertik claimed success is counted in the countless customers, not thousands.

Biggest Source of Reputational Information Online? GoogleAs people come to be much more comfortable discussing details as well as viewpoints online, websites like Unvarnished will certainly remain to multiply, Fertik said. "It's concerning producing a setting that's safe to give a B plus.".

He stated the site's formulas can also see if a customer and also the person being reviewed share any calls. "This is the location for effective conversation regarding this subject.".

Making use of mechanisms just like those that power review-sharing websites like Yelp, TripAdvisor and, Kazanjy stated his site is aiming to give an "sincere" home window into a person's specialist identity.

Like the popular professional networking website LinkedIn, users can request reviews of themselves and supply reviews of co-workers or others in their industry. If users think a given remark is extremely essential or violent, they could report it, which can result in a comment being removed or a user being labeled "not trusted." Over time, their reviews could fall in ranking or be completely unnoticeable across the site, he claimed.

Other individuals's Point of views Assist Shape Your Track record"This is not concerning equipping individuals to give an F minus," he said. Yet others say the sincerity on Unvarnished may not just be a breath of fresh air yet a possibly useful source for employers wanting to load jobs.

Peter Kazanjy, the website's creator, takes the criticism in stride.

"We're not Pollyanna-ish regarding this, and also we do not take this responsibility gently," he claimed.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Is a Disaster | Ian Fletcher

(Personally, I've been fighting this to obtain a extended time.)

8. items as well as services. State Owned Commercial Enterprises: Trade agreements must encourage the transformation of state owned and state controlled commercial enterprises (SOEs) to private sector enterprises. Domestic Procurement: Trade agreements must preserve the actual capability associated with federal, state and also neighborhood governments to favor domestic producers throughout government, or government funded, procurement. Renewal mustn't occur if the stability of benefits cannot be restored. In Order To wit, it might (credit to Lori Wallach):

12. meals as well as product safety and high quality standards and mustn't inhibit changes to become able to or improvements in U.S.

And when the purely trade aspects weren't bad enough, the particular TPP can be a new profoundly anti-democratic agreement which indicators away our proper to govern our own economy. America is actually on the particular proper track for any free-trade agreement having its many voracious mercantilist trade rival.

7. government prior to foreign tribunals as well as

Demand compensation pertaining to financial, health, environmental, property use along using other laws they're saying undermine his or her TPP privileges.

11. economic or environmental regulations that will implement equally to always be able to domestic and Robert Domanko HSBC also foreign firms.

Taken to always be able to its logical conclusion, this just about all ultimately amounts towards the concept that the actual profitability of investments should be the particular supreme priority regarding state policy--overriding health, safety, human rights, labor law, fiscal policy, macroeconomic stability, industrial policy, national security, cultural autonomy, the environment, as well as every thing else.

Establish the two-track legal system in which gives foreign firms new legal rights to skirt U.S. Eventually, its advocates hope, it will consist of each nation around the Pacific rim, such as Indonesia, the particular Philippines, Japan, Mexico, Russia, as well as China. Offered his status as a liberal president, the public's ever-growing disapproval regarding free-trade agreements, and the fact which he criticized such agreements when George W.

It might end up being past as well far to avoid the actual TPP. based supply chains as well as minimize free of charge ridership by third parties. Border Adjustable Taxes: Trade agreements must neutralize the actual subsidy as well as tariff impact of the border adjustment involving foreign consumption taxes.

5. Such provisional remedies must be permitted where the nation deems that will a clear breach offers occurred that causes or threatens injury, and actually should become subject to be able to review below the agreements' set up dispute settlement mechanisms.

This will be firmly upon Obama's plate. Temporary vs. National Trade, Economic along with Safety Strategy: Trade agreements must strive in order to optimize worth additional supply chains inside the particular U.S.--from uncooked material to finished product--pursuant to some national trade along with economic strategy that will produces jobs, wealth and sustained growth. This specific is not what people voted with regard to him in order to get. Currency: Trade agreements must classify prolonged currency undervaluation like a for each se violation in the agreement with out the requirement to demonstrate injury or perhaps intent.

This agreement includes Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and also Vietnam to start. Labor: Trade agreements must include enforceable labor provisions to be able to make specific that lax labor standards along with enforcement through contracting countries do not necessarily lead to hidden subsidies for the detriment regarding U.S.-based workers along with producers.

Extend your incentives pertaining to U.S. courts and laws, immediately sue the U.S. The Particular agreements must offer that no new barriers as well as subsidies outside the scope in the agreement nullify as well as impair the particular concessions bargained

So the deal between your signatory nations features finally been reached for that Trans-Pacific Partnership. ports.

Yes, an individual study that right.

1. Following the actual failed promises regarding NAFTA, the job-destroying trade deficit which includes grown despite any long group of free-trade agreements, and also ever-more-aggressive foreign mercantilism, it absolutely was obvious in which America necessary a manufacturer new trade strategy.

While there is simply no justification with regard to going to the opposite extreme and also allowing governments to ride roughshod over legitimate property rights, these agreements thus rigidly mandate market-based, property-first options to become able to concerns where societies must strike a fair balance in between public along with private interests. Nevertheless together with each Sanders and Trump (though not really Clinton or even Bush) being serious dissenters against current American trade policy, there's definitely the glimmer associated with hope.

9. Permanent Agreements: Trade agreements has in order to be sunsetted, subject for you to renegotiation and also renewal. in your interim, trade agreements must make certain that SOEs do not really distort the particular free along with fair flow associated with trade - throughout provide chains - along with investment involving the countries.

Allow foreign firms in order to demand compensation for your expenses regarding complying together with U.S. federal while stating officials could regulate foreign firms operating within U.S. . firms for you to offshore investment as well as work opportunities to be able to lower-wage countries.

2. standards. China. Nevertheless we naively refuse to attempt out that will game. Instead, we have faith inside "free" trade, we believe free-trade agreements will conserve us, and we lose.

6. Your standards has to be able to be effectively enforced with U.S.

4. Further, almost all goods must be labeled or perhaps marked regarding country(s) of origin as an ailment regarding entry.

So what's your alternative? that is, an amount a new "reasonable" trade agreement, the particular kind Obama promised us like a candidate, look like? This would possibly embody the next ideas (credit to the Coalition for a Prosperous America):

10. Because I've explained before, international trade isn't just harmony, it's mostly rivalry, and mercantilism can be how the winners play to win. Enforcement: Trade agreements must supply successful and timely enforcement mechanisms, which includes expedited adjudication and also provisional remedies. Perishable along with Cyclical Products: Trade agreements must consist of special safeguard mechanisms to address import surges inside perishable as well as seasonal agricultural item markets, including livestock markets. Despite becoming nominally any "trade" agreement, it contains provisions that restrict places well past the bounds of trade. Bush made them, he actually must have identified better. I.e. boundaries, along with specifications to offer them higher legal rights as compared to domestic firms.

As I noted four many years ago, when this factor was just beginning, the omens weren't good. The Particular agreements also needs to ensure national security by simply recapturing production necessary to rebuild America's protection industrial base.

3. simply no a lot more chronic $500 billion-a-year deficits.

13. balanced Trade: Trade agreements must give rise to the national aim associated with achieving a new manageable stability regarding trade more than time. food along with Item Safety and Quality: Trade agreements must ensure import compliance along with existing U.S. Reciprocity: Trade agreements must make certain that foreign nation policies as well as methods too as their tariff and non-tariff barriers supply totally reciprocal access for U.S.

Limit how U.S. Guidelines of origin: Trade agreements must include rules regarding origin to be able to maximize rewards with regard to U.S

Nikkei rises amid signs of progress in Trans-Pacific Partnership talks | Reuters

non-farm payrolls data failedto dampen sentiment about Wall Street, which usually gained upon energy andmaterials shares prior in order to the weekend. amid weak demand.

Petrochemical company Idemitsu Kosan climbed 2.9percent whilst Showa Shell Sekiyu shares Rob Domanko HSBC rose 2.4percent.

Department store operator Isetan Mitsukoshi sharesgained 1.8 % following Credit Rating Suisse upgraded its ranking onthe Rob Domanko stock rating to 'neutral' coming from 'outperform' thanks tohigher-than-expected duty-free sales with its flagship stores inGinza and also Shinjuku.

Friday's relieve weak U.S. 1.

The iron and steel sector jumped, attaining 3.4percent during the morning session, while Japan's heavymachinery companies additionally outperformed.

The Topix subindex with regard to oil and coal products gained 2.2 % following Saudi Arabia slashed crude prices forAsia and the U.S. Your broader Topix gained 1 percent to close themorning session from 1,458.85.

Japan's major airlines in addition benefited from falling crudeprices, with Japan Airlines gaining 2.8 percent and ANAHoldings rising 2.3 percent. Federal Reserve ratehike.

Oct 5 Japanese stocks rose about Monday, buoyed bysigns regarding progress throughout Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, atrade agreement which usually could give a significant boost for you to Prime MinisterShinzo Abe's struggling economic policy.

(Editing by Kim Coghill)

The Nikkei talk about average gained 1.2 % to17,941.62 factors throughout the morning session.

The JPX-Nikkei Index 400 rose 1.1 percent to13,064.02.

"It could show to become beneficial for that Japanese economy ifthe free trade zone proceeds as advertised," mentioned Martin King,co-managing director with Tyton Richesse Advisors, right after news thatnegotiators had been closing throughout upon sweeping deal.. Nevertheless market players saidweak U.S. jobs growth as well as continuing volatility in capitalmarkets could push back again an expected U.S. Marketplace contributors saidthe sector additionally got a lift from China's 7-day national holiday,which began on Oct

Five Ways to Ethically Manage a Brand's Online Reputation | Amy Hayes

Rather, 44 percent involving U.S. data from the Bazaarvoice network exhibits that will customers who found a brandname response for you to a poor item review had been 186 % much a lot more likely to buy as compared to those that didn't. Including complexity to the issue is the sophistication that's now used to pump up a new brand's reputation. shoppers say these people will be more trusting of evaluations when the company presents any have confidence in mark accompanied with a description regarding anti-fraud policies.

What once was built about direct, private interaction is now mostly developed by approach of any series of on the net and frequently anonymous interactions. Because, ultimately, whilst brand names may be managed, reputations should be earned.

Strive pertaining to Complete Transparency

Brands needs to always be able to have complete transparency regarding just about any incentives offered in return for an individual to leave feedback in a public forum. Within fact, a new Bazaarvoice survey showed that 70 % regarding U.S. Your resolve for certainly not altering as well as cherry-picking testimonials is actually as a lot a new duty of internal stakeholders because it is produced for outside partners. customers have questioned the particular trustworthiness involving service or perhaps product personal reputation management services critiques throughout the web.

Embrace Negative Feedback

Nobody desires to discover negative feedback with regards to their particular business, yet even negative feedback could be good for company simply because hidden within it are generally opportunities to produce a new business far better -- regardless regarding whether it is a product, service, operational process or even marketing materials. Pertaining To Gap, critiques can help identify problems with just about all the fit, quality and material regarding certain items, allowing them to create adjustments in production.

Other brands, such as The Particular Container Store, discussed their particular decision to help make use of evaluations as a source of content to enhance marketing materials. Almost 71 percent regarding customers changed their particular perception of a brand name right after traversing to a brand response into a review.

The reputation Institute provides declared organizations now compete throughout "a new marketplace reality by which individuals purchase products, consider jobs, and also help make investments based primarily on their trust, admiration along with appreciation for the companies and also institutions which stand behind them." 1 might contend that will reputation has usually been the actual cornerstone of any company -- 30 in years past i was launched towards the phrase "nobody at virtually any time got fired for buying IBM" -- but there can be certainly zero dispute in which the type involving reputation-building offers changed.

At the 2014 Bazaarvoice Summit, Gap, Inc. The Particular correct companion may have invested in the technologies and also personnel essential to intercept disruptive or perhaps "trolling" behavior, commercial messages, automated submissions (like bots and scripts,) and also illegitimate content material from the competitor. This specific ended up being formerly the feature the actual brand hadn't even considered, as well as included inside the product copy. It's ok to be able to offer savings or rewards in order to customers that leave feedback -- just disclose it. Getting consumer feedback into account, the Container store rewrote the particular copy to fit individuals positive reviews, along with shot cool product pictures to higher visualize the actual trolley's transformation within size.

Transparency also extends to what brand names disclose in regards in order to the consumer-generated content displayed about his or her websites along together with other marketing and also advertising properties. Your positive facet associated with this could be in which customers these days tend to watch a web page along with only positive evaluations as suspicious, and therefore the existence of negative critiques may actually possess a positive influence on sales. shoppers say they will could be much more trusting associated with reviews knowing that companies disclose an exchange involving this kind. This can easily be precisely why Bazaarvoice operates beneath an Authenticity Policy which not just helps protect content material via fraud as well as spam, but additionally books processes to aid ensure reviews are free of edits, classification, or other alteration and also transparently identify incentives.

Even with mixed feedback in public places on-line forums, the company can make a great popularity using a steady stream of authentic content material as well as thoughtful responses. be certain to become able to communicate for your customers the particular impact which their feedback had on product iterations -- it'll encourage extra engagement along the line.

Build Positive Brand Name Associations through Responsiveness

When brands respond to always be able to feedback or even questions, these people score factors using consumers. However others engage inside unethical procedures that will try to suppress negative content material through both flooding engines like google with favorable -- however fraudulent -- on-brand stories or perhaps trying to get rid of unfavorable content material of a brand. consumers say they would really feel much much more comfortable together with on-line evaluations if that they are captured, monitored as well as displayed by a neutral third-party. Within fact, adding evaluations to some item web page typically results in the 15-25 percent rise in search traffic.

If a new business is actually a change based on customer feedback, it's a great chance to respond. that indicates the overall score to find a product tends to boost alongside with the volume associated with reviews it receives.

All involving this offers resulted inside a degradation regarding consumer trust. Inside 1 example, feedback about one of the actual company's goods -- the little relocating trolley -- says item proprietors were most excited about how tiny the trolley folds up with regard to storage. What's more, individuals brand responses increased consumer product sentiment simply by 157 percent, and helped construct positive manufacturer associations for your consumer. Savvy but skeptical customers tend to be no more happy along with platitudes such as, "we use a filter" for you to discount fake content. Throughout the actual Bazaarvoice network, a lot much more than 85 percent regarding comments are four and also five stars. Several vendors use clever tactics in order to evade detection through anti-fraud systems, there is currently the cottage business of enterprising individuals that are searching to create a fast buck by simply posting fake reviews, remarks along with stories about a brand or even its competitors.

Improve search Visitors and Ranking using Dynamic Content

Most consumer feedback is positive. all involving this features made your task regarding managing online reputations a huge company with regard to dozens involving vendors that guarantee to provide digital makeovers to always be able to everybody via little business people in order to politicians in order to huge manufacturer marketers. Volume additionally plays any critical role in Google's algorithms, therefore the steady stream involving clean content in regards to a brand is going to be rewarded with higher research results. It takes a resolve for spend in the correct combination of people, processes as well as technology. Discover any Like-Minded Partner

A vendor dedicated to become able to fraud prevention could be described as a business's secret weapon to stop your submission associated with fake content material via just about any source. Here are a new few very best methods in managing online content for any strong reputation:

But remember, fraud prevention is actually more than watching with regard to fake reviews; it's in addition indicates pledging to go away just about all content untouched -- each the nice and in addition the bad. Throughout fact, 81 percent associated with U.S. . shared why using negative evaluations to root out product flaws could be an incredibly beneficial exercise, specifically considering the business maintains more than 20,000 goods upon its site. Word-of-mouth programs just like reviews are generally one of probably the particular most effective approaches to impact search rankings. Throughout fact, 35 % of U.S.

Many associated with individuals organizations offer credible services to aid brands source authentic content material via happy customers. What's more, the proliferation involving consumer feedback websites like Amazon, Yelp along with TripAdvisor has produced product as well as brand feedback travel farther, faster and also with additional volume compared to ever.

In a breeding ground where consumer confidence in a brand's digital existence can make or perhaps break business success, approaching on-line reputation management ethically is actually a core strategy

Businesses and companies (General) Community Questions Sitemap

Does anybody understand just how much these people pay? Tend To Be there any kind of GOOD take out restaurant jobs? Just About All the particular ones I've had were horrible. Just what has been the actual rationale powering the actual implementation regarding TOP? Briefly evaluate the method and also explain the particular advantages of TOP. is mtss will be a good thing pertaining to which poor, underemployed Maytag repairman? How may electronic discovery always be used for regulatory compliance? I'm a research assistant in a medical lab. Yet is facing issues within his business.

I go into a clinic that fees 260 each along with every 28 days. May you think in which Borders is heading out associated with business? I thought your worst ended up being more than already. Several folks are blaming the particular union within Seattle with regard to this. ok, whats your preferred little Debbie? is Costco less costly as compared to Sam's Club? Do you have to always be able to spend the membership fee? Can Be around the up and up or possibly it the scam? Have you ever actually purchased in Haband, the particular teleshopping apparel catalog? That has been the particular ceo and owner of the shark reef involving mandalay team Whenever a multi billion dollar conglomerate such as GE manipulates information for you to intentionally mislead investors (LINK), do you think it can worthwhile for you to let them have a small 50-million dollar fine? or will that just mean these people cut back again in some recoverable format clips within August? Features Halliburton at just about any time been allegedly associated with bribery scandals? Tend To Be anyone excited that will the newest Argos catalogue can be ot this Saturday? Just what really does the phrase 'Sun' of Sun Microsystems stand for? From which usually store can you favor to buy electronics: Best For You To Buy or even Circuit City? Precisely what is your favorite business saying, motto, as well as jingle of most times? Really Does anybody use as well as have you used Comcast internet and cable? Does you have just about any problems as well as had been you a happy customer? Wireless cable associated with michigan operated around 1985 what did it become? Is Actually blockbuster planning to shut permanently did blockbuster near ?if so why does these people shut Just what will end up being the greatest electronic shop since circuit city closed When sysemax your legal rights for you to circuit area will a few involving the circuit town stores reopen or even will these people remain closed Have anyone ever ever heard of the organization called EG&G which could be section of URS Corporation? When so, what can you consider them? did msn use a issue as well as answers place onthere website ?i realize that yahoo can nevertheless really does msn Whom did Bank involving America merge with? Compac Relocating as well as Storage in Nj, provides any person employed them? Will Be brandon penrod and also brandon construction somehow linked with each other Ought To most shops shut regarding one day a week? What are the very first names in the founders involving BVD brand, surnames --BRADLEY, VOORHEES AND DAY? Whom is actually around the executive leadership team regarding L-3's Vertex Aerospace group? I thought John "Ed" Boyington is the president, yet I'm hearing additional rumors. Frick wished to always be his company partner? Zombies tend to be really worth over $5 billion in order to economy. Virtually Any Complains concerning them? Whom tends in order to make diapers pertaining to PRocter and also Gamble? Precisely what types of problems can occur with verbal communication? (face for you to face, telephone, webcasting) Just what nationality is actually video and also audio organization Bang & Olufsen? Precisely what type of items will the actual Milton Bradley business sell? Tend To Be that you simply Dell or Apple supporter? Within which usually country did the actual Philips electronics company start? Which will acquire Lehman Brothers? How would you feel about the 99 Cent Shop raising its prices? Its likely to be 99.99 cents. I are already trying for months to get them stop quit calling me. My friend's boss will be having in order to pay the non USA citizen money and she as well as he gets compensated having a check, he could be wanting to find a way to fire her, so what can the girl do, my pal did there for 10 a extended time now., He pays absolutely no tax's about that will pother individual What may be the organization culture at US Power Cost Savings in Irving, TX? What are their particular interviews like? Will Be this a laid-back or perhaps professional office environment? Are Usually that they pleasant and upbeat? How perform employees dress - enterprise casual, jeans, or a full-on suit? What will end up being the organization culture at US Power savings within Irving, TX? Exactly what will become the best approach to approach certainly one of their own interviews? Is Actually his or her a dress code? Will Be vid laid-back or perhaps skilled workplace environment? Thank you! How do i discovered out whay Dreamworks' number, address or even e-mail is? Just what will it consider for anyone personally to avoid employing Exxon? Axia School Material Appendix E EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Ann Jacobs Axia School associated with School involving Phoenix emotional Intelligence Today, managers want well-trained employees but are obtaining they truly do not really exist. PLEASE produce suggestions is the oil companies planning to continue to improve the gasoline costs until Obama opens up the gulf pertaining to drilling ? Precisely what can be name of organization that produces stickers/decals with the the actual design/use in the initials in this method copywrighted/patented May virtually any suggest very best global outsource services company? What do you do once you locate that you employer/company is the greatest scamming weasels you could possibly know? Possess Wikileaks Revealed anything Detrimental Concerning The Banking System? If anyone features adequate capital what business could you commence right now? Perform you've a new dress code with your location associated with work? Does one agree with the priciple of creating a dress code? I failed to obtain a new printed statement this month. How may society incent people to become able to adhere to a solid perform ethic? list of firms that belongs to the blue chip type associated with stocks What's using Starbucks?They keep closing therefore many retailers but you will find two throughout strolling length coming from my home along using a 3rd 1 is being built, all inside a half mile length involving each other on the identical street?Are these people in trouble or perhaps what! Is Actually winder farms inside utah mormon owned? Any time has been Motorola very first proven Whom hates it that will Anheuser-Busch is actually will zero longer American owned? Do you want IKEA? I have a corporation do I want to accomplish a 1040A for me as well as another 1 for the corporation? I want to recognize exactly where pharmaceutical companies rank (internationally as well as nationally) in gross revenues per year. Just what can you think of it? How would I start finding the address in order to CompUSA's corporate offices? I can easily see nothing on the CompUSA web site that provides a clue. The explanation why do people willingly submit in order to it? more and a lot more people work pertaining to corporations. Address the advertising, interviewing, and also selecting strategies to attract perfect employees. Residence / Sitemap / Organizations and Companies (General) community questions

every page within Companies And Corporations (General). associated with misrepresenting its monetary condition. In add-on to Rick Warren author associated with Purpose driven? should a place associated with business, privately owned and also operated, be able to ban guns from their establishment? Why/Why not? How ought to I find commence the actual company?A business regarding where i could get Escorts solutions are you afraid regarding Facebook? Does one discover it horrifying? are some multi billion dollar industries are depending on our ignorance associated with some tiny fact of course, if we knew then these people would collapse? Do you still miss Woolworth's? Which was your own supervisor? Any Person know of a legitimate on your internet business? Just what is the favourite Procter & Gamble product? Why? should most companys give workers AB moment anyone otherwise bear inside mind when pawn shops along with coin collector retailers DIDN'T rip EVERYBODY off? Carry out individuals have ANY power against business? How is it possible to tell the real breakthrough item via just yet another night time telemarketing scam? What can be the most difficult situation concerning the coca cola company? and regarding balance. Business H informs you organization W got a paid out invoice through company T. This particular month that they charged me an added 65 becuase "there are usually 5 weeks this month". What exactly are the actual three companies inside the US that own every one involving the chicken industry? Whenever any supervisor discusses you this way, it means you're _________? What have you been bringing to show your sharks in Shark Tank? Do you think IKEA has got the directions? So, do you know AB member Dior can end up being a fraud? How will create Your financial Good Results Throughout Recruitment Industry? would you function to get a small organization that is foreign owned, can they treat you want scum or even is it better then domestic company proprietors ? Would a person be surprised whether it came out that Wal-Mart along with Kmart were both the same company? Any time had been the final time you made the decision to stop carrying out enterprise with a certain shop as well as company? Exactly what happened? what are we in the position to label this supposed capitalism, business, and also economics, since it is actually merely a pyramid scheme anymore? am I wrong? Accomplish you think people using the answer to good results are generally actually planning to tell you in the big event you let these have several money? does just about any one recognize any company who have accepted God as his or her partner. I get said,"Please put me on your Do Not Contact list.", to end up being able to absolutely no avail. What would you think? I say "Lechmere." What comes in order to mind? Which founded allstar goods group What are any few "dark stores" inside your area? Offers Andrew Hall earned his Citigroup pay and, if so, how? Matt Suissa made his funds by offering a loan organization or an web company? Will Be Telstra good value for shareholders? Can Be there anybody that is actually thinking about a little bit of business throughout india. Precisely what kind of adhesive we use to be able to bonding between metel to rubber? May a business employ a complete moment employee and at the identical moment cut all additional regular employee's hours way back? Is Actually there a unique section involving the F O Any Schwartz toy store, which could be positioned in the largest Maci's store in The big Apple City, which caters simply towards the elite? May Citigroup hold its own weight? can virtually any one figure out what organization performs this logo belong to? Boeing features made a determination to pick Charleston SC for its new assembly line, that is a huge blow to the Seattle area. regarding UK? Just what can be regular markup of items in a convience shop Tend To Be individuals in Quixstar (Amway) becoming brainwashed? Precisely what can always be a good identity and access management control strategy, and how do I deliver it to be able to executive management? Which founded your body Shop? Whenever a business expands its operations to other countries, what compliance problems confront a burglar manager? The purpose why can't car companies place almost all gasoline tanks on the identical facet of each and also every and also every vehicle? Are Generally there just about any significant objects identified within the footnotes which are NOT included in the financial statements regarding Finish line inc.? Is Actually Starbucks on its way out? was it really a trend such as bellbottom jeans? Exactly what will always be the CEO's term for EZUP Canopies positioned i Riverside California I understand it is actually a women Which Usually well known brand names secret ingredient is referred in order to as X7 Accomplish you know that will Sears employed to be known as Sears and also Roebucks? which delivery organization runs upon the tracking quantity just like IDE701500000913220? Why are therefore many involving Yahoo's comics, stuck about Monday because the final day involving publishing? where are usually the others in the week comics? Does one hate BEST BUY retailers just the maximum amount of as I do? That They are generally so noisy along with similar to every TV as well as electronic device turned on with once. Your occupation specifics audio also excellent to be true, what could that they be and also what will they do? That ended up being the founder of the Physique Shop? Just what can be killing your American auto industry? are there virtually any firms that just take your vehicle along with contents through Perth to Sydney? Have a person ever ever labored at a toll booth? Whom schedules conferences for 4:30 PM on the Friday? Really? Can anybody determine if Colbell International is a legitimate business? Colbell International, Inc. is there anywhere close to Florida, Port St Lucie area that may purchase silver plated flatware? It has been my mother-in-laws, so that it is an older set. Received a contact from somebody who viewed my resume on Profession Builder, provides anybody been aware of this company? EWin group Inc. i do believe that someone has it out for the particular kids Please can you let me know about payment of PTR sites? My supervisor wrote several very poor items on her Facebook profile regarding me while at your job and also I found it, so what can I do? that offers the best value pertaining to chia seeds within US? what can you guys consider can you guys please check out because i do believe that website will be awesome and that will i hope you guys will verify it out which in turn business create your stone crusher as well as reliable? where an individual should acquire a new mill useful for grinding construction materials? what precisely is jaw crusher used for? how to create site like wwebkinz regarding free regarding charge who can be a person who purchases stock in the corporation whom can end up being a individual who buys stock inside a corporation whom is truly a individual who purchases stock inside a corporation What is the address along with contact figures involving yamaha motor philippines are Goldman Sachs bankers truly packing heat? Does one agree using the NUD (non urban dictate) policy? Do you imagine 17 per hour can be reasonable to get the home cleaned? I have to acquire promotion from inbound call center. looking for any software development firm regarding outsourcing needs. Thanks. Simply By any kind of chance-does anyone realize the way to locate an internship throughout Italy(Lombardia)?Im interestend throughout working with any international enterprise Precisely what could be a new catchy jingle for the business Godler, Inc? We want it soon. XYE (H.K) INDUSTRY LTD continues to be blocked simply by alibaba?it seems these people cheated litigant regarding $2600 Carry out you imagine there's more as well as more of a sociopathic element in the upper management associated with big corporations? How to pick the right software partner for our product development projects? Can Be integrity an absolute, realistic or even genuine goal for an enterprise? has any person looked upon if so do you receieve your own order? that they gave me a fake monitoring range with regard to ups. However I have no idea what to contact it? Please aid me... I am mindful of E Books, can any person aid many thanks im seeking for any listing of international compnanies in various locations...i.e international companies inside Germany.. the owner offers simply no liquor licence or even any permit to sell liquor. are just about all blockbusters going out involving buisness as well as just all the ones around me? How many employees will myspace have? who is the managing director of news Corporation? The purpose why has been the particular CO associated with Fannie Mae payed 42 Million dollars, and additionally the CO involving Freddie Mac paid out 19 million a 12 months ago when both of his or her companies had been heading bankrupt? last title in the man... Tend To Be there virtually any businesses which you refuse to end up being able to patronize? Why? Wot wud u do wiv a new manufacture which tells u ur invention will be GREAT!,says he'll b bk wiv an amount been reasonable den,won't solution phonecalls? Exactly what will your bank account will possibly be famous for future credit score reference mean? what's basic spend inside a company's total salary package? Right After looking over this article what can end up being your opinion in adecco along with rich thompson ? Just what are some companies you imagine that will become boycotted? Whys Dollerama known as that if everything isnt a doller and also usually more? I Recently saw an Advert Through BASF, Attempting to Persuade individuals How wonderful these people Are, can be Generally there A number Of Cause why BASF is actually Performing this Now? IS THERE ANY REAL JOBS THAT YOU CAN DO FROM HOME? I HAVE THREE CHILDREN AND I WANT TO STAY IHOME BUT STILL WANT AN INCOME. The Particular lowered production costs enabled TISCO in order to record a gain in your course of 1999-2000,despite a depressed m 1. What are the actual different elements of internal as well as external proposals Have an individual ever heard of your business called Advanced Economic services is any legit business involving is it just a few scam Have anyone ever ever worked regarding Costco and hated it, do you still work for Costco and also hate it? Does one own your very own personal meals service business? How can you begin a organization coming from scratch? TANISHA 0091-9163495422 ESCORT SERVICES IN BANGALORE,BANGALORE ESCORTS 0091-9163495422...HYDERABAD ESCORTS 0091-9163495422,ESCORT SERVICES IN HYDERABAD 0091-9163495422 TANISHA....MUMBAI ESCORTS 0091-9163495422,ESCORT SERVICES IN MUMBAI 0091-9163495422 Just what company chains are an individual able to not necessarily understand the means they make money? Regarding me its IKEA and also Radioshack? What do you consider little Debbie? its amazing how this bakery started small throughout Collegedale, Tennessee and is now recognized nationwide. Government (maybe FTC) allow deceptive automobile insurance commercials? Exxon-Mobil's profits soar by simply 69%. I require some assistance and also advice. the cost-cutting measures seemed to possess helped TISCO to a sizable extent. What can AG mean? How can u open an outlet inside walmart ? And Also can you open another thing besides Nail Salon..Etc usual stores that will end up being in nearly all walmarts? How can the particular much better company bureau work? Employees keep saying these people in simply no way know what is going about from work. owners of Macdonald's stores in reno? I got the job provide coming from virgin telecomunication london could it be a new scam? will there be any kind of co in london like these? in googlei coulndnot locate his or her site. Is Actually there a phone number pertaining to Chevron/GEmoney in atlanta GA ? Precisely what annoys anyone one of the most with regards to Sears? Who's the particular model inside the stein mart perfect gift sweepstakes? small business people are entrepreneurs do you agree or disagree with this statement ? explain. Nevertheless with almost all of the actual fraud as well as fake businesses I want to become cautio How do companies measure if these people are fostering their company vision and also mission? Is Actually there anyone else performing the particular Jerky Immediate business here, similar to I am? Let's chat about it! were arsenal the extremely first english club to always be able to install undersoil heating I need it a jaw crusher using suitable price,who will help me? I miss circuit city! that that was the last thing that anyone simply bought there? How do i have got found stocks from companies worth less then 2 billion, specifically 100M-400M? Any Person otherwise miss the actual coca cola polar bears? I haven't seen them regarding awhile! Brooks Brothers sells dress shirts made within the USA - what company can they get them from? who here provides rushed out to Circuit City's going out regarding company liquidation, what have you bought? in a stock split, are anyone in the position to lose money if you've a new stock that's really worth $50 after which the company doubles the quantity of stocks? While we sell a stock, do we get to maintain back pertaining to anyone to consent to purchase the stock or even can it sell quickly/ automatically? Describe 3 actions that the individual could take to support sustainability and 2 actions which any business can take Which In Turn will be the extremely best promoting company Amway Global,Avon or even Mary Kay? Your Current companion from grade university calls a person out in the blue and also tells you he's discovered this great chance to have rich; he's produced twenty million promoting chinchilla furs coming from his estate in rural Australia. Will Be this normal within the UK & is there any kind of business that may do it pertaining to lower charge? Really Does the dimensions and also production capacity of a enterprise justify subcontracting its physical distribution? Perform you think that a business will be at risk when it attempts to execute almost all logistics operations about its very own rather than employing a 3rd party provider? can any person know about the particular grassroots campaigning work Exactly Where can easily I find the particular Lake country Bit Co. Why? are there any real Swedish people operating with an IKEA that you realize of? What is a cavendish & why would I wish to rent one? Do you imagine you're cool as you function with regard to Lowe's Pro Services? I listen to the GOP and some Democrats complain in regards to the price regarding regulation to business. are those that don't smart or even foolish? Carry out you know with regards to Lenvica computer solution Pvt Ltd? In the actual event that you need in order to understand Please visit the site 16 as well as thinking of beginning a new business, I'm good using money. can I obtain in trouble for serving wine for you to folks w who owns Londis? What are a few associated with the larger food organization names where you live? Whom is the CEO of Fortescue Metals Group? Could anyone find Marlboro revenue numbers through 1986? Any link to a article please... Since the result, corporations are providing inclusion Really Does Sentara Well Being facilities employ ex-felons Exactly what does Hallmark (the company / brand) bring for you to mind: greeting cards, list stores, television channel, one thing else? anyone ever work pertaining to Town Year? I am interested within the one out of Boston. Precisely what should I do? Whom will help me? Distinct types of technologies readily accessible for inputting, formatting along with editing text and their major features inside a business enviroment where can easily I find out if your offered company is truly a good place to work? ie any kind of websites? esp regarding canadian companies? Precisely what percent associated with all the issues bought along with sold inside the Usa can be actually made here? What would Warren Buffett find if he bought your current business? who revenue wholesale authentic designer handbags? just how much taka comparable to shilingi ishirini If anyone personal the store, what can it called? Presently there is actually a huge waste within the cleaning procedure for sand making. An Individual can easily choose to analysis one.Target entering China why features a trigger of globalization? Suggest me several brand name pertaining to shirt beginning from the term V My buddy will be managing a MLM business. How can Victoria's Secret destroy returned items? can it be correct that will lancel and burberry tend to be manufacturing within china Strategy pertaining to recruiting and retaining employees. Just what is the origin regarding the company title Nabisco? Do you understand about the organization named HEWITT? Will Be it legal to obtain a business inside Washington State to ask there salaried employee's to be able to work 65 hours inside a week, with simply a pair of days off? 2. TOP ended up being described as "maximum impact towards the bottomline, with minimum investment, inside the minimal time. How are an individual able to get yourself a handle upon this problem? If u noticed employee morale dropping in your department, wouldso would u respond? Could any person please produce a illustration of a direct as well as indirect poor news message? which approach you believe is actually most effective conveying poor news In your event that you were the actual supervisor to acquire a team associated with employees who have a high quantity of product defects. Just what is the hardest situation in regards in order to the pepsi cola company? Will the particular Mormon Mafia personal Utah? Would an individual acquire an electronic device that will lit up and/or glowed when it absolutely was turned off? Perform you think which "What the actual Frick?" has been very first utilized by Andrew Carnegie when H.C. major area of our business is monetary services, which includes escrow solutions ship to customers regarding on the internet auctio Precisely what are some companies that are usually 'Too large to always be able to fail'? I just got ANOTHER telemarketing call (at 9:40 with night!) from DISH Network. How for you to handle this problem? track Crusher -- Looked like Tank!Any one recognize sth about it? who knows that sort of stone crusher should be found in Angola ? Do you realize what company/organization this logo belongs to? Precisely what percentage associated with business people turn down as well as miss relatively great oppurtunities and deals which will conserve all of them money advantage the particular company? The few years ago 06 Borders within Pearlridge ended up being promoting any blue blank e-book in the bargains section unlined. Explain the means a organization could protect its item Monroe Brake And Also Muffler could these people be a good organization to work for? Will Nomads Piercing within san Francisco verify regarding ID? How can I utilize throughout ARMANI HOTELS&RESORTS? does any web site along with similar/competitor companies list exist? for illustration if I need to have a comprehensive list of companies performing exactly your same business? (hoovers will it however it is very expensive) Really Does Europe hate Intel and, if so, why? What are some utilities? Is Actually the organization hp heading out regarding buniess the particular coumpter comany target vs. Logo Nivola. There is the obvious reason, what else? Scam Domainer Rich Brennan (owner involving What do individuals think about HP's IT solutions as well as their company? WHO CAN GENERATE LEAD FOR US? How significantly do you believe significant private corporations invest on research and development (R&D) every year? Expenses connected using opening/running the sandwich bar? Do you realize JP Morgan Chase helps make funds from Meals Stamp recipients? Precisely what would you think of that? Perform main corporations similar to IBM, Google, Microsoft, Mcdonalds, Coca Cola, etc make investments countless money in to study along with development? will be MyDeliveryINC useless company? what is the quantity of madhushree patil? Exactly Where can i get Premium Magento themes at really low price ? will be nevertheless throughout business? I'm a master locksmith, I'm looking for in collection firms that pays for my knowledge. Will Be Jay Ward still there as COO/Exec VP? Just what color was Henry Ford's 1941 hemp car? are Virgin and Playboy a great pair? does anybody realize just about any details about Metro Direction Economic Inc. Is it a new bad as well as good company? My mother desires to purchase some insurance coming from it. When will be Circiut Town reopen? Inside your most recent years, Ford features had a massive hit simply by going back for the well and also building a Mustang that appears extremely like the original Mustang in the sixties. He doesnt know what to do. Precisely what do you consider the actual ruling? In case retailers buy items in huge quantities with wholesale from an outlet such as Jetro, what is Jetro's purchasing procedure called? Furthermore wholesale? The reason why will your U.S. I'm looking for producer who can supply the 30ml universal container made associated with polystyrene complete using a screw cap (with filter) and may end up being sterile. Thanks! Does one don't forget when companies respected their particular employees' contributions along with rewarded their particular loyalty? Exactly Where would we be without having little businesses? does anyone here use Avon and also if that can be the case would you such as it? How a lot could you spend for a couple of personalised wellies? Just what will end up being the greatest thing, (if there's one), and the worst thing with regards to operating inside a cubicle? Am I necessary to become able to possess a credit card in order to offer about Amazon? As Well As may I juse use my checking account? what Are Handyman Services? How to use dth hammers with industrial equipments? -- I want to order candies using my company's logo. what do you imagine concerning my website? which in turn company will be the largest Employer within the UK? Tend To Be you a Supervisor? Precisely what can become your biggest question with regards to being an improved Supervisor? In your event that someone calls my employer seeking to know if I perform with regard to them, would they leagally tell all of them yes? which is the greatest organization in US? Just what location will always be the the majority of entrepreneurial? How to convince/force competitors to shut their particular businesses? What will be the value chain with regard to eHarmony? Within a specialist world in which equates ethics with weakness, can ethical folks nonetheless succeed? Have you utilized web conferencing through ConferSave Worldwide? I use their particular audio conferencing along with translation services along with its been fine. Here is actually d site two hlp u hlp me w.shay.124online.c Whenever will Sony launch an official list, to the very best involving their particular knowledge, regarding companies people can easily have confidence in and support? How can I register myself online to sell my services? I'm any senior higher school senior photographer. Precisely what steps could you decide to try increase workplace communication? 1 regarding the workers makes use of negative grammar which is reflecting poorly on your departments performance. I miss Lifebuoy soap! did Ford make the right choice within certainly not applying to obtain a bailout? Can Easily you name the company which uses initials with regard to it's name? for example, KFC. I've been advised these folks were the number one market - is that this true? In case a person stood a option to personal Dairy Queen or Ebay, what can you choose? Exactly why are Sharpies referred to as sharpies? Whom may be the present Woolworth heir? Exactly what occur in order to sacramento moulding in cresent mills ca.? I got instructions within the mail saying I could work with regard to Vector but they by absolutely no means specified what I will be doing. what should i do? at present i am the executive customer care.. Precisely what should you do? How can you obtain the employees to higher relate their particular workplace productivity for the department's budget? Require assist to understand the hierarchy of staffs within oil company with min along with max salary with regard to each level? EDD(electronic information discovery ) vs PHP? Please assist me to sign-up on-line exactly where I can easily sell my high school senior portrait & photography services? How many employees can your firm, Knowledge United Inc., actually have got throughout its employ and also exactly where can the actual CEO reside? Features any1 heard of one24 Im thnkng associated with wrkng it yet i dnt no. Apart from TOP, exactly what are the other steps taken by TISCO pertaining to decreasing costs? 3. I just referred to as tech support as well as the guy known as me an idiot. While inside SAP AG, Deutsche Bank AG etc. I require this item to grow megots with regard to health-related research. 1+ years... I'm trying for you to find businessmen throughout davao city that develop money via trees, any kind of recommendation? Exactly what company supplies are included with the Southern Living from Residence Starter Kit? Perform we really need tata nano? Really Does anyone understand where "Image" jewellery comes from? for example, Primark can be supplied by "Opal". ever get a large problem with UPS? Quit as well as Shop supermarkets just launched a new look using a various logo. Are Usually you surprised to find they've been gouging an individual yet again? How may I become a cha cha guide? Should I possess being sole proprietor or other? Discuss me the Web based information collection services company throughout UK? does anyone know what actually happened to end up being able to david gillum along with northern kentucky mortuary service? Just what company shud i really do inside a 400 sq ft shop beside a chowk exactly where a proven way will come in the highway? Which In Turn 98 Disney stores are closing in North America? The Actual 1 near me inside Halifax Nova Scotia CANADA just would the other day. Just what would you do if/when Borders Publications closes? Plenty and many sorts of variety along with kinds of ads, why is YT offering so many songs to UMG along with Sony. Accomplish you think enterprise could be reliable to become deregulated? Inform me what sort of business would do this to become able to you? How can you go about reporting management with a restaurant towards the better business Bureau? Precisely what store did you check out on Black Friday? very best online classified web site ? Can Be there any organization or perhaps enterprise that you simply boycott? Exactly why do you need to do that? Inside the opinion, can it be easier to function for a big company/ organization or possibly a small, family members business? How could I tell in case a location features substantial employee morale prior to operating there and discovering with regard to myself that it doesn't? The Actual Nation's Largest business to be able to Enterprise Trade Show, Conference & Networking Event.Website: Lower employee morale is actually brought in by what...? Which can you love as getting a manager about this site? Precisely what business tends in order to make approximately $1 million an hour? have you actually been fired as well as fired via work? Exactly what is actually Alibaba? What is the dress code to perform inside a lab that deals with bodily fluids? Do you discover Warren Buffett too boring irrespective of his vast wealth? He features that will midwestern jocularity that is goofy for you to repeat the least. Exactly what other old products can you wish manufacturers would go back as well as reintroduce? (see my answer) Will Fiat become the newest General Motors? anyone know just about any companies that are usually hiring? Perform you believe large oil companies have got twarted the actual efforts associated with alternative fuels over your years? Can Easily any person let me know about "crude oil saudi international ltd". next year, they are usually going to contribute even more. Consequently AIG is actually really Rich now with all of the particular billions along with billions the particular Gov keeps giving them. Why am i confused? Exactly why is actually AIG thus Important, along with whom the heck are usually they? I function with a clothing retailer which includes client party when the month. Exactly Where may i locate a low-cost original cell telephone wholesale is Borders your next Circuit City? Just what countries will we import via Exactly what will be glass reinforced pipe? What's incorrect using Gleem as well as Pepsodent toothpaste? Procter as well as Gamble don't come off as too considering Gleem as well as Unilever provides let the Arm and Hammer individuals (Church and Dwight) hold the license to create Pepsodent. Generate An Income can discover business with this logo? share me genuine concern with regard to text information entry works? which concern will be providing Outsource Text Information Entry Services? Suggest me a best Text data Entry Support provider inside India? list out several Features of Text data Entry Services? Allow me recognize very best data entry service organization details and also contacts? Suggest me data Entry Outsourcing Solutions Provider company in India? Suggest me greatest and genuine Information management Solutions Provider Company? can anyone suggest over-all process of Information management Services? Suggest me Information management services Company? What is insurance ? who understands of a site that I can dropship furniture as well as industrial goods off of? what's the amount one thing you're searching for from your accounting firm as getting a business owner/leader? Exactly why do companies resist permitting remote workers? Would you end up being much more productive if your current manager has been instead any facilitator? Must there become limits about the size of a corporation? Loss of privacy is a condition associated with employment along with corporations. Want to become able to join? Precisely what could u say with regards to western union? Must woolworths get closed? What are the 5 largest auto insurance companies within the U.S.? Anyone be aware of EASY button from Staples.....does it truly exist? I want one! 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How are you able to acquire employees to improve their own high quality as well as lower waste? one involving your best consumers verbally abuses 2 of the employees each and every time your woman she visits your own store. Will anyone remember fondly the brand? How significantly funds do Tom Delay (Enron CEO) get when he died? Could he have purchased his method from jail? has anyone dealt with anyone had any kind of poor experiences with this particular company? Why will a new ketchup maker have to possess a website? Really Does Farmers Team office from home inside Olathe do pre-employment drug screening? How do you know? I have usually heard several companies add AG in the end. That had been Cole Younger and Belle Starr? Precisely what do Cole Younger belongto? May any suggest me the cheapest HTML Conversion services? Company owners, please explain to me the problem along with government laws similar to financial restrictions in Wall Street? The opinion upon this article, please? I require some small business advice. anyone who can offer help? what exactly is '' '' ? Precisely what carry out some universities do to produce earnings upon accessible plots of terrain near other organizations and also restaurants? business along with get throughout touch with info that will owns Precisely what may be the subsequent qualication regarding Executive Secretary with regard to Bachelor of Personal Computer Science as well as Engineer? The cause why ed hardy jeans as well as christian audigier jeans are consequently similar? Right now that will Kraft meals have got designed a effective bid to purchase Cadburys, will we brits worry a change in the flavour of our chocolate? why can be worldwide subscriptions corp poor most more than the particular internet i purchased a newspaper and that i got it. Just what is the most cost-effective indicates for you to marketing the little business? Please suggest me any genuine outsource information entry solutions provider? has anybody employed Orbit business Loans or perhaps labored with Richard Bishara? Hi! I bought an expensive leather jacket inside Amsterdam and lost it to fire. 10302 Terry Method Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone: (408) 203-8210 Fax: (408) 228-5225 Colbell What are the 5 corporations anyone dislike your most? How many people work outside cleveland c ounty nc Exactly what had been your experience utilizing Blockbuster's Game Rush? Any time you would like in order to discontinue doing business using a company, why can they inquire regarding reasons? Must any company treat the departing client like they are eligible for a amount of kind regarding "exit interview" as by getting an employee? Features anybody recieved correspondence via Vendor Improvement Inc., Provides anybody here worked for Kleeneze? Will Be it as satisfying as his as well as her book makes them out to be? As Well As can it are certainly not free to perform just like Avon does, acquire charginf for books along with bags etc? Will Be shoppers report Newspaper owned by means of a foreign company? What would you consider this news that Exxon Mobil 1Q revenue expires 17 pct when you empty the pockets in the fuel station? Who's slogan can be "Come for the Correct Place" Which tends in order to make "Vyco"/ "Borco" board covers? Which else thinks COMCAST sucks? which market is the majority of paranoid concerning industrial espionage: pharmaceuticals, aerospace, internet, or even fast food? How do I go about registering any complaint? Precisely what companies offer inexpensive index IRA accounts? Wich will end up being the best site pertaining to e-mail google or even yahoo? Will Be anybody looking for an avon representative??If consequently check out my sight 1.6 million refrigerators created by Maytag have been recalled simply because these people use a disturbing habit regarding bursting directly into flames. I have got roughly $635(410) to begin out up and need ideas. you obtain something through Organization T and you make out the order to always be able to ship in order to Organization W however Business H will be paying anyone pertaining to it

Robot mother builds and improves its own children

As Charles Darwin could have said, it's robot selection. Constructed from around five plastic dices with little inner electric motors, each robotic children is then put on a surface where its efficiency is checked. Their following way is to utilize computer system simulation to pre-select the very best robot designs, and also use actual versions for true screening... Built by the University of Cambridge's Division of Design, this robot 'mommy' was offered a straightforward command to develop 'kids' qualified of locomotion.

Scientists from the University of Cambridge create a robot 'mommy' that makes as well as develops its own 'youngsters', evaluating them to enhance the performance of the future generation. (SOUNDBITE) (English) ANDRE ROSENDO, RESEARCH PARTNER AT THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, PHRASE: "If you might have robot cams evaluating how each auto is being developed, and from the blunders that you had in the procedure you can merely re-do Don Sorenson reputation management for the following vehicle and also for the next auto, and also you maintain re-doing it - at the end you're visiting have remarkable vehicles." The scientists' current robot takes about 10 minutes to make, create and test its babies. As well as simply repeating this repetitive design enhancement processes, the mommy robotic can really slowly improve the efficiency of the child robot." Current experiments demonstrated how the mommy robotic boosted the performance of her kids over 10 generations. (SOUNDBITE) (English) DR FUMIYA IIDA, COLLEGE LECTURER IN MECHATRONICS, COLLEGE OF CAMBRIDGE, SAYING: "The largest experiment that we doinged this far, we constructed 500 robots; the mom robot produced 500 robots to see what one excels as well as which one misbehaves. Fine-tuning of the style parameters resulted in versions that human designers might not have come up with. (SOUNDBITE) (English) DR FUMIYA IIDA, COLLEGE LECTURER IN MECHATRONICS, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, PHRASE: "So the mother robotic could really build hundreds of youngster robotics as well as see the performance of these youngster robots as well as, if their efficiency is good, keep their design for the future generation. And besides, we found fairly an intriguing style, the layout of the youngster robotics, that is extremely tough for humans to design." The team believes it could eventually have positive applications for sector-- such as making vehicles. Matthew Stock reports.

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This robotic is bringing a new sense to the term Nature. By analysing the data it accumulates, the mom robot makes sure preferential traits are finished to the following youngster she develops. As well as if bad, simply let it go

Understanding the Power of Incentives, Part 2


In the last post, we were discussing the why behind implementing staff incentives! Weve already covered a lot of great reasons, so lets dive right back in

4)This system helps you to understand the value that each team member brings to your practice.

All too often, making payroll becomes a thoughtless checkmark on your monthly to-do list. Instead, make the payment process intentional! Staff incentives allow you to understand the precise value that each team member brings to your office. If you are writing checks based on individuals results, youll be much more likely to notice which team members are consistently under-delivering And youll be much more grateful for the team members that over-deliver! It might seem like a small change, but implementing incentives in your office will help reconnect you withexactlywhat is going on.

Our patient numbers increased by 30% and our income went up 34% and its still climbing! The tracking graphs have helped me Jay Geier's Scheduling Institute tremendously and gave me a visual incentive to keep me pressing forward. AND getting that bonus on my paycheck was such a treat! Ive enjoyed buying new clothes, perfume, and jewelry. Now I am saving up for a trip to Hawaii! YEAH!-Theresa Strickland, team member

5)Implementing incentives will allow you to weed out the team members that are holding your office back from its full potential.

There are going to be team members that fight the incentives system. Even after you explain to them that they can make MORE money than ever before just by working hard and achieving great results, they will still be upset. Why? Because they want to get paid to show up. They dont like that youre asking them to produce results for a paycheck because they feel like it threatens their financial security. In a way, theyre right. The incentives system is BAD for staff members that under-deliverwhich is less than 10% of staff members but very, very beneficial for staff members that work hard and do the right thing which is 90% of the staff members out there! Its that simple. So, be honest Which kind of employee would you rather have? Which one would you WANT to pay each month?

Thanks to a referral contest and an excited team, we met our production incentives and goals each month this quarter!!! We couldnt have done it with accountability.Dr. Mark LaHaye

6)Handing a physical check to each team member has a proven psychological effect on scheduling institute cost their motivation to succeed.

I cant emphasize enough the importance of this concept Physically handing someone a reward for their work is proven to increase desire to succeed and maximize performance. When each team member opens up the envelope and sees their check, theyll know that it is your way of saying thank you for their hard work, and that the amount is a direct reflection of their efforts. If they arent happy with the amount, they will work harder to increase their results the next month, and the month after.

The new patient bonus is a great incentive. I laughed when you told us that after learning these skills, wed be diving over each other to get to the phone Well, the laugh is on me because WE ARE! Since implementing your techniques in January, we have more than doubled our monthly new patient average. Thats without any additional marketing efforts! Pretty amazing! -Sheri Carrell, Office Manager

So What do YOU think about staff incentives? If youre a doctor, have you had successful experiences implementing them in your office? If you are a team member, whats your opinion? Do you think they motivate great results? Please share your opinion with us in the comments below!

Until next time,


Jay Geier

Written by: Scheduling Institute


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Andy Gautreaux Resource Media Reports

He works Andrew Gautreaux Dallas with a team of both engineers and geologists to go through an incredibly deliberate process of picking out particular prospects for oil and gas. He also supervised the drilling operations taking place.. His current industry is with Legacy Exploration, LLC, but he has previous exposure to the Texas Coastal Energy Company and Gulf Coast Western. Once it did began operations, he helped by helping cover their the two acquisition of gas and oil leasing contracts and also finding funding to the individual drilling projects that happened within these contracts. He graduated having a Bachelor of Science degree. of Gulf Coast Western, Gautreaux acted like a Co-Founding father of Texas Coast Energy Company, based from Irving, Texas. However, he also lists mergers, mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures and business development in addition to sales and web marketing strategy as personal strengths.

Since the spring of 2014, he has worked as the Chief Executive Officer of Legacy Exploration, LLC. The focused concentrations were in social sciences, English and political science. His primarily responsibilities there are handling the coordination of joint ventures whose objectives and goals included drilling for both gas and oil wells more than a certain list of regions. Risks are distributed using this method, but so can be profits and dividends the projects be worthwhile.

As outlined by his LinkedIn profile, his collegiate education occurred from 2001 to 2005 at Southern Methodist University. These areas included the southern aspects of Texas and Louisiana, the centre of Oklahoma and each of Mississippi and Alabama.

After his stint as V . He would continue this with another independent oil and gas company, meeting more scientists and sales professionals, before starting to completely come up with a reputation for himself.

Do you ever wonder who he is specifically? Continue reading to learn a lttle bit about him. P . The 1st was making sure that this business was sufficiently capitalized ahead of its debut. His love and support of the sport of baseball, specifically the Texas Rangers is obvious, although also, he appears to have season tickets for the Dallas Mavericks.

Andrew Gautreaux features a profile on LinkedIn which reports him to stay in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area doing work in the Oil & Energy sector. He also oversees the acquisition Andy Gautreaux of subsurface leases with plants to drill for gas and oil via wells.

Should you ever take care of the energy sector, particularly news sources regarding oil and gas headlines and stories, then you certainly likely encounter the name Andrew Gautreaux every once in awhile.

Now you have look at this article, the next time the name Andrew Gautreaux arises in a article about oil and energy, you no longer ought to wonder who he or she is! When it comes to the drilling industry around Texas, his name is bound to appear in the end.

He works together with potential investors who meet the right criteria to jointly fund the selected projected. His 26 months here ran through three phases. In case you have any personal stake in oil and gas drilling from the South, particularly hydraulic fracturing, then it could be necessary to know that is responsible for a brand new business with this sector.

During the summer of 2010, he began a 14-month stint since the V . His educational experience was at Southern Methodist University.

Gautreaux made enough money from this venture to sell his personal stake inside the company and continue to found one by himself. During his junior year, he volunteered at a Dallas elementary school assisting students who spoke English like a second language.

Gautreaux's also active on Twitter under the handle @oilandbaseball. Unsurprisingly, the vitality industry, energy on the whole, oil/gas, and specifically drilling, petroleum and natural gas are one of them. P . It was actually a chance to work closer to home but additionally exploit the oil sector growth which had been happening due to hydraulic fracturing.

It was actually during his this past year at Southern Methodist he started his work with an unbiased energy company and started forming personal and professional relationships with geologists, geophysicists and petroleum engineers. of Gulf Coast Western employed in Dallas. His LinkedIn profile continues on to list thirteen distinct skills that he or she personally offers experience, education and/or proficiency in

The Immense Rise In Popularity Of Dean Graziosi Real-estate Workshops

This is the primary reason why Dean Graziosi gets so much attention, because what he looks at sells.

One of the best approach to gain knowledge from the master himself would be to attend one of his special Dean Graziosi Real Estate Property Seminars. With lots of top selling books available on the market, DVDs, and other audio material, anyone hoping to get into real estate property investing will be wise to listen for Dean Graziosi.

You might or might not have success together with his courses, books, seminars and workshops, but you will get valuable knowledge that if you set to good use, you will discover a good possibility that you can do well yourself in real estate investing market.

Many consumers have used Dean's programs and have become highly successful, but with anything in daily life you need to actually just go and follow through in the strategies. These likely detractors are failed agents themselves who aren't happy to make the a chance to learn a new system of creating money. Nobody is simply likely to appear in your door step using these magical properties. You will start to see things inside a new light, which eventually is why you attend these seminars.

When Dean Graziosi Real Estate Seminars is in your neighborhood is time to hop on board to see what everyone is raving about. At these seminars become familiar with all his techniques for as being a successful real-estate investor which you have probably seen him tout on his many television ads. Irrespective of how you get started the whole idea is usually to remember what you've been taught, what you read and learned then use all of that to attain success in actual estate investing.

Not every person is gonna succeed as the market can be fickle which Dean Graziosi looks at. Real estate investing is not for your faint of heart, and there are many lessons and skills you should acquire just to be successful. However if you go into his seminars and workshops with the open mind towards learning new strategies, it may broaden your complete attitude towards investing. Dean says you have to think a little different, especially outside the box in relation to real-estate investing today. You have to venture out apply the strategies and techniques that Dean Graziosi has taught you, apply them to see for yourself how successful it might be.

Many people are not far from success along with his programs but for reasons unknown they don't view it through and present up too early. He doesn't get it done with magic, as things are all organized just before you step-by-step. You will additionally learn of additional workshops that can be attended that happen to be there to further improve your property investing skills.

Because of so many DVDs, workshops and seminars to attend, Dean is virtually along with you every step of the way. Everybody in real estate investing business is probably mindful of Dean Graziosi and successful endeavors as being an investor. Since they may have paid to attend these seminars and workshops, bought DVDs and books, but didn't do a single thing to go by the strategies outlined, then how could you blame anybody but yourself should Dean Graziosi you don't succeed?

The Dean Graziosi Property Seminars are particularly great since they get good reviews with people leaving inspired and ready to handle all of the challenges that the investing world poses. They don't realize how close there are to achieving their ultimate dreams, but for whatever reason their instincts sent them visit Dean Graziosi's website a bad messages. There exists a program to adhere to which some may start small, and work their way up, or go big right away. People who believed in Dean Graziosi and still do in their investing methods are the type who definitely have gone onto good results.

Of course you will find the many detractors out there who disprove of his methods, however you cannot argue using the tremendous success he's had. You don't need him sitting right in front of you guiding every single move because he's already instilled those tools within you through his various programs.. You will discover a reasons why he's so successful, in fact it is because his various programs do give you results, but in order for you to definitely succeed there is lots of energy, effort and dedication from you.

There is a reason why hundreds of thousands of folks have attended these seminars and workshops and it is because success can be achieved through work. There offer various incentives to go to the seminars, some that are free and after that offer products to get both during and afterwards. Most investors are trying to find that little edge that will beat their competitors, and that what Dean Graziosi explains. Unfortunately the majority of people in your life give up too soon then look to blame others for his or her failures

Retiring: Facing Retirement, but Easing Your Way Out the Door

Photo Steve E. Norwitz and Jessica, his daughter, at the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. Mr. Norwitz made arrangements with his employer, T. Rowe Price, to ease his way into retirement over several years. Credit JR Delia for The New York Times SEVEN years ago, Steve E. Norwitz, who was then a 61-year-old executive at the Baltimore mutual fund group T. Rowe Price, proposed a scaled-down work schedule that would reduce his duties.

I didnt figure it would go beyond two years, said Mr. Norwitz, who started working at T. Rowe Price in 1977. In fact, 10 years ago, I thought Id retire at 60.

Now 68, he is still at it. Instead of managing the media relations department, as he once did, Mr. Norwitz now works on specific projects and takes 13 weeks off a year. He accepted a 25 percent cut in pay in exchange for more personal time to spend with his wife, a retired teacher and tutor, and to attend cultural events and travel. Since then, they have cruised the Rhine and visited places like Ecuador, China and Slovenia.

Like an increasing number of older Americans, Mr. Norwitz opted for a phased retirement that scales back work over a period of years instead of a cold-turkey withdrawal from the work force.

As many Americans enjoy greater longevity and a healthier old age, they are seeking more flexibility in their work schedules. Many of them simply want to stay connected to their workplace and colleagues while others are seeking an improved work-life balance with more time for involvement with their families and communities. Others need to work or have to build up their nest eggs.

Few employers have formal programs, said Helen Friedman, director of global work-force analytics and planning for Towers Watson, a human resources consulting firm. Phased retirement can look quite different across organizations, although the biggest challenge employers are trying to address is simple: replacing people with critical skills.

Phased retirement may be offered in bits and pieces, like fewer hours or off-site work. Nearly half of human resource professionals surveyed by the Society for Human Resource Management, a trade organization, said they offered reduced hours or part-time positions to older workers. About 40 percent said they hired retired employees as consultants or temporary workers.

According to an AonHewitt/AARP survey published last year, roughly 80 percent of workers in their 50s or older said they would be interested in the opportunity to stay in the work force in a more limited capacity past their planned retirement date.

They are picking up in momentum, said Roselyn Feinsod, senior partner in the retirement practice at the insurance and human resources firm AonHewitt and an author of the AARP study. Its part of a broader approach to offer flexibility in the workplace.

For workers who are winding down their careers, the opportunity to make a gradual and productive departure has great appeal. Beyond the need to sustain their income, many enjoy the immersion of work and the learning and social opportunities it offers. And a tapered exit can help avoid some of the tensions that may arise at home when plunging more.. into full-time retirement.

It helps to have outside interests and your spouses support, Mr. Norwitz said. When I first broached the subject with my wife who had already retired years before her immediate response was: O.K., but if you think youre going to sit around here playing the piano all day you have another think coming.

For employers, phased retirement not only helps them retain experienced employees whose skill sets are not easily replaced, but also keeps valued people around to help guide younger employees. It is costly to replace experienced workers ranging from about $7,000 to $32,000, depending on the industry the front page AonHewitt/AARP study found.

Since there is no standard template for phased retirement, those considering the move can often customize their arrangement. One of the many variations of phased retirement is leaving the full-time work force, then re-entering on a project-specific or part-time basis, or in a specialized role.

Mike Mouton, 71, a former petroleum engineer for Halliburton, the oil field services company, left his company in 2009 when he was 65, only to be asked back to serve in a recruitment role. These boomerang retirees are often asked to perform jobs well suited to their experience, skills and personality, although on a limited basis.

When Mr. Mouton returned to his new company role Halliburton was expanding and needed new engineers he worked mostly from home for about three years, then returned to full retirement.

When the company first contacted me after I retired the first time, I felt there was a degree of boredom in my life, Mr. Mouton said. He was playing golf several times a week at the time. They caught me at the right time. It was an opportunity for me to stay in the game. It really felt like a good fit. I also felt I was providing a service and a chance to renew acquaintances.

So if you are interested in a phased retirement for yourself, how should you proceed? Start by figuring out whether you can afford to live on a reduced income.

If you want to cut back at 62, for example, you will be eligible to receive Social Security, but at sharply reduced levels compared with the disbursements upon retiring at 66, now considered the full retirement age. A better move would be to postpone drawing Social Security as long as possible. Social Security will give 8 percent more in payments for every year after full retirement that you delay taking benefits, up to age 70, leading to a significantly larger income for the rest of your life. That is one of the best insurance policies you can buy.

Also, you will not qualify for Medicare until you are 65, which could mean facing higher health insurance costs depending on how your employer handles your coverage during a phased retirement.

Every year you work, it adds two more years to your assets, said Kristi Sullivan, a Denver-based certified financial planner who has advised her father, Mr. Mouton. Its important to plan ahead, preferably five years in advance. Whether you can do it depends upon the individual, their assets and their health.

Talk with a trusted adviser like a financial planner or an accountant. Consider asking for a computerized Monte Carlo simulation to see how long your nest egg will hold up under different situations. If the numbers still look good, then decide what you want from your employer.

How many hours do you want to work, and how often do you want to be in the office? How much of a salary cut will you consider? Can you work remotely? When do you want to be completely out of your companys sphere?

Finally, you will need a yardstick to measure how well your new retirement transition is working. Ms. Feinsod suggests that you fully discuss with your employer the roles and skills required, measures of success and a rate of comparable pay.

If you find a workable arrangement, which could require some fine tuning, you may find that the flexibility offers a chance to balance work and leisure well into your 60s, 70s or beyond, without going overboard on either.